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Travel'n Man

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Everything posted by Travel'n Man

  1. Momo Competition Steering Wheel - road feel better - grip better - action better - I will not be going back to the stock wheel - I'll keep it in storage but doubt I'll ever put it back on.
  2. Nik - Sounds like a great running project - be sure to research - most of the issues you are going to have are discussed in detail within the site Welcome! Get ready for a great ride!
  3. I have a set in my car - fantastic!
  4. .................or this..........http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/50-5351
  5. This is what I have in my car along with the MSA rear speaker panel - works great! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-Low-Profile-Kick-Panel-Speaker-Mounts-/250882429775?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3a69c2134f
  6. Parts look great - I'm fired up - let us know once the prices get confirmed!
  7. I love a nice set of twins..................damn, I'm in the wrong thread!!.........hahaha!
  8. One more notation - check this out on the COMPE steering wheel http://s30zed.blogspot.com/2011/07/datsun-competition-steering-wheel.html
  9. From 1974 Laugh In - - - - - - - "very in-ter-es-ting!" with a little german accent! BUYER BEWARE!!
  10. Hey Steve - get ready to put a big :classic: on your face with those Mikuni's!!
  11. I did not notice the placement of the wheel closer or further away from me - the diameter is much less so therefore you would have more room to come in and get out. The actual grip is 10 fold better - I still have my original wheel and will not sell it but the Momo will stay on the car. I had been looking for a Compe wheel and gave up due to the fact that I did not want to get one from Japan and I really hated to spend the $600 on the steering wheel. The Momo Competition is super comfortable and is more than 1/3 the price as the one currently on e-Bay for $655.00! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-COMPE-steering-wheel-Brand-New-240z-280z-510-/300591445163?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item45fca574ab
  12. You're going to love the Momo - much better feel - the stock steering wheel is just too thin!
  13. Do you know the value of the lean and is the car worth paying the lean to get the title? What was the lean for and the date of the lean? Did somebody need some fast cash or was it a mechanic's work that was involved.................a couple hundred dollars is one thing - a few thousand is another. When you purchase a car from anybody you expect proper title work when you get your tag and pay the taxes - I think I would be calling the Police as well.
  14. Thomas - I've got all mine changed but my speedo - any tricks of the trade to get to those bad boys?
  15. Love those carbs and engine mod's. Drove my car this morning - everyday is just a total thrill - tons of power and torque!!
  16. You may want to remove the locking tab - or - slightly bend it. Your carb may need that stop in place to keep things in the set position.
  17. Rob - I spoke with several folks from racing to engine building to carb work and everybody told me that nobody ran a return fuel line and all were in agreement of 3 PSI - From my research it is better to push the fuel than to pull it with a better fuel flow and more consistant flow. I can push my car as far as I want and there is no stutter - hesitation - stalling of any kind. I was very concerned with vapor locks - hot fuel - low pressure......................so far my set up is dead on. I did not try to overcarb my engine or under power it with my engine modifications. I feel that I have gotten my power band vs hp vs fuel flow about dead on. Planning on hitting the dyno next month - it will be great to see what kind of numbers I am actually putting down.
  18. Installed an air horn - great sound - much louder and more brilliant than the stock horns. I left them installed (just dewired). Easy install with a enclosed relay. 77839 - Compact Italian Air Horns http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/car+accessories/exterior+accessories/compact+italian+big+truck+sound+air+horn.do?search=basic&keyword=horn&sortby=newArrivals&page=1
  19. Welcome to the site -my son got his masters from Furman - I was an IPTAY guy for several years - get ready for a great ride!!
  20. If she doesn't run I believe I would start with the engine - then the brakes - suspension and finally the body. This could be a very expensive venture for you. You really may want to create a shopping list from some of the vendors and see what kind of a budget you would need. It really may be cheaper to save a little more money and buy a car that runs from the beginning. I am speaking from experience, Datsun parts and pieces are not cheap. Best of luck and I will be watching your progress!
  21. Call Dave Rebello at Rebello Racing - super knowledgeable and can help guide you - if you do need a reground - he can knock that out for you as well
  22. Drove my car this evening, late. Normally do not drive at night but the dash lights looks great with the new bulbs in - all are changed but the speedo - that is going to be tough without or without removing. Speedo lights all work but just not as bright as the new ones (of course with the upgraded parking light harness!!). Next project is to adjust headlights - gotta find a 155.5 foot parking lot without many lights so I can make my adjustments.................
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