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Travel'n Man

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Everything posted by Travel'n Man

  1. I had a request from Todd to add a few pic's of my Momo steering wheel - here you go!
  2. Alright guys - I've driven for the weekend (no snow or salt yet on my roads, so I'm a happy camper!). Recaro seats are fantastic - much more support - just imagine your shoulders getting support while you are driving - totally impossible with stock seats. You azz sits tight - no more holding on to the steering wheel to keep your azz from sliding around - no more back sliding! Total side support - you body stays where it should instead of taking twistys and supporting your body through the steering wheel. Along with the Momo steering whee,l these are the two best improvements I have done in my cockpit.
  3. My stock seats I did not install any spacers - the current Recaro's I did not use any spacers and I am sitting approx 1" (give to take) higher than I was which works for me - I did have a spacer in the first install of the Recaro's and I had to remove it (I was too high) - I'm 5' 10" with the back of the seat reclined some. I believe there would be room in my set up for a helmet but not sure about the extra inches with your height. Come up for a way for me to measure for you and I can - I guess I could go seat cushion to headliner - let me know if you need that measurement............
  4. Thanks for the thumbs up - I drove for 7 hours today (my daily driver for work) and as soon as I got in the evening I had to go and sit in the car to double check the height factor. All is good!
  5. Sorry - already installed - it's just basiclly a metal template that lines up perfect for the floor holes that the seat currently bolts to - the adjustable brackets bolt into the ends - really a piece of cake once you get the Wedge brackets unless you want to make a bracket yourself with crossbars.
  6. Recaro Sports installed - The main trick is keeping the seats low as possible. These seats are larger than the original ones (with tons more support). I have a pump up lumbar support on the left hand lower side of both seats, tons of shoulder support, your butt sits much firmer in the seat as well as your side. Much more of a drivers seat to go with the Momo steering wheel, which has a fantastic feel and thickness (if you have not thought about a thicker steering wheel it makes a HUGE difference). Both great improvements for driving. I'm sure I'll miss the looks of the iconic Datsun seats - as some point I may put them back in (but I doubt it). Wedge Engineering made the install easy - their brackets are adjustable for height if needed.
  7. I'm in North Carolina so it took 7 days - it looks like you are in Calif. so only a few days for you for shipping.
  8. Thanks for the pic above. I have my Wedge Engineering brackets due in today from UPS and removed the Datsun seats last night. You are right - it's going to be a tight fit but the support from the Recaros is going to be fanstastic. I'll post pic's once installed this evening. I am going to keep the Datsun seats just in case..................you never know. The Pole Positions could be a little smaller but the backs are fixed. I'll keep the Sports for 2012 driving season and then could move to something else if the Sports are overly large. I placed them in the car last night and the support was fantastic - my wife even agreed when she sat in the car. HUGE difference from stock but this is a larger seat..................time will tell. I'll get some pics up later of this install...............stay tuned.
  9. Do you have any in-line fuel filter other then the ones inside the carbs? If your carbs filters have filled full of debris in the past do you actually have a larger problem in your tank?
  10. She looks fantastic - I just sold my 1929 Ford Roadster and trying to talk the wife into a Porsche................not luck yet. I'm partial to whaletails and slant-nose.
  11. Come on now Arne - that just's a teaser! Give a little more info that that beautiful Porsche!
  12. ...........agreed with the above statement - nobody knows SU's better then Bruce and ZTherapy. You could have stopped up filters in the carbs if they are still in there - you could have floats not set right - you could have bad fuel - you could have bad fuel lines going from the float bowls - you could need new needles - you could have the valves turned the wrong direction - you could have your chokes set too tight..........the list kinda goes on for a long time.............ZTherapy can help you and send you the correct parts and pieces that you will need. Be sure to get a few extra float bowl gaskets - you will need a few extra to have on hand.
  13. I left my "rubbers" uncut.............. - kinda sounds like a bad porn movie!
  14. There is a HUGH educational value of using the sites "search" feature. Not only does the searcher get to find the answer to his or her question that has been covered at least 1000 times, but it also enables the searcher to stumble on other tidbits of valuable information about the subject on hand.
  15. PM me and I can take a pic of it and email it to you. Make sure this is the style that you want.
  16. I have an almost new (only used for a few months) one that I will sell you for $30 if you want it...........pm me and we can discuss if needed. It is non locking. I'll pay for the shipping...........your call.
  17. Great looking project - I'm sure you will enjoy the car for many years to come! Enjoy the ride!
  18. I'm looking forward to my upgrade this winter - a person has to save a few garage projects for snowy weekends! Glad you had an easy fix - thanks to Dave! He has gotten me out of the weeds more than once!
  19. Chris - Welcome to the site - don't worry about hurting the value - instead - make the car what you want it to be! Cars are meant to be driven. If you want some more horsepower just do it. If you want a spoiler or something do that as well. IMO the main thing to do is to keep it era correct so it looks like it should have looked in the '70's. The main thing is to make sure it is dependable, and a great weekend cruiser! Get some pics up when you get a chance so we can all see what you have! Enjoy the ride!!
  20. This is one of those items that all Z owners need to have a back up on their shelves. Since all the turn signals - brake lights - warning flashers and all that stuff goes through these lights I have a couple extra..................that along with an extra combo unit or two as well.............you gotta love those old wiring systems!!
  21. Send a PM to Dave - he is the forum expert on electrical - he made me a plug and play connection for my '72. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/content.php?141-Honda-Wiper-Motor-Upgrade-for-the-240Z
  22. Ray- Be sure to post that event when we get closer - not sure if Hagerty will insure me for a track event.
  23. Brackets are on order as we speak - I did not want to use my existing sliders on my current seats in case I want to sell them as a set - they are dead on perfect - look fantastic with new foam and skin - just looking for more support for longer trips and hoping the Recaro Sports will fit and look correct in the Z - if they are too large I'll put them on ebay and buy some Recaro Pole Position. Did you get headrests with your Compe seats? That is one of my concerns with the current original seats - not much body support and very little neck support in case of a wreck - since we have no airbags or other modern safety equipment (my buddy's COBRA was hit twice and total on the last impact) I really want to do whatever is possible so I can walk away from a crash..........hopefully.
  24. Glenn- Get in touch with Wedge Engineering - they can hook you up with a custom bracket that will mount those bad boys right up (along with sliders if you need them). http://www.wedgeengineering.net/ They will need to know your bolt hole position (front to back - and - side to side) on the sliders or seats - the bracket kit for Datsuns 240Z's they already have a templete, so it is an easy fix if you don't mind paying the money. Let us know how they sit once you get finalized.
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