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Travel'n Man

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Everything posted by Travel'n Man

  1. Better to feel the love, than to have crickets! Enjoy the ride!! Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  2. Triple no Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  3. Looks Great! Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  4. If you are like me the dark wheels changed the entire personality of my z. I did have to have mine re powder coated flatter than what I ordered from Japan. The original color was too glossy for my personal taste It does take a few weeks to get use to them. I did get a second grill and rear finisher and painted the the same color as the wheels. My rear shade is coordinated as well too. I have thought to get a 2nd rear spoiler and color as well.. it would be like having 2 z's by changing a few items back ever other year Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  5. My son went to z Furman for 5 years. Greenville is a cool town Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  6. You know "while you are at it" a little porting and polishing should be completed. Remember a lot of horsepower is generated in the head. Great time to look at a step or two larger cam. Dave Rebello charges $180 for any size you want the last time he quoted me. All based on your budget naturally. Keep us posted Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  7. My zip is 28607 Boone NC Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  8. It's yours to research. You figure out all that stuff and I'll give you my PayPal account or you can send me a check. You can weld and cut all you want to Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  9. Your local NAPA dealer should have a bin full of them..........
  10. Here it is 2017 and Rebello is still selling Pacesetter Headers. Dave told me he likes the biggest primaries he can find. These are 1 5/8" OD. Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  11. . Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  12. JL - I've got a junker tank that has a hole in it - you pay shipping and it's yours for research...........let me know. I'm in 28607
  13. Freeze it and tap it in place Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  14. Yep Saw it......everybody our age has a 240z memory! Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  15. Damn hard to find! I keep a fully restored one in storage cause you'll never know until you need it Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  16. http://www.ultrarev.com/CARDONE-10-5000MCB-Service-Plus-Brake-Master-Cylinder-Bleeder-Tool.html?imt=1&gclid=Cj0KEQiA-_HDBRD2lomhoufc1JkBEiQA0TVMmjVkg3rz9q8FFQRT5G99HBduxd-EMHWiQWDtum1UwDgaAvpZ8P8HAQ&utm_campaign=Shopping&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=PPC&utm_content=HighPriorityCampaign Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  17. Nissan Corp brought a Vintage Z to ZDAYZ 2016 last year it was sad to see. The car had been in store age and not cared for at all........too many cars and not enough to time evidently.. Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  18. I do a reverse bleed and push fluid into the master to push the air up - works like a charm.
  19. Always hear a return line keeps the furl cooler and the pump running quieter.... I am deadheaded currently Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  20. No pictures? Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  21. Ordered a Rebello 3.0 stroker Sent from my SM-T350 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  22. Let me know about your exhaust build.....I may be interested as well Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  23. Rebello Rocks! Sounds like a great project. What will you do for a cam, flywheel, clutch, and exhaust? Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  24. Dave Rebello Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  25. Remember you may need shorter valve seals......,. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
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