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Travel'n Man

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Everything posted by Travel'n Man

  1. Jeff- Before you do I would advise you searching for "ron tyler" mount. There have been several discussions and I have had some excellect sucess from not using the new Nissan Mount that I purchased - well, actually it stayed on my car for about 1 month - yes, a new one - and then I tryed the R/T mount and my "differential blues" are gone! Just another Z car fans viewpoint!---------take it or leave it..........by the way - welcome to the site and hang on - its a fast ride!
  2. Rick- Fantastic pictures, I'm sure there are even more memories!! Thanks for sharing!
  3. I went to a SCCA Road Race a few months back - If I was going to stripe this is how I'd have to do it.........this car was HOT on the track
  4. I really don't think there is enough room on a Z car - the bumper - the side light - the distance from the rear glass to the edge of the hatch - now look at the link on the Dodge (I guess that is what that is) they are trying to fill in room, they have 3 feet they have to do something with because is a crappy design for the car - typical Dodge in my opinion. Why ruin a perfect design (IMO)?
  5. I think I would have to photoshop that one to see how it would look way before I had the azz end of my car painted with them.........just IMO. Not for me........a little to outside the box for me.
  6. Monza is great. Once it burns in it's kinda like a nice old Marshall Stack with a Les Paul...........great sound. I got mine for my 240 before it was discontinued.......love it!
  7. My last confession was a week ago..............let me just say this is the complete fix for the rear of my Z. Changing gears is a pure pleasure. We have a nice color change going on in my area and this afternoon the weather was great and so is my rear end. The car is solid as the day she rolled off the show room. I would have to think this is the "cure" for the Differential Blues............................ By the way...the Summit UPC is ENS-3-1108G price is $21.75
  8. Some of these older threads are great............damn, it makes me want to order a triple shot and get in the garage!!
  9. John- Outstanding engine bay............great looking carb set up with the filters. Very impressive..........does she rock?
  10. Be sure to check out your strut bearings while you are in there;)
  11. Mark - Excellent pictures, there is nothing better than accomplishing that type of job yourself! Sometimes it's hard to find a stoping place. Now, it looks like you are going to tackle your rear........check out the Ron Tyler diff mount. I had my car out today and hitting the gearbox nice and hard.......not one CLUNK.....just nice firm shifts. If you are going to be under your car you may want to check that mount. You also may want to get your wheel wells cleaned up and maybe tape them off and get them spray them with some black. It would really dress up those wheel wheels and make them stand out even more - or you could undercoat them with some rubberized undercoating. Just make sure it is super clean, degreased and dry before you spray...........
  12. I hate to say it, but I agree with the above statement. But, I will take one of our Z cars before any Camaro or a Mustang. IMO they are a dime a dozen and that is why I decided to put my money into a Z car and because I had one back in the '70's. I go to shows and see dozens of Fords and Chevy's but I don't see any Z cars. There are always a lot of people looking at my car and there is ALWAYS a story that starts with "My buddy had a Z and.................". Regardless of the market, regardless of the value, I'd do it again............it's not all about horsepower for most of us. There is a style that none of the muscle cars have or have ever had. It's about sexy, curves, excitement, twistys..........need I say any more? Any fool can go fast in a straight line!! Get in my BMW X-5 and then get in a Tahoe..........I will promise you, it will be the last time you drive a Tahoe...........same thing!
  13. I agree and install worked great for my '72
  14. I was just browsing another thread and happened to stumble on this little tidbit: http://jdm-car-parts.com/ Esprist One of our members has been busy putting this website together for our viewing pleasure. Fantastic!! - I'm going to have to go back just to make sure what I saw - great information and great items to purchase. I did just purchase the e-brake cable from Esprist last week via telephone (but I didn't know all this was availble to purchase). The e-brake cable was a dead on perfect - reproduction - slipped right into the exact place as the original - my e-brake cable was hanging on by two stands of wire I better start saving my quarters!!
  15. David- I can do $15K standing on my head.........I have to agree with Ben on this one. Hell - I hope it goes for more. Our cars are worth more if we have taken care of them!! At a point all of us have to agree to STOP SELLING THESE CARS SO CHEAP AND GET THE MARKET UP!! $15K would be an embarassment to all of us that have spent any money at all, and if this car is rolling through Barrett-Jackson it would have to be in great shape - they do not show and sell 2nd rate cars very often that I have ever seen
  16. Curt- Welcome from Boone! I work out of Concord..........now you know why the name Travel'n Man comes into being................
  17. I'm cured!! I'm not saying you will have the same correction but this mount is solid. For right at $100 it may be worth your time to try if you are trying to loose your CLUNK You will need the Ron Tyler Mount from Monkeyroost at HybridZ and you will need to purchase a Suspension Techniques GM Transmission Mount - I got mine from Summit - both totaled right at $100. I did have to grind off my fuel supply insulater bracket - I left the insulator in tact - the bottom screw from that insulator in my transmission tunnel was not allowing the mount to fit all the way up due to the screw sticking out from that insulator support. A little friendly help with a air hammer and the bolt holes lined right up. I also replaced my e-brake cable with a new one - I know - I've got a buddy that has several if you don't mind paying the price but they are dead on replacments - brand new - on the money - perfect reproduction - so I took the driveshaft out to get to the e-brake area. Since that was out I had some room to work on the mount. It only took a few minutes to take the shaft out..........just a thought if you need more room to work............I wish I would have done this months ago. I also retorqued all the major suspension components in the rear of the car. If you are getting tired of your Clunking Differential I would strongly recommend trying this and doing your own research at our site and over at HybridZ and search for R/T Mount and Ron Tyler. The results are noiseless shifts........just what it should be.
  18. This is the ultimate correction for my differential challange. This mounts goes into the exact same bolt holes as the Strap (4 bolts) and totally replaces the strap (I have one for sale if anybody needs one) Of course I will NEVER put it back on my car. There is an energy bushing that goes in the top and the unit is mounted into the original holes for the strap - pretty basic (the Datsun strap is mounted to the top of the diff and the Insulator is mounted to the bottom - with the R/T Mount they both are up top - nothing on the bottom). I got this installed (approx 30 min), retorqued all the main components in the rear and this is solid as a rock. There is enough flex for the diff due to the suspension bushing that is designed to be used with it, so it is NOT metal to metal. Their is absolutly no Clunk or any noise at all other than the tone from my exhaust and the big smile on my face. I was abusing the gear pattern with absolutly zero noise. Shifting was smooth regardless of how hard I was shifting. NO CLUNK AT ALL - AT ANY RPM - AT ANY SPEED - IN ANY GEAR. Within the past two months I have installed new: U-Joints Half Shafts (4) U-Joints Propeller Shaft (2) Replacment R-180 Diff Diff Cover Gasket Diff Mount (I have a used slightly used one for sale) Diff Mount Bar Insulator Diff Bar Washer Diff Seal Front Diff Seal Side (2) Ron Tyler Mount Suspension Techniques GM Transmission Mount Re-Torque Main Components This was the complete fix for the my clunk (along with re-torqueing).
  19. Courtney- The best thing to do is do a "search" for Hagerty or the word "insurance" with the search tool. I could type all kinds of stuff but there are questions you need to ask yourself and complete some research. This topic has been discussed in detail and the search feature will give you a lot of information. If you have further questions Hagerty Insurance number is: 1-800-922-4050 My personal insuracne carrier on my antique collectables is "Hagerty Insurance" with the agreed value that both you and Hagerty will set for your replacement value.
  20. Irene- Do you currently own or owned in the past? You could be just a Z fan like the rest of us. Anyway, welcome, and enjoy the ride!
  21. Follow up on final RetroOne Installation in Glove Box
  22. John- Welcome to the site. Get some pictures of those triple carbs and the rest of the car when you get a chance. Be sure to use the "search" feature often. There has been a lot of issues resolved just by searching a little. There is a tremendous amount of knowledge here so: "Jump in, buckle up, and enjoy the ride"!
  23. I got my Ron Tyler mount installed last night at my buddy's house while it was on his lift. I also got the e-brake cable replaced with a new one - it took longer to replace the e-brake cable then the Ron Tyler mount. I am waiting on a new speedo gear to come in on Thursday and then I'll fire it up. I'm really excited about changing out all my hoses and master vac to have a nice firm brake pedal and no clunk when changing gears..........
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