Everything posted by JSM
New key by code in glovebox
Gotcha. Luckily I have a local locksmith who knew old datsun locks. I took him a big box of different locks including ignition and had him make me a full set for $60. I was quite pleased. Then I Screwed it up cause I gave him the wide ignition lock and realized I needed the narrow for the 71 and he redid it over to match the key.
New key by code in glovebox
Are there any sharp edges on the keys? Take one of the new ones on the wire wheel bench grinder. I'm assuming you have a working door key currently?
Too early. Hell's freezing over.
Sure is pretty though. That's why I just like to visit the white stuff in a rental car!
'75 280z can't get spark
Doh! Been there done that! The ZX I had the previous owner did that. Glad you got it going.
Regulator / Gauge - Do I Need It?
“And now, here's something we hope you'll really like..." Talk about a flashback!
Z31 N/A RB project
Nice if you ditch the auto I might be interested in the shifter. My overdrive switch is dead. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
'75 280z can't get spark
When Cranking, the positive voltage remains at the coil? Dave had a problem with intermittent start and it turned out to be the key switch. Just confirm that as your cranking your still seeing positive voltage to the coil.
'75 280z can't get spark
I might have missed it but you sure your getting positive voltage to the coil? Disconnect the positive wire from coil, run a temp new wire from the battery directly to the positive side of the coil. Just to ensure it's not in the wire going to the coil. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
New Find.70 240Z
Yep me too! It must have been 1989 I looked at a beautiful 72 in this color combo with my dad. They wanted $700 then but it had a bad front rack. My dad said no. Few years latter go a rusty 70 for the same $700.
New Find.70 240Z
You going to keep this one!?
converting a ZX shifter to a Z style bend
That came out nice Dave.
New Find.70 240Z
Geese, again Jamal! This is not fair!
- How much would you pay for this?
- How much would you pay for this?
- WTB 79-80 280ZX Factory Stereo Amplifier
- WTB 79-80 280ZX Factory Stereo Amplifier
- WTB 79-80 280ZX Factory Stereo Amplifier
ZX fan on a 240 question
Check the way it's bolted on. It may be flipped on the ZX. I can measure back of blade to head if you want on my 80zx.
Mid-west Datsun Parts Swap Meet?
We know why you really go! Seems you even bolded it!
- Successful 240Z Windshield Removal Method!
is removing the intake manifold risky?
Yeah wait. Granted different animal and the L6 is much easier to work on, but my 300zx I've been playing with I just keep going deeper and deeper down the rabit hole. I've got this Intake coolant hose that is under the plenum and I'm hoping I can replace it without having to remove the plenum but it is way down there.
Mid-west Datsun Parts Swap Meet?
I think maybe @Steve should put this together at ZCon next year! Suds, shine and Parts. Of course if there is enough interest. FL has the Turkey run that just passed. Maybe they import section now, but I've heard it's mostly American parts.
1978 280z power antenna
Geese, eBay is expensive is this what yours looks like? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F152504804032 I might have one.
converting a ZX shifter to a Z style bend
Oh man I need you to do mine!
[2017] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Put my new shoes on today for my alignment tomorrow morning. Went from 225/50/15 to 205/55/16. Got my Enkei 92's rockin! Went for a quick spin and what a difference no flat spots make. The dartiness went down too with the narrower tires. So much to do!