Everything posted by JSM
Early 12/69 Build 240Z
I hate when people do that. If you going to have an auction, put it on ebay and tell folks that, but craigslist, really. Had a guy selling a $600 300zxt. Asked for pics, 2 days later he says he's changed his mind, blah, blah, blah.
Spare tire rim question
Hard to say, but see if it fits. I know not original but unless you going 100% original don't worry. If you are swap. Throw some air in it. Looks like it will be just fine.
- Will a late 240Z carpet set fit in an early 240Z?
Early 12/69 Build 240Z
Seems they update the post with more pics. Just noticed they even shaved the gas tank lid.
72 240Z Brake Light Issues
This is what it says. Why he chose to type it in a doc and not on the forum ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi all, I own a 72 240Z original condition and I’m having a little trouble with the rear brake lights. The brake light on the driver’s side works fine but the passenger light doesn’t work. All fuses are good and I verified the bulb works by swamping them. Socket is clean no corrosion and all wires I can see look good. All other lights in the rear work. I have the plastic covers removed so I have good access to everything. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Henry
Datsun 280zx won’t start
Dang I'm dumb!
Datsun 280zx won’t start
Ah for us ignorant folks, what's a "B-I-L"? I was going.. Bimbos I Like, Babes I Lust, Buddy I Lust, Boys I Love, Budget I Long for... Darn acronyms!
72 240z - $9k Gainesville, FL
Yup agree. My wife would double kill me!
32K mile 1976 280Z Original - Survivor
High Bid USD $15,500 (Reserve Not Met) I just clicked on the see results.
Datsun 280zx won’t start
And I'm not sure what your critter problem is in your area, but Rats had a field day with my wiring. Don't rule it out since it's been sitting since 93. I think I soldered /repaired / replaced some 25+ wires and still have more to go.
Park / tail lights fuse keeps blowing
Awesome. Simple after all. This is a Good lesson to remember.
What would you pay
Really 79 least desirable? To me that's like saying the 70 is the least desirable! ? I know it's a ZX though. Its a slick top which is great. No worry about leaking t-tops. I would put that in your ad. What hurts it is the auto. See if you can get it lower like $1500. Then ask $4500. BAT they seems to be selling for decent money like $5-6k. Clean turbo model 10k plus. Just be prepared to own it or sell it for what you have bought it for. I think in another 10 years prices will start creaping up. If you have space buy it and sit on it.
Datsun 280zx won’t start
Yup. Pretty sure those are it. Heck I may be wrong which is why it is good to go by the FSM. I'm going from memory and sometimes it's not great! And I'm working on 3 cars at the same time. So stoked I got my 300zxt parts car running today.
Datsun 280zx won’t start
May I suggest that you take a little bit and read that link above from Xenon I posted. Im pretty sure based on what you've done so far your injectors are not firing. A noid light would confirm. Yes those are the fusible links. The relays are by the battery or behind it under a black plastic cover. That section I posted should have all that info.
Datsun 280zx won’t start
Yes there is a fusible link for the EFI harness itself. Since your getting fuel and no injector firing focus on the injectors first. Also check the EFI relay next to battery. You should be able to feel it click when the key is turned on. Need a helper for that. See FSM above for location. I think there are 2 there . One I think is fuel pump, the other EFI harness, I think. You should be able to fire the injectors with a minimum of 3v. 9v battery is fine too. Swing by a junkyard and grab a few injector connectors from a Volvo. I like their injector wires. Then just wire to a 9v. You can put a micro switch too. Get A noid light from a parts store to see if the harness is actually sending volatage to the injectors if you don't have a spare injector.
Datsun 280zx won’t start
But do you know what the pressure is? You did check the fusible links near the battery to make sure they are good? Also have you confirmed that the injectors are firing? If you have a spare injector you can plug it into the harness, crank the car and feel it opening and closing in your hand. Also, how are fuel injector connectors? No corrosion on the terminals? With you having to jump the fuel pump from the back you may have something going wrong with EFI harness.
Skyline Webcams
This site has some of the best webcams across the world. There was a real cool cam in Africa that elephants, hippos and other wildlife. Very cool. Sometimes it's there other times it's down. https://www.skylinewebcams.com/
Datsun 280zx won’t start
Fuel pump control via AFM should be explained here: http://xenonzcar.com/s130/FSM/1982/EFEC.php
Datsun 280zx won’t start
Have you at least tried starter fluid to see if it will start? Have you confirmed fuel pressure? You say you've cleaned the lines but just because the lines are clean doesn't mean the tank is. Can you get fuel from the tank? Fuel pump is triggered from the AFM ( air flow meter) the big box on the intake hose next to the coil.
- Bad Brake booster
Fabricating dust shields for rear discs
I don't think I've ever seen that done. It seems everyone tosses them once done with the conversion.
72 240z - $9k Gainesville, FL
Not mine but the price has come down a few thousand. https://gainesville.craigslist.org/cto/d/1972-datsun-240z/6371100105.html
FS5W71B 280zx transmisson rebuild
My vote is install and go! You don't have any issues with the case itself? Maybe it is causing binding?
- Overheating after modifications, what am I overlooking?
[2017] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Fun with Rats! I picked up a 300zx turbo the other day. Well I knew going in there were critter problems. In the back they had a field day with tail light section. I mean, not just chewed, full course meal missing a few feet of about 6 wires. I got some of their previous hack mechanic stuff undone and gave it a shot trying to start, nothing. Checked all fuses, relays, links. Since no start, I figured I would check what did work. Lights, wipers, and Ac fan came on fine, but I could here what sounded like debris and figures they made a nest was in the fan blower. At this point I was hoping to not have to pull the dash. As I was removing the ECU I could see little pieces of wire sitting on top of it. Sure enough the main harness plug was full throttle dinner! They even managed to chew one of the 10 gauge wires straight through. Hardest part is they chewed some of the wires right to the plastic. Hard to tell from the pics but at least 12 wires.