Everything posted by JSM
'72 Fairlady Z Project For Sale in San Jose, CA
I bet that goes quick.
Dreaming LSDs
Like rturbo said late 87, past 5/87 to 89 Turbo. The 88 shiro edition you can't use your stock axels. Normal turbos you can. The rear cover of the LSD will also need to be swapped for your stock one or get an after market bracket to keep it. Youll also have to change the prop shaft flange from yours. Easiest test if your searching junk yards is both wheels when up turn the same direction. If they don't take the cover off and verify it has the LSD in. Expect to pay $500 to $1000. I got lucky with my last one for $137 with axles from pick and pull.
Dreaming LSDs
If your car came with an r200 then all you have to do is replace with a LSD unit. Axles slide right in. If your not making tons of power the stock axles will be fine.
The Trans America Challenge 2018
Come on Z folks we need a representative to sign up. I'm tempted to follow at a distance! The entrance fee ($34000) was a bit steep in my mind. Maybe be not for some of you guys. This was for a two man team. Dave you down? I'm sleeping in my car! http://endurorally.com/pages/trans-america-2018-route
Ah come on! Another one? Enough Already. Oh Fine.
Dang your dedicated! What is it, 16 degrees and snow on the ground? Man that is cold!
Ah come on! Another one? Enough Already. Oh Fine.
So how was the conversation with your Mrs? I just bought another 89 Turbo for $400. My wife was pissed. I got the "were not ruining a junkyard" comment. It matches mine exactly in the garage. Plus I got another LSD!
Ah come on! Another one? Enough Already. Oh Fine.
Oh man you've got your work cut out for you!!! What seats are those?
Missing Windshield Piece
I have one I'll give you. PM me your address. Just give me a few days to ship it to you. If I forget yell at me again.
Optimal performing exhaust for street
Did you post the results? Can you? Curious now too.
1973 240Z Resto Mod for sale
With the sales on BAT going so high, have you considered selling there?
Guitar folks, funniest thing.
Wow, that was pretty impressive.
[2017] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Holy cow. I'm just the opposite. Granted, if you all were salt free things would be better. It's finally been 75 and nice enough to take a non-AC car for a drive.
- Looking for some nice 15x7 wheels for my 1972 240z, any recommendations?
Console wiring
Series 1 hubcaps. Not mine
Yeah that ad is Orlando too. I wonder if it is a scam? https://orlando.craigslist.org/wto/d/z-hubcap/6344719152.html
Interstate Battery Mounting Bracket Modification
That is nice. Like a modern car hold down.
Park / tail lights fuse keeps blowing
David, Steve really knows what he is doing. He would not steer you wrong in anyway. It's hard to convey tone over the internet. He is only trying to help.
help with battery hold down
I didn't have any problems with the optima other than height.
help with battery hold down
Is that a custom bracket for the optima battery? I had to use a block under mine so I could use the stock battery hold down on my optima.
Z31 N/A RB project
I search all the time for 300zx. She's my S30 mistress. Really any Z is! I have a real bad tendency to fall in love with any cool car. Last night I'm watching Wheeler Dealers and they did a 82 Celica Supra. I started looking immediately. I have issues! What color interior do you prefer? I know Tan is out reading your BMW build.
Z31 N/A RB project
Lol, Hey if you adopt me, let me move in and Feed me, I'll speak only when spoken too, greet you with your favorite flavored coffee in the morning and do all the chores you want done! One of these days someone will adopt me! Not sure what I'll tell the wife!
Z31 N/A RB project
Cool. If you were closer.... https://spacecoast.craigslist.org/cto/d/1986-nissan-300zx-na/6354701091.html
Z31 N/A RB project
Not mine, but did you see the NA RB for sale on hybridz? http://forums.hybridz.org/topic/127586-fs-rb25de-with-itbs-and-ms3/
Pros and cons of a triple Weber carb conversion
Are you changing cam, head porting and adding headers/exhaust as well? If not, you won't recognize the full potential of the upgrade.
1970 240z Series 1 - Atlanta - GA ($975)
Yes it did say 9/70. Maybe it's one of the 71 w/ all the series 1 parts on it?