Everything posted by JSM
Mfactory R200 LSD Install?
What are these going for?
Running Rich After Headers and new Exhaust installed
My feeling is either the plug for the CTS may be corroded or dirty or the connection itself maybe loose on the sensor. If the the thermotime plug and CTS were crossed I'm not sure how it would run, if at all. Here is the link to the 77 PDF you can give your mechanic. It has all the checkout procedures for the EFI. The CTS or WTS is on page 95. There is much more diagnosis in the EF section. Here is a snipet of page 95. These cars are notorious for running rich if the CTS doesn't have a good connection to the sensor or ECU. Plus the plug gets old over time. I put a pic of the plug at the bottom. Clean it good with Emory board and electrical cleaner. Do the sensor too. http://www.nicoclub.com/FSM/280z/1977/
- Running Rich After Headers and new Exhaust installed
L series engine decoding..
Google images: 240z head casting numbers it will show you block and head castings. Also that is an r180 rear end still.
Running Rich After Headers and new Exhaust installed
To those two parts specially no. However, I'm asuumimg when he pulled the old exhaust he pulled the intake too. It is possible the CTS (Coolant temp sensor) is was likely disconnected and may not be making good contact. Possible he put the thermotime and CTS plugs on in reverse or maybe if he unplugged via bullet connectors and swapped those accidentally How does it start when it's cold? Is it any harder then before?
Drivers front wheel touches front valence
LOL, That is a great find. I think we would have all been assuming tire sizes were all the same and never asked.
exhaust studs on down pipe 280z
Do you need a torch?
Drivers front wheel touches front valence
I can not see how changing the shocks would change the ride height? Did you put everything together exactly like it was? You put the sway bar back on? I could see if you left the sway bar off and the springs were fatigued causing it to be a little lower.
Gary's reported to be alright. Car, not so much.
Often wondered, can you get insurance for such things?
Anyone need a new shirt?
Jamal has a listing very similar. https://www.ebay.com/itm/262884953792 Datsun Nissan Hawaiian Shirt XL 240Z 300ZX 280Z 280ZX 260Z.Nice Condition.
WTB: Intake trumpet/horn for 1972 stock air filter
Cool. Local is always best, no shipping!
- CLSD R200
Proud owner of my very first Z
Ah ok. Just a suggestion in the future I would have not pulled it apart. Simply make sure it has good compression and see how it runs. The L6 engines are pretty stout and either run great and have been cared for or worn out and smoke like crazy, with a few in betweens! Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Proud owner of my very first Z
Curious, is there a reason you pulled the head and engine? Was it bad? Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Engine rough running - at wits end
Awesome!! That is very cool. Now we need a test drive video! Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Back again looking for advice on another 280z
Lol! Funny I learned I wasn't an alcoholic, just a severe a__hole!! I don't drink anymore!
How do I rebuilt my carb
EBay or post a WTB in the parts wanted section.
How do I rebuilt my carb
I would wait on spending the money on the carbs. See what exactly is missing from them, get the SU video from Ztherapy and a few parts, do a quick rebuild and see how it runs first. If the motor is shot for reason, you be happier having the money on hand for other things. Heck, you might want to do a compression check before you spend a penny on anything. Also, pull the valve cover carefully to save the gasket to ensure the cam isn't rusted bad and pour some fresh oil all over the cam if it's not. Have you cranked the car? If not I would spray some light oil in the cylinders as well. Lighty turn over by hand, then crank with the battery.
Old photos of my 1971 Redwing
Oh that's right! Sorry I should have recalled the other post. You should have your screen name be "ClassicZCarGrandma" My mom is 74 too. Thanks for the classy correction!
Old photos of my 1971 Redwing
Oh sorry. I thought I read you, your son and wife went on the trip. Even at 5 or 6, the edge of the deck rail would kill the back of your legs! I don't ever recall wearing seat belts until the early 80's.
Back again looking for advice on another 280z
I thinks it's good for you to post like you are. It's hard not to get emotional and others will help keep you grounded.
WTB: Intake trumpet/horn for 1972 stock air filter
Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Old photos of my 1971 Redwing
Ah. I couldn't tell.
Old photos of my 1971 Redwing
Very cool. What wheels are those? Those were dealer option? And three of you in a Z!? i remember riding in the hatch area dad driving and my sister in the front seat!
Correct voltage across coil ?
Talk about a flash back. I remember my dad doing that as kid!