Everything posted by psdenno
Finally getting around to it - '71 series I
No seals between fender and headlight scoop on my 4/71 240Z.
HLS 30 hub caps
Regarding "D" center hub caps, an interesting Car & Driver on-line article about the old and new Z cars today. The article compares a 1973 Z with the 2024 version. See link below. However, the author shows a picture of what he refers to as a '73 Z that he borrowed from the Nissan Headquarters in Tennessee and it appears to be a '71ish Z based on "D" HUB CAPS and photo of center console ash tray. https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a63229871/unpopular-opinion-reconsider-the-nissan-z/?source=nl&utm_source=nl_cdb&utm_medium=email&date=122424&utm_campaign=nl37951526&oo=Y&GID=1a01133ea0d02d4b1791e6ffa69c88abfdffda37a369d281a1e7b3161e600ccb&user_email=1a01133ea0d02d4b1791e6ffa69c88abfdffda37a369d281a1e7b3161e600ccb&utm_term=TEST- NEW TEST - Sending List - AM 180D Clicks%2C NON AM 90D Opens%2C Both Subbed Last 30D
Nothing to do with a Z
Save them in case your "gas pedal" knee gives out.😎
Nothing to do with a Z
Speedy recovery! Be nice to the physical therapist
HLS 30 hub caps
Thank you for validating my level of understanding. I'll mention it to my wife 😀. Although my Z came from the showroom floor with D hubcaps, I eventually traded them for a set of the Z caps because I thought they looked significantly better than the D caps. Looking back, probably not the smartest move. Especially when i see what the D caps are selling for now.
HLS 30 hub caps
My 04/71 build date 240 came with D hubcaps. I always thought all '71 Datsun 240Zs came with the D caps and the Z caps were on later model years. Unless I am misunderstanding the question....which seems to be happening more the older I get.
Strap Tension - Rebuilding Seats
I rebuilt the seats on my 4/71 Z last year. Start by watching a YouTube video or two to get tips on "how to" and the tools you'll need. To stretch the webbing, start by attaching the end of the webbing to one of the seat mounting metal clips with rivets. Clip that end back in place on the seat frame. Install a metal webbing clip to the opposite side of the frame and thread the webbing through it. Pull the webbing tight around the second clip and mark where to cut it allowing for overlap room to put in the rivets. Use that as your pattern for the length of the rest of the straps. Get the straps as tight as you can as they will only loosen with use over time. My straps had pretty much disintegrated after 50 years.
Gluing approach on 240z sign of glovebox
Good fix! Part of the fun of owning a 50 year old car is being creative.
4/75 Datsun 280Z; Leaf Green, CA market, 250K miles, Long Term Project 03/2023-
Congratulations on finishing your teaching career. I retired from teaching 14 years ago and every June I like to watch this video.
Classic Zcar Country Song
Almost a Country Music Classic....except no mention of the girlfriend leaving, a doublewide mobile home, and a dog that died. Otherwise, GREAT!
My son and I worked on the Avanti in the garage on Father's Day. Too hot (108º) to work on the Z in the driveway. Good time all around!
My 240z that's been sitting
Dust it off, get it running, evaluate how much you enjoy owning and driving a 53 year old Datsun, and then decide if it's worth tossing more money at it to revitalize it. Consider the $20-30K you mentioned putting into it as an investment in driving/owning pleasure rather than future financial return.
Windshield wiper water pump replacement
If your pump fails the electrical test Yarb recommends and your pump is dead, replacements are available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/ACI-177510-Windshield-Washer-Pump/dp/B000CEN2OK/ref=sr_1_4?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8sIz-JyDouorpuyV73LJGApCXSnIcESJdEAuzfZjL6rENSgwS7oSiVl-b-R0qZM-bxU_wHyiykdwdDs76tM6YTm9JSfu6l8nX3Ws9itlpXw.qIJ1MJ9DZAz_O78dgBolSY0D-EDnP4-JmyLTOHvDdLo&dib_tag=se&qid=1714416653&s=automotive&sr=1-4&vehicle=1971-67-2284-20-----14492------1&vehicleName=1971+Nissan+240Z
DIY: How to Recover Your Z Seats - LOTS OF PICTURES
I always considered that the seat adjustment handles were located inboard and angled out so they wouldn't snag clothing on those exiting the car. If they were on the outside rail and angled inward, they would hook coats, long dresses (of which there were few in 1971), and anything dangling during driver or passenger egress.
DIY: How to Recover Your Z Seats - LOTS OF PICTURES
Correct. Adjustment dials to the center. I lost the center cap/cover on one of mine and my son made a 3D printed replacement.
4/75 Datsun 280Z; Leaf Green, CA market, 250K miles, Long Term Project 03/2023-
Fender mount diagram:
4/75 Datsun 280Z; Leaf Green, CA market, 250K miles, Long Term Project 03/2023-
I guess, like so many other things, the quality of some coat hangers has declined. Although, a few months ago, I used coat hangers when I reupholstered my Z for the third time in 52 years. Years ago, a friend of mine ran out of welding rods and used coat hangers instead when he welded the headers for his MGB. Good luck with your project!
4/75 Datsun 280Z; Leaf Green, CA market, 250K miles, Long Term Project 03/2023-
Next time, if you run out of "$$ welding rods", use wire coat hangers. They work well and you probably have a few in your closet.
Just Another Damned Z Car Project Thread
Happy Anniversary Conedodger! Cliff is in charge of picking some up at a church near his house later today. My 17th anniversary of joining the group is tomorrow (4/7/2007). In lieu of flowers, please make a generous donation to your favorite parts vendor.
[2024] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Cliff, after you swim across the Colorado River from Arizona with two chain saws and a leaf blower strapped to your back give me a call and I'll pick you up in the desert outside Blythe. A neighbor reported my gardener to the city for using a gas powered leaf blower last year. It's a new world.
[2024] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Enjoy your new weedeater while you can, Cliff. Gas powered lawn care equipment can no longer be sold in California. Gas powered leaf blowers have been banned for a couple years. I'm guessing other states will follow.
PDF versions of 240z Haynes manual & "How To Restore Your Z-Car"?
A Google search lists a few sources for a digital version of the Haynes manual (emanualonline.com) and you'll probably have to scan and convert How To Restore Your Z-Car yourself.
Spell check
Regarding the Google Chrome browser, I use a Mac and seldom use Chrome. So for grins, I opened Chrome, logged into this site, opened a reply window, and started typing every word incorrectly. Every incorrectly spelled word was underlined in red. So, maybe it is a Windows update issue as mentioned earlier. As a further check, I contacted my son who is a computer engineer in Google's Los Angeles office and attached a link to this message thread. His response is below. BTW, Merry Christmas to all! "Hard to say for sure but if I had to hazard a guess: either the Windows update screwed things up or they unchecked the Chrome "check spelling" option (it's kinda easy to toggle by accident if you right click on a text box)."
Center dash fuse box cover panel spring
Great job! Do you remember what type of wire you got at the hardware store that could be bent and stay springy. I need a spring for my ash tray lid.
I've Seen The Future
That would be nice. Otherwise, we, or our surviving spouses, are going to have a difficult time finding buyers for our Z cars at some point. I have three fun to drive cars (the Z, a Porsche, and an Avanti) that my son hasn't shown too much interest in taking. He recently bought an electric car that fills his need for a fun to drive car. Where did I go wrong in raising him?