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Everything posted by psdenno

  1. Other than last week when it seemed to be off line for a day or so, it's no slower than usual. Maybe I just have low expectations.
  2. Is the body kit bolted on, bonded on to stock metal panels, are stock panels cut? Lots of possibilities.
  3. Keep on top of it and get rest. Speedy recovery.
  4. My TRS-80 had no way to access the internet. But, that was OK because in 1983 I didn't know what internet or email accounts were. I could save programs on floppy disks that were floppy or on a cassette tape recorder. It was a simpler time. No cable TV, cell phone, satellite radio, or internet monthly bills.
  5. Certainly not a Millennial, but I recognize it as the five piece version of my first computer which was a trusty TRS-80 dual drive like the one below. Bonus points to the Millennial who knows what "TRS" meant without Googling it.
  6. With age, properly functioning emission controls and vapor recovery become more important. 😎
  7. Maybe do something about the sagging rear end and stinky exhaust, too. 😎
  8. Charles, if I didn't live 2,289 miles away, I'd drop by and help you sand.
  9. Daytona Beach Florida.....whenever I've visited there, I've had to clean airborne salt off of the car. Apparently those Z owners didn't.
  10. You can strengthen the area be adding a layer of fiberglass cloth/resin to the backside of the crack. That may stop the crack from spreading. I did that with cracks on my center console and it worked nicely./
  11. And a little Armor All will make that upholstery look as good as new. 😎
  12. Looks like the value of the old Nikki core I put in a box years ago just went up.
  13. My 1970 Porsche 914-6 has a hand throttle. Handy for warming the engine, less handy as cruise control.
  14. Motorsports Auto has the headlight covers and probably emblems you're looking for. Are you looking for headlight covers with chrome trim or just "bolt on"?
  15. Not the kind of Z a GRAND MASTER would be caught dead in. Although from the picture of the interior, it looks like someone else may have been. You dodged a bullet on that one, Cliff.
  16. GRAND MASTER Z status presents so many opportunities beyond just T-shirts, a secret handshake, and a "slogan shingle". For instance, the upcoming GRAND MASTER Z New Year's Eve Party - reservations are limited and filling fast. Hope to see all the GMZ 1%ers there! 😎
  17. I can try to get a cleaner scan of that page and will post if it works. I removed the ARA A/C set up many years ago when I upgraded to a more modern system with a rotary compressor. So, I'm unable to visually check for the attachment point you referenced. Good luck with your project and thanks for the question. It gave me an excuse to dig out old Datsun files. November 2021 marked the 50th anniversary of when I bought my Z. The ARA A/C was installed in 1972.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    five page document for installing aftermarket A/C on an early Datsun Z - York compressor.
  19. Good idea. I've carried that paper copy around for 50 years just waiting for someone to ask to see it and no telling how many more years I will be making it available. 😎
  20. Here you go, my copy from when I had it installed in 1972.ara1.pdfara2.pdfara3.pdfara4.pdfara5.pdf
  21. Does the "10 Followers" badge count if some of the followers haven't checked into the forum in 10 or 12 years? I don't have 10 and half of what I do have appear to have moved on years ago.
  22. In 1970, I shipped my Pontiac Gran Prix from San Francisco to Manila. A few days after it arrived, I was driving and dropped something that rolled under the seat. When I got home, I reached under the seat to get it and grabbed something covered in fur. Scared the snot out of me. Poked a stick under the seat and dislodged a toy squirrel that had been tucked up into the seat springs apparently by someone during the voyage across the Pacific to the Philippines. I was the original owner of the car, so I knew it wasn't there before loading on the ship.
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