I think we're all pondering this with a basic lack of knowledge. For clarification of terms, remember movies, books and music CDs are also "released". Unlike fish that are released into a lake, you can't do what you want with them after you catch them. Intellectual property rights belong to the original creator of the property. So, the right way to go about reproducing the posters is to contact Nissan and ask for permission for "Club" use or ask about a licensing agreement. I use factory photos of Porsche automobiles from the 1970s in a newsletter I produce. I asked the factory for the photos and they gave them to me with permission to reproduce the images in the newsletter. I can't, however, print individual copies of the press photos for resale. I also reprint magazine articles about the cars from that era in my newsletter. Road & Track, for example, gave me written permission to do so within a limited time frame. I've been doing this for almost 30 years and have only had one bad experience - when I didn't get clearance to reprint a magazine ad for a clothing company featuring a particular Porsche. The photographer for the ad shoot still owned the rights to the picture and was on me in a heartbeat. What were the odds he would see the reprint in my obscure newsletter 25 years after he took the picture? Obviously, better than I thought. Dennis