Thinking of selling...
To the top. any more ideas/comments?
Yahoo japans CLEANEST.
Wow, very nice one in the OP!
Thinking of selling...
The problem with handing it down is i am the handed down . My dad is the actual owner. Well thanks everyone for the help. I am not for sure if we are selling now but it will be in the near future. We used to get notes left on the windows from potentially buyers. I wish we still got those.
Thinking of selling...
Well, i guess let me ask you guys a question. First act like you were in my situation. So, what is the best route to take to sell my car? Ive tried looking at ads on autotrader but couldnt find a 280Z within 300 miles of me. Is the classified section a pretty useful thing to do or will the car end up sitting for months?
Thinking of selling...
What would you suggest I do with the car as far as selling? I probably won't be keeping the car for all that much longer. What kind of price should the car fetch?(just a rough idea) Is there a market section on this site that i could list it where a true enthusiast would be able to find it?
Thinking of selling...
Well I think the time is getting closer and closer. We've had the car since 1982 and are the original owners of it. My car has roughly 140,000 miles on it and has visible rust and other flaws. It runs pretty solidly and really hasnt had many mechanicle problems. Well, i was looking around for ads on any 280z's and really couldnt find any. My question is what route would be best for selling the car and what kind of price should i expect? There is a picture of the car in my profile pic and i have more but i dont know how to post them. Any help is much appreciated and sorry if this sort of "Ad" persay isnt allowed.
High RPM when idle
Thanks a bunch for the responses guys, i will have to look over this next weekend but this morning the problem did not occur.
Do people notice you in your classic Z on the road?
Theres a couple of 300z's around here and they always wave. Other than that i really dont get much attention other than some people that come up and say how much of a classic it is.
High RPM when idle
Hey all! Ive got an '82 280z and lately it has been idling on high rpms, at around 1250rpm and then will fall to about 1000rpm after about 30 seconds while sitting at a stop light. I just got the oil changed and serviced at around 400-500 miles ago. This car used to idle at ~900rpm from what i remember. Car also has 140,000+ miles on it. Is this bad, if so what should i do? Thanks for any help!
- My 280Z
That really makes sense to me and thanks for the concern. I could not agree anymore with enigma on saying there are a lot of idoits and distractions on the roads these days. I get a good insurance rate due to a prior driving school and good grades.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Carl are these classes intended for teaching me to drive safely or competively. Im not too sure i could sell my dad on this one. As far as being able to drive safely in the roads i think im fine. I have never really pulled off anything too dangerous in the road. For the most part im a smart driver.
First Z
I really like that steering wheel
Kentuckian Z Fest, Who's going?
I want to take our Z but my dad thinks we shouldnt because of the shape it is in. There is some rust above the tires and below the doors but those are mainly the only visible flaws (a lot of rust underneath though). To anyone who has gone before: Do you think we should take it there? The drive is not very long at all just from lexington to louisville.