hello people. I too am new to the site and i just recent ly have bought a 73 datsun 240Z, the car has seen better days but the engine is in great condition, from what the owners told me, they have the original L24 on it with N42 head and the original SU carbs. but the body needs some extra attention. all the rubber on the car is rotten and the interior needs all the trimmings. i dont even know where to start on her. The first thing i wanna know i swhere can i find the axles for this vehicle because the boots on both sides are torn and needs replacing. I was talking to another Z enthusiast and he told me that the axles from a 280Z would work better and stronger. If so, what year vehicle should i get this from? i really want to get it done but the shops are talking about $400 just to replace em, and i really wanna put in the wrench time on her. it gives me something to do on the weekends... hahahaha so pls fellow Z owners, can you give me some tips on how to do this?