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About New-to-240z

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  • Member ID: 13414

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  • Joined: 04/14/2007

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  • Age: 40



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  1. Will be going in the trash if no-one picks up by tomorrow evening. ?
  2. If no one takes these by tomorrow evening, they will be going in the trash ?
  3. If no-one takes this by tomorrow evening, it will be goeing in the trash :-(
  4. **Update** Situation has changed and need these gone! *FREE*FREE*FREE* Located in Mission Viejo,CA 92691 Call 949-444-2251 to pickup
  5. Situation has changed. Need these gone ASAP. FREE! FREE! FREE! Whoever picks them up first gets them. located in Mission Viejo,CA 92691 Matt - 949-444-2251
  6. Have had this sitting in my garage for a while. Will need to be repainted, and only has middle rubber (no other rubber left). Price: FREE!! contact me @ 949-444-2251 Mission Viejo,CA 92691
  7. Wow, this took me WAY too long to add photos . . . Tires have no punctures, and rims all hold air just fine.
  8. Came out of my 240Z a while ago. Looks like it holds 2 6" speakers (or smaller) and covers the rear of the Z. Made of plastic and ready to install. Has a small crack in the top right but nothing horrible (see picture, it to the top left of the right speaker, with tap covering it) Price: FREE picked up mission Viejo,CA 92691 Phone: 949-444-2251
  9. Moving sale! I have a set of 4 (and 1 spare tire) of the old school 4 lug 14" MAG wheels with pretty much new (but old) tires on them. The rims and tires have been sitting for about 4 years in my garage, but have no punctures or issues. The rims are in decent shape (pictures to come soon) and have no dents in them and hold air fine (like I said, they worked perfectly fine when I had them on the z some time ago). With a little TLC these bad boys would look great on a resto 240/60/80Z. Price: FREE in Mission Vijeo,CA 92691 contact me @ 949-444-2251
  10. I am just going to go that route. I thought I could just pull everything over from the old MC and put it onto the new 280ZX MC. But, I guess not haha. The only thing that scares me a little is that you added that piece of copper piping. I don't have the means/tools to get and cut that piping. I also noticed that you are the only one that has talked about having to do that when installing the MC. Any reason for this?
  11. I bought the parking light upgrade harness from MSA and cleaned off the terminals and replaced the fuse. No more problems. Everything seems to be working as it should . . . . for now. :-) I didn't have any shorts in actuality, it was just the corrosion and amount of heat. Thank you everyone for your help.
  12. Just talked to them, and they won't be replacing the valves or anything. They only reseal the MC. So, I'm basically SOL Why isn't life doing me any favors?
  13. Well, just realized that this is only a "send in and rebuid" order. So, I have to send them my part, and they rebuild it. I'm going to have to call them to make sure that they will rebuild it with all new screws and valves, etc. Since mine doesn't have any of those haha.
  14. Good to hear. Shipping was pretty bad ($14) but not a big deal since it covers the return shipping of the core. Any tests I could do to both of them before putting it on the car, to see if one is in better shape then the other? Since I would be able to choose which one to use . . . why not? But if it isn't worth the hassle then I'll just go with the rebuilt one from Rock Auto. :-)
  15. We will see, it said it was in stock. I did read about the 1" Wilwood, but I didn't want to purchase an entirely new $140 MC, when I had already bought my current MC for $65, now the replacement is 40, rather then $140. If this one fails, then I'll just say screw it and buy the 1". Not a big deal either way. :-) The car is only driven a few times a month.
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