beware!! stupid pannel beaters!
hey doubt anyone reads this thread anymore, but i just thought id report back. i did the timing, changed the points, new spark plugs and leads the car seems to be running ok. so looks like i got a bit carried away in my anger. the dent in the front left quater still remains, and will stay there untill i do a automotive spray course. cheers Fuzz
HELP su conversion
hey just read this thread, im doing the same kind of thing to my car. Enigma i noticed in the pic u posted, the fuel rail had no heat protection, is this a problem?cheers Fuzz
Fuel Line Brackets in Engine Bay & Firewall
hey just a qucik question thats kinda related to this thread. i just took out the fuel lines that run around the front of the valve cover to the carbies. i took it out to take off the rubish looking stock heat resistant flashing. just wondering whats good to use for replacment flashing, somthing that looks good and works well, thats if you need to replace it at all? is it realy needed? Cheers Fuzz
Four Reasons NOT to Restore a Car
i knew when i bought my Z i wasnt going to make money, i never plan on selling it.i never plan to stop spending money on it, and i KNOW i will never finish it, there will always be somthing to do on it. i dont see these 3 reasons not to restore a car, i see them as three reasons why i should restore a car! i love working on my Z no matter what the task, and i it makes me happy knowing i will always have somthing to work on. every cent i spend on my car, i dont see as wasted, its money well spent. and as for selling my Z to make a profit? that just horrifys me, ill never sell it!! Fuzz
beware!! stupid pannel beaters!
nothing, unless i can force them into doing somthing via leagal action. hopefully after Mr Camouflage posts i will understand a little more of what im required to do in my situation.
beware!! stupid pannel beaters!
mr Camouflage, what did 'file(ing) a complaint with consumer affairs' involve? i would realy like to get revenge on these a-holes, after they refused to fix the dent or even acknowladage the enigne problems. and where do i go to 'start a small claims case'? these guys pride themselves on reputation, and the owner regaurds himself as a reputable fella, if i can get the ball rolling against them, i think i will at least be able to get them to fix the dent. thanks heaps for the help. Fuzz
beware!! stupid pannel beaters!
i did indeed 'look in the engine bay' but i only inspected the job itself, along with the 2 other spots, under the car, near the tranny tunnel (not rail) and the third near the boot seal above the left tail light. i didnt check over the engine as i should have, i just looked at the job and thats it. i should have used the words 'i didnt check the engine itself before i drove it home' deffo my bad.
beware!! stupid pannel beaters!
so i took the car to them to get the dent fixed. not only did they refuse to fix the dent but completly denyed any notion of metal dust in the engine, or engine bay for that matter. it seems i should have taken a page from your book candyblue, and documented my evidence, but when i got the car home, i didnt want to sit there taking photos of the piles of metal dust on my carbies, intake manifold ect, i just wanted to get that $^!# out as quickly as possible. all i have left now to prove my case is the scratched up carbies and a L26 engine runnin like a $^!#. i havent taken the head off yet, ive decied not to resign myself to the notion that the cylinder bores will need re-boreing, as the car still runs, and once warm dosent seem too much different at idle then before, its just when the engine is under load the revs break down. all i can hope is that its somthing electrical, or a carburation problem. once i eliminate these ill start getting into the serious stuff, and take the head off. as for the shop paying for the required repairs to my car, i doubt that will happen, and it definatley wont happen unless i take out a law suit against them, i just dont have the cash or time to be doing that. im going to have to accept the fact it was as much my fault as theirs, as i didnt check the engine bay before i drove it home. anyways ill let you all know how i go fixing my problem. cheers Fuzz
beware!! stupid pannel beaters!
yeah i plan on taking a course now, so i can do all resto work myself, not just mechanical stuff. im in Wagga Wagga NSW, and the name of the shop that **cked my engine is 'Batkin and damme'. im taking my car back to them tomorow, to get the dent fixed, and see if i cant get them to pay for engine re-build(highly unlikely).
beware!! stupid pannel beaters!
i am indeed running air filters, ramflow, to be exact, and i bought them off ebay, brand new not 2 weeks ago. there was alot of metal dust inside the engine bay, how it got in there......?
beware!! stupid pannel beaters!
i recently took my car to the smash repairs shop, they were regaurded as the best in town and after seeing a couple of their jobs i agreed. i was getting some rust cut out of the fire wall, and a new plate put in and re-sprayed. took them about 2 weeks, which i wasnt pleased with, and they charged me 550 bucks (aussie) but the job looked pretty tidy, and the colours were matched well. so i payed up. anyways got in the car started her up, and she wasnt runnin well at all so i let it warm up, still wasnt running well. checked the distributor, points and all the electrical stuff, and still running like a dog. so i limped it home. when i got home, poped the hood and decided to dismantle the SU carbs. and what did i find???!?!?! METAL SHAVINGS AND FINE METAL DUST INSIDE MY CARBIES!~WTF.!>!! so that was today, ive completly dismantled my carbies and found that all surfaces inside the carbie have very fine scratches all over them. tomorrow when i take the head off, i expect to find my 2.565cc L26 re-bored to 2.8L so i went to get some rust repaired, ended up getting a engine re-build, oh and they put a nice dint in my front left quater as well :dead: anyways i just wanted to tell some people who care, most people dont appreciate Z cars liek the fellas on here. i learnt, that all work on my car is going to be done by myself, just cause they say they are profesional, and charge big bucks dont mean the know anything about anything. Fuzz
L28 + turbo = L28ET??
hello, i am currently entertaining the idea of buying a 280zx for $200(aussie), i havent looked at it yet, but my mate said shes pretty rusted. i already have a 77 260z, and want to get some real performance out of it. now what i was thinking is, buy the 280zx do some work to the engine, turbo it and all that jaz, then once if got it all ready, drop the engine straight into the 260z. now before you guys start yelling at me and saying "just buy a L28ET dumbass" remember, i live in australia, and have only ever seen one L28ET for sale, and it was selling for 13k. i dont have any real details on the 280z engine wise, i dont know what head or block it has, but i doubt it has the p90 head or the f54 block, which is what i belive they used for the L28et(or is it the n42 block?). what i wanted to know is, if i do some work to the L28 engine, and turbo it, will i be able to get the same sort of performance from as the L28ET would give? can the engine tolerate the boost, will the head work just as good even though its not the p90(i will port it of course) all that kinda stuff. anything you guys know is helpfull. cheers Fuzz
bored SU's vs tripple webbers
okay cool. no im currently running a stock head, but im going to port it and hopefully put a new cam in, when i take the old carbies off. so i imagine id have to find a needle which suits my car, and if im not wrong, there are over 300 different needles to choose from, guess and check would never work, how can i be sure to get the right needle? cheers Fuzz
bored SU's vs tripple webbers
im thinking of purchasing a pair of rebello bored 50mm SU's, they used to pull 280 hp on a stroker engine, they are quiet a but cheaper then tripple webbers. since im not trying to get 280hp out of my L26, these lil pupies should do the trick with a ported head, mild cam and extractors. or should i spend the extra cash and go with the tripple webbers? keep in mind the webbers are almost 3 times as expensive, and im only using my car as a street car. any info that you guys might know about these bored SU's would be handy, and DO's or DONT's. cheers Fuzz
, and again! you guys are all not only as it seems, Z car genius' but comic genius' as well, i never loled so hard at a forum. good to see your happy to say hi and poke a lil fun at a new aussie member as well as give people detailed info about their cars, and you can be sure ill be enlisting your help in the very near future, cheers fellas!