Everything posted by 26ounce
The Neglected 280ZX?
Beat me to it alfadog!
The Neglected 280ZX?
I don't mind the look of the 2 seater 280ZX, I'd rate them ahead of an early 2+2. Although I can't remember ever seeing one on the streets of Oz. Did they sell them here or what?
My Car at MSA
History Channel
I posted my thoughts on the show on an earlier thread. Basically I was not a big fan of it, as Alfadog mentioned there were way too many interviews with Z fans who didn't have that much to say apart from, "aint it cool". It is also very dsimissive of the Nissan company, implying a number of times that they were verging on incompetent. If you want to see a good car documentary watch the similar History Channel show on the Corvette. That rocked!
I never dreamed it would come to this
The first one is certainly a disgrace. Can't say I like much about the 2nd either, but at least it may be salvageable. Those rear flares look way too big to my eye, maybe he has put on some cheaper wheels because they look lost under the flares.
Vote on a Wheel!
I'd go with Race, or Fighter sans wood. Nice Z by the way.
front spoiler
Cool, let us know how you get on.
front spoiler
If you could get one to Perth I'd be interested Brett.
Remove old underseal first?
Hey 240Z, if the underseal is brittle and old just get after it with a paint scraper. Using a scraper I zoomed throught the brittle sections on mine in no time, and had the added bonus of not having to wear shower-cap. It is the thicker gooey parts that are giving me the most problems, if the wire wheel works for you here then go for it. Carb cleaner is my solvent of choice for getting rid of any residue, more expensive but does a great job.
Miata seats anyone?
Who was it that was going to try the Miata side mirrors on his Z? Having see the pictures posted above I would be keen to see how those mirrors work for Zs.
260z - 240z
I agree with the other guys posts but to answer some of your other questions: The 260Z coupe is virtually the same in appearance as the 240z but is heavier by about 150-200 kg. As I understand it most of this weight increase was from Nissan strengthening the chassis for safety. The 2+2 is heavier again. The 260Z also came out with flat top carbs to lower emissions but they also lowered performance, the emission stuff also added a bunch of tubes & crap on the manifold. Nissan then increased the engine capacity by 200cc to try and compensate for the added weight and the emission control. If you are looking to eventually do an engine swap I would point you towards the 260Z for a couple of reasons. Firstly their stronger chassis would probably be better for high powered swaps, consider the safety factor as well. Secondly, 240Z are getting very collectable in stock form so in the long run you might actually be damaging its value. All that being said, the 240Z being lighter will be faster than a 260 with the same mods. Oh yeah, I also think you should go for an RB motor. The RB20 is cheaper than an SR now and there is a lot more documentation on RB swaps into Zs.
Major structural rust problem! HELP!
Thanks for the advice Joseph. I'm pretty sure I'll just brush it on. Yours is the 2nd horror story I've heard about spraying on POR-15 so I think I'll just avoid the whole issue. I'm not hugely concerned about the finish as long as it stays reasonabe, I just want make sure I knock the rust problem on the head as best i can. Of course the decision is made easier by the fact that I have no spraying equipment.:stupid: By the way, once you have scarped off the majority of the tar undercoat I have found that carb cleaner is amazingly good at removing the remaining residue. Just in case anyone else is having the same issues as I am now or in the future.
Factory V8 240Zs
The guy who did the rover v8 swap told me this while we were having a chin wag, I didn't really investigate it any further so it's as much as I know. It was also helped by the fact that on paper the rover V8 swap is only a small power increase (under 20%).
Major structural rust problem! HELP!
I'm in the process of stripping back everything front of the windscreen, if I ever get through the tar undercoat that is. After I get all of it stripped back I'm going to give it a coating of POR-15. I'll get some photos after I finished and post them here. Hope this POR stuff is as good as everyone says.
Factory V8 240Zs
I think it might be the same guy, but I have seen a P76 V8 swap in Perth. The swap was done to a white 260Z coupe by a guy called Robin. He had the same report of only a incremental improvement in power levels but a whole lot less weight in the front and no more understeer. And yes it does look sweet in the engine bay! Apparently the fact that Nissan made a factory V8 Z makes it easier to register a V8 Z in WA.
My brother has a great spanner set that has a ratchet system on the ring end. This means that when you are in a tight spot and can't rotate the spanner all the way around you can just ratchet it backwards and forwards like you would with a socket set. I would not call them invaluable but they impressed me, put them on the nice to have list.
A blessing in disguise?
Those new rules don't seem particularly well worked out. But then again your average mug like me would have a greater chance of success swapping an old carbed V8 than attempting a newer EFI turbo type motor. No nasty electrickery to muck around with. Anyway, by my calculations are right then you might be able to put a 350 in a 260Z. Assuming the 260Z weighs 1200kg then the max cubes is 352.8 and you just make it. Not that it helps you Ozzy Guy. FWIW If you want to stick with carbs you could consider the P76 Rover V8.
RBZ - New Front Spoiler
I like the spoiler. Where can I get one for my 260. Interesting wheels too, are you running adapters?
Remove old underseal first?
Removing this stuff is slow and tedius work! I spent a couple of hours under the car yesterday and have only removed a very small section, and even that area still has a lot of residual undercoat left behind. I was using a hair dryer and while it worked alright you don't exactly zip through this stuff. Guess I'll try and find some of this underseal remover stuff.
Datsun vs Datsun?
I've noticed this Datsun versus Datsun thing as well. Is it just me or does there seem to also be a small amount of animosity thrown into the mix as well? I can appreciate some of the great work routinely done by the 1600/1200 crowd. I'm also insanely jealous of the great aftermarket support that seems to exist for these cars compared to the Z (in Perth anyway). But I'll stick with the Z. You stick a great 1600 in a car park and most people will walk straight past it, the curvaceous lines of Z always get noticed.
Close encounter of the second kind! (350Z)
Very disappointing:disappoin He obviously had no idea of the link between your 240Z and his 350Z. Personally, I think Nissan should make all aspiring 350Z owners pass a Znology multiple choice test before granting them full Z owner status. I mean you can't just let anyone walk in off the street and buy one.
Z video
I interpreted to mean the design of the car as a whole, ie suspension, drivetrain etc. IMO, a comparison of the R33 GTR and the 300ZX would have the ZX ahead on looks and not much else (donning flame proof suit having typed that). Anyway I found the guy who made the comment kind of annoying. No matter he said I probably would have found fault with it.
side mirriors
Having side mirrors like the ones on this web page below would be enough to convince me to start drilling the window frame. They seem a bit better sized for a Z than the ones in the picture above. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/pparaska/TercelMirrorMounting.htm
Z video
Thanks Mr Camouflage, it did start at 7.30. The show was not bad but it was all very US-centric in perspective. They had a number of interviews with Mr Katayama (sp?), all these interviews related to how Nissan went about cracking into the US car market. It was very glowing in it's praise of Katayama. Without openly saying it they almost implied that the rest of Nissan verging on incompetent without him - particularly in Nissan's approach to the US market. They showed some of the TV adverts used at the time and they were pretty funny - particularly the black gold 280zx ad which is hilarious. A disappointment to me was that they failed to show any of the early seventies rally footage. They could have cut half of the Z enthusiast interviews to include some of this, the Nissan Sales Rep in particular was begging to be edited out. One of his comments was that the 300ZX was at the cutting edge of sports car design, this comment was made in 1995 so he must have been ignoring the GTR. But any documentary on the Z is a good documentary, it is worth watching just for all the old footage. I'd give it ****/*****
What is THis....?
I believe I've seen that Z on the hybridZ site. Owned by one of the regular posters there I think. Is that what you were asking?