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Everything posted by AndysPlit

  1. AndysPlit posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Alrighty, after "negotiating" for the relase of these photos from my ex-girlfriend, I have pics of one of my Z's. These were taken at Motorsport this year. I've owned her for 10 years, and believe me, there are some stories and adventures to tell. I'm sure everyone out there can relate. She was repainted back to her original color (#306) last year. The interior is halfway done, tranny rebulit, and running strong at 299,000 miles on an un-rebuilt engine......I apologize for the giant images. My pride and joy. [email=<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc171/andysplit/Motorsport20072.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a&gt]<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc171/andysplit/Motorsport20072.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a> <br>
  2. AndysPlit replied to dade280's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    $300? Wow, I feel jipped from nearly 10 years ago. I bought mine from Precision Z in Canoga Park, CA for a whopping $600!! They were in very nice shape though. Tell me, was I ripped off?
  3. AndysPlit replied to OLDZCHOOL's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    ...For example?
  4. AndysPlit replied to OLDZCHOOL's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    ...Rubbish. Here's a dreamer that actually think he's going to get something close to what he put into it $$$ wise. I thought the rule of thumb was that you hardly get back what you invest into a car.....especially a Z. Sorry, love the Z, always will, but no Z will be worth that much in a while. Until then, dream on, kid. I'll put my 280 on e-bay and list it for $30,000 if his sells. :stupid:
  5. AndysPlit replied to pimpjester's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    .....Yeah, you got me on that one.
  6. AndysPlit replied to pimpjester's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Follow the original paint code. At least that's what I did. Persoanlly, I'm very picky about selecting colors outside what Datsun used. #306 Baby!
  7. .....Looks nice to me. Better looking as a convertible than the 350Z.
  8. Interestingly enough, I actually encountered that "Z brotherhood" a few weeks ago from a 350Z. Now that was cool. We gave each other the thumbs up. It's out there. Just not as much as we would like.
  9. I bet if your patient you will find one on e-bay. Once in a while I'll see Z toys like this one. Also, I doubt the auction would go past $30. Cool toy though. I collect Z toys one in a while myself.
  10. OK, I know most of us are S30 nuts, but since I do also own an 86 ZX I thought someone might know this one. For the secondary fuel gauge, does it display 1/4 left in the entire tank, or 1/4 gallon left? I would post this on Z31.com, but honestly it's kind of a ghosttown, and I am use to you fellows. Thanks!
  11. .....eyes in Burbank, Glendale, and Pasadena.
  12. Ah, decisions......I appreciate the offer, but all of my Z related funds are currently going into my 86 ZX. It'll be a while before I actually execute my plans to "get the most power" out of the straight six. Thanks though!
  13. AndysPlit replied to AndysPlit's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    ...............I am utterly baffled. Perhaps it was an S30 factory option that I obviously did not inherit upon purchasing the vehicle. I'll ask Nissan what they say.
  14. AndysPlit replied to AndysPlit's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    A what?
  15. AndysPlit posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    An update: It sounds like the party that rear ended me is being evasive. Their insurance has not been able to reach them to conduct their investigation. So I gave the other party a call and requested that they return Mercury's phone calls so that my car can be fixed. If this keeps up I will persue legal action. They are underestimating a Z owner's love and pride for his car. Anyway, hopefully it'll be taken care of soon.
  16. For sure dude!
  17. .....Cool Prowl animation. Yeah, I have a Smokescreen reissue that is actually identical to the original. My ex-girlfirend got me that in 2004. Note that the original Autobot line-up consisted of many imports including Japanese, German, and Italian. For some reason the film strayed away from this. I heard that VW wouldn't give up the rights for Paramount to use their Bug for Bumblebee. In the end, money talks I suppose. GM still has a lot of catching up to do nonetheless.
  18. There is as of yet no deadline to register........Unless they get floods of people registering, leaving the problem of space constraints. But at this time he didn't seem worried about that. Perhaps I'll see you guys there if I go. I am pestering the insurance to get on the ball to have my car look pretty again.
  19. Thank you. I just e-mailed him. When I find out, I will post the date here.
  20. Bitching!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Hopefully I'll have my bumper repaired by then. I'm still waiting for the insurance to handle it. I would love to enter my car. Do you know if there is a deadline to register?
  22. AndysPlit replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Personally I think it's about time Nissan / Infinit had a certain aesthetic that can be clearly defined throughout all their models. Think about it, BMW has, Mercedes, and Porsche does as well. This nonesense of the Altima being a clone is going way too far. Something that has been lacking from Nissan all these years has been a design that makes a statement in regards to which manufactuer the vehicles hail from. I don't think some commanalities between their different models is a bad thing. The name is Nissan, and their designs should scream that.
  23. YES!!!!! Very cool! My avatar is Bluestreak by the way!
  24. AndysPlit replied to janaka's post in a topic in Introductions
    I second that. Nice 280. "Treat her like a lady and she'll always get you home."
  25. Yeah, that really sucked. It was sort of traumatic for me as a child to watch Prime die. I still hate it that they killed off Prowl because he was a Z. Check out the 20th Anniversary DVD if you get a chance. It's loaded with all kinds of cool stuff.

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