Everything posted by AndysPlit
Lost original key with no spare
I always give the Japanese credit. Half of me can't help it I'll be calling a few locksmiths today. Wish me luck. I'll post an update soon. Happy New Year. Can't wait to drive my baby in 2012! Owned her since 97!
Lost original key with no spare
Getting one key made for the entire car would put an end to nearly 15 years of torture by excessive keys.
Lost original key with no spare
Thanks for the advice everyone My local Nissan dealer's records for the vin # only goes back about 10 years. Not even my Z32 would make the cut in a similar situation. messed up, eh? As far as retrieving the key code from inside the passenger door goes, that might help....partially. I have three keys for the car. One for the ignition, one for the doors, and one for the hatch. Thanks Datsun! Anyway, it seems taking out the ignition and bringing it to a local locksmith may be the cheapest solution. Wish me luck!
Lost original key with no spare
Yup.....It's really sad and quite boneheaded of me I admit. My glove-box also lacks the key code so that it would be an easy fix. So, I am faced with paying over $100 for the locksmith to come out or buy a used ignition with key and install it myself. Anyone have one for sale for a 78 Z? I already checked the classifieds. Are these a bitch to install? Any suggestions for this dilemma would be appreciated......Yes, I will make a spare! Thanks! Andy
Interesting Z Video
The 300ZXTT (Z32) should've owned that race.....PERIOD. According to Nissan the Z32TT clocked in at 5.2 seconds in 0-60 times. The 350 is at 5.8. But, again, it all depends on the driver.
Just added a new Z to my collection
I envy you Congrats!
Check this out
Tacky. That artword should've been saved for a dinner plate or a mural inside a sushi bar.
L28 Cylinder Order
I got the car to stop misfiring. I think I simply need new spark plug wires.
L28 Cylinder Order
Thank you. I will check those out for sure
L28 Cylinder Order
I'm aware that the order of the wires on the distributor is (counter clockwise) 1,5,3,6,2,4. However, when connecting those wires to the spark plugs does #1 start at the front of the engine? I'm sure it does, but do I follow the sequence 2,3,4,5,6 consecutively in that order when connecting the wires with the plugs? Or is the sequence not so straight forward on the cylinders? My engine is misfiring after I disconnected the the wires to replace my valve cover gasket. Thanks!
Are Springs Different Between 240s & 280s?
OK, good to know. That will definately change my plans. I'll have to buy a new set of springs. I just called Motorsport and the Euro-spec springs are unavailable. I'll shop around. By the way, if anyone is interested in a set of Turn 6 springs for a 240 let me know. I also have a front sway bar too for a 240. That'll go towards a new set of springs
Are Springs Different Between 240s & 280s?
OK. I have a set of performance springs as opposed to stock. Does the difference still apply ie will I have to buy different springs? The ones I have now were used in a 240.
Are Springs Different Between 240s & 280s?
It would seem to be the case, but I want to make sure. Anyone?
Upgrading the Suspension Finally
The springs were used in a 73 240. Will they still work in a 280?
Upgrading the Suspension Finally
Thank you all. I will definately take these suggestions to heart. I love this forum. I'm still all ears.
Why does the 260z get a bad rap.
heh...Depends on the driver too
Why does the 260z get a bad rap.
In the end we're all a little biased based on what we own.....And that's OK. before I knew anything about Zs I bought my 280 because of the fuel injection. Perhaps these days I would've looked for a 240 based on its popularity among purists and its special place in the automotive world. However, I'm quite happy with my 280 after 14 years of ownership. In the grand scheme of things it's more important how YOU connect with a car as opposed to the rest of the world......And I have a strong connection with mine even though it's not a 240. So, 260 owners (especially): How will YOU connect with your Z? I don't know about the rest of you but market value, pedigree, and purist beliefs are second to the enjoyment I get from a car.
Why does the 260z get a bad rap.
Wow...."Bastardized"? That's putting it harshly. Though I agree that the 240 was what Nissan originally intended before all the regulations, her sister models are true Z-cars as well. Things change weather it's from the manufactuer or government. Evolution in the auto world is a constant.
Upgrading the Suspension Finally
After years of pondering how to do this on my 78 Z, I have finally come to the conclusion that I will work on the suspension myself. Cost has been the main issue, so that will obviously not be so much a factor. I'm planning on replacing my old worn KYB struts with Tokiko HPs and also the stock springs with Turn 6 performance springs. Turn 6 is barely ever mentioned as I believe they haven't made springs for Zs in years. They were handed down to me by a friend who drove a 240. From my understanding they will be slightly stiffer than the stock ones and lower the car by an inch....Nothing too drastic I assume. I'm going to purchase a set of spring compressors and a decent jack. I don't think the one that came with the car will be as safe or sturdy for this type of job.....Although I own a second one in my Z32. Anyway, I have three questions: 1) Is there any advice before I proceed? I have a Haynes manual and plan to do further research on the istallation of these componants. 2) I also have a front sway bar (from a 240) that I was thinking about installing while I was under the car. I'm not sure if it'll fit. It should, right? 3) Would this also be a prime opportunity to replace some of the bushings? Thanks!
Why does the 260z get a bad rap.
Let's not forget that the acceleration for a 260 (stock) is the slowest of the three S30 models. It doesn't make it a bad car or even Z, but I can see why "purists" prefer the 240 and 280.
On arrival in TN
mustang vs any z
Since you own an 80 ZX why not be realistic. Go toe to toe with an older Mustang.
82/83 ZX turbo wheel center cap
Looking for just one of these. Anyone selling? Morotrsport is out of stock. Thanks! Andy
MSA West Coast Nationals
Throw in some chicks roaming around in bikinis and I might consider $30.
MSA West Coast Nationals
$40 for the West Coast Nationals? This show is for Z enthusiests.....Not for Ferrari fanatics. $20 Tops IMO.