Everything posted by AndysPlit
Transoformers More Than Meets The Eye!!!
It was alright. What makes it worth it is the original voice of Optimus Prime, Peter Cullen, returning to his famous role. I can't give my full seal of apporval based on visuals. It's kind of like a car having an exotic body, but no guts underneath. Mind you, I don't expect a storytelling epic from Michael Bay, but the animated movie from 86' had more heart and soul than the current one. Don't get me wrong, it was "cool" but not that cool. IMO. .....The Autobot Z's were Prowl, Bluestreak, and Smokescreen back in the day. If only they had a 350Z Transformer in this film! Anyway, feel free to rip me a new one because I wasn't completely sold.
What's wrong with the 280's?
The "oversize worthless bumpers" saved my 280's rear end. Although they are not as pleasing to the eye as the thinner bumpers of the 240, they get the job done.
Opinions on this 1973 240z?
Nothing wrong with any Z. But I suppose Nissan had their reasons to only restore 70-72 model years a few years ago.
What's the longest trip you've made in your Z?
4,000 miles roundtrip from Los Angeles to New Orleans and back. Done in 2003 in my 280Z.
S30 Chrome ashtray Restoration Techniques? Anyone? Anyone?
I know this may be a little off-topic but has anyone noticed that the open ashtray makes a great cup holder!?
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
There is definately something a little extreme (perhaps fascist?) about the penalty. I understand that street racing is a problem that has costed lives. However you can cite the exploitive nature of the punishment when it is done publicly or has been in the news. The whole "setting an example" mentality comes to mind, much like wearing the Scarlet Letter in a way.
Need Front Panel!!
I'd take this offer. Most of the ones you'll find out there have rust in the usual spots. Good luck!
Have the rear panel painted or leave it black?
Black will always add a nice contrast. My bodyshop painted my panel black without asking, but it turned out really nice. Never really cared for when the panel matched the rest of the car, but that's just me.
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
Very well said. Z's are an exception and always will be. They garner more respect than any current import.
wheel opinions
Aha! I recently purchased an 86 non-turbo. Thanks for the info.
wheel opinions
You learn something new everyday. I did some looking and there is photographic evidence of the 4-lug on the 84 300. My bad. Sometimes I am suspicious of the knowledge of sellers as they have claimed a lot of things from my experience.
wheel opinions
If there was any 300 that did, it may heve been the first year. I'll look into this.
Just a Saturday drive
Cool, perhaps sometime this summer! Hopefully the insurance will set things into motion soon for my repair. I would hate to cruise with a nasty dent in my bumper.
wheel opinions
Hmmm...doubtful any of them were used on a 300ZX. The 300's were equipped with 5 lug wheels. Maybe he meant a 280ZX?
Just a Saturday drive
Wow, very nice. I will consider that route since I live reasonably close to it. Everything feels just right when you're in that driver's seat. I say some of us local to the area ( So Cal ) should organize a ride. I would be game once my 280's bumper ir repaired.
Electric 280ZX????
What the hell? 2.2 litre? Why?
Rear-ended :(
Thanks for your thoughts everyone. Yes, to tell the trith is not easy at times, as I have felt tested. But not even ensuring the repair of my Z is not worth the potential dangers of lying. It's very strange. For years I have always had this vision when I came to a complete stop that someone would slam into the back of my car. It use to really haunt me as I felt that maybe the stars (I know this sounds hoaky) were telling me something. Now that it has finally happened I feel some prophecy has been fulfilled. Anyway, all things considered everything is OK. Tough little car. I am sending my accident report to the DMV today. I'll keep you guys posted. Cheers! ps..no police report was filed.
What's wrong with the 280's?
Darbji, I have owned my 78 280Z for ten years. During the last decade I have encountered the popular preference of a 240 over a 280. I won't even get into the 260's. At any rate you have every reason to be proud of your 280 as much as any 240 owner would be proud of theirs. The 280Z is a great car and was the final evolution of another great car, the 240Z. Be proud and never think for a moment you should've bought an earlier model. If you must own a 240, don't get rid of the 280!!!! I know you won't. I would never sell my 280Z. To my knowledge there are is an icrease in horsepower for the 77 / 78 model years. It does say 170 hp under the hood. Anyway, 240 owners like our engines and tansmissions. hehehe .....No disrespect to the 240. One day I wish to have one as well.
Rear-ended :(
Hello everyone. I am really upset this morning from the accident my 280 suffered last friday after work. All things considered, the damage is not that bad. I was hit from behind and all that was evident of a collision was a nasty dent in the bumper and slight tweak in the overrider. Clearly it was the other person's fault. I am concerned about the chances of my Z getting fixed because the driver of the vehicle that hit me was not on the policy. The actual owner of the 96 Acura told me he was going to make a false report to his company and say that he was driving. Although at first this sounded like a good way to ensure that my car would be fixed, I gave it some thought and decided that it would be in both our best interests to tell the truth. Well, he went ahead and filed the false report, I suppose thinking that he was doing me a favor. I told him that he should call them back and tell them the truth because I decided to play this by the book and mention what really happened. I filed my report last night with my company and am letting them handle the rest. Unfortunately I do not have uninsured motorists protecting me on my policy nor full coverage. So in the end I am hoping his company (Mercury Ins.) will cover the damages as it was clearly the other person's fault. On a side note I thank God that I kept my stock chrome bumpers on my 78 280. Without those big 5mph bumpers my rear-end would've sustained even more damage. Thanks Nissan! I got an estimate for $700. Not that bad. I'm OK and no one was hurt. I have learned a very valuable lesson upon almost comitting a crime (Insurance fraud). The truth will set you free of worry. And also it is best to protect yourself and play hardball. Anyway, I'm sure she'll look brand new pretty soon. I hope this all works out. Wish me luck guys and gals.
Hmm. Does that mean I have a water leak? From where? How? I had the head gasket replaced about 3 years ago. Why do you think it is only when I floor it?
Question reagarding a 78 280Z. When I really floor it upon acceleartion from a dead stop I have seen white smoke in the wake of my Z hauling arse. It's kind of rude but funny in a way as I have witnessed the guy behind me lost in a cloud of smoke. The engine has a rebiult head, but has 295K on the motor.. It runs fine, but I am concerned about the smokescreen issue. Help!
Maiden voyage in my 280
Yes, the snow nearly killed my Z. Last year, thankfully before the body & paint, she hit a snowbank and was stuck. After a few hours some locals helped push her out of it and back onto the slippery icy road. I remember one guy said, "A Z? That's bold!"............regarding the fact that I took her up there. But, I do remember my first drive. Initially I was looking into the 280ZX, until I took my 78 for a spin. "Wow!", I thought. That's what I was getting! I felt like James Dean for a moment.
My 280Z
Good luck with her. She still has life left in her I imagine.
Daily Driver
Thank you. I will try to post some more pics of the 300 and my first love, the 280 sometime in the future. I need a digital camera! But, in regards to choosing the Z31 over the 280ZX, I can see some of the allures of the S130. It does give better mileage, retains the classic Z look, and is simpler in terms of its mechanics. One factor that came into play is that a 280ZX 2+2 is much harder to find and many of them are in fair to poor condition. I saw so many more Z31's for sale. It's ironic because in all my years of being a Z owner I never thought I would ever buy a Z31. I cruised around town and took it on the freeway last night with the T-tops off. I had a blast, but the performance muffler is too loud. I sort of felt like a jerk driving this loud, red, and flashy vehicle. I almost felt like I was driving a 5.0 or Trans Am! I'm only speaking of the aesthetic and not power of course. Man , it was still AWESOME, but it could never take the place of my 280Z......ever.
Daily Driver