To All and pass this along, Sorry this is long winded but it's alot of info. As the President of the Datsuns NW Car Club, We have set the cut-off date of May 10 so we have time to have classes established, we will still accept registrations as long as you fit into a category, we will not make any new classes after that date. This is to have enough time to have trophies made. There will be a $5 per car gate fee if not registering for the show, as last year, $1 per person walk in fee, we have a banquet Saturday at 6:00pm that will leave you stuffed I'm sure, and some historic Datsun videos playing and music, all are welcome to do attend, you can pre-register for any or all of this or at least shoot us an e-mail and tell us your coming and that you want to do.....whatever? As far as the price of the show goes, the trophies we had last year cost over $600, that was with one of our club members giving us a deal making them. I'm sure the Blue Lake Event is not paying for their spot in the park or paying for insurance of any kind, we do both, which is almost $1100 for both! The Shasta show people paid as much as $150 for the weekend with events going on one right after another, I have been to car shows that are as much as $20 for the evening. We have dash plaques Made for the Event, we have tons of raffle prizes, swap meet spaces, we have indoor area for meeting and eating. indoor area for Datsun memorabilia sales also. We also donated $700 to several local charities such as: a womens shelter, leukemea foundation, and a bone marrow fund. Our intent is to make this the Premiere Datsun event of the NW, we have lots of room to grow at the fairgrounds in the future, also please note this is a "DATSUN EVENT" not just a Z or 510 or Nissan event it is for all Datsuns if more Z's register it's not changing the show name, it will still be a Datsun show. We have wash facilities for the drivers that come to the show we only had three cars come in on trailers last year two of which were race cars! The truck that took first place is a trailer queen(in my opinion) but he drove it down from Seattle! we have been averaging over 200 cars every year, there was 72 show cars registered last year from Canada to California, we had people come to the show from New York and Texas. We had national show coverage in October "Super Street Magazine" and "Grassroots Motorsports Magazine", Super Street magazine did a feature article on one of the show cars in March 07. We want more clubs to attend, we would make a club trophy for biggest club attendance, we have been going to Seattle for 3 years to attend the Golden Gardens BBQ put on by NW Nissans rain or shine! We had comment cards available last year, we handed out about 100 we got maybe 15 back, not to be negative, but if you were there last year did you voice your opinion and fill out a comment card? Most all enjoyed the show, they liked the location with the trees and shade, they thought the food was good, they liked the kids play area, there was a few negative comments about the price one thought that a t-shirt should have been included with registration(with more registrations a possibility, or lower the registration fee), one did not like the separation from the $5 entry cars and the show cars, not enough signage for where stuff was. We had people from the Shasta and Vancouver BC shows comment on how much they liked the laid back atmosphere on Saturday and the show on Sunday, people enjoyed camping on site, secured and locked up at night. So if you all have suggestions, I want to hear them( We want Canby to be a fun and memorable experience for all ages and we want to keep it affordable. This is your show, not mine, lets keep it fun! Thank You Dave Bothwell President Datsuns NW