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Bulldog Z

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Everything posted by Bulldog Z

  1. I think the new forum is very user friendly. Arne is right, if the old software is obsolete, then the forum software has to be changed because vendor support and ease of maintanence is crucial . As the Sheryl Crow song says "Change will do you good." Just my opinion. Brad
  2. Bulldog Z replied to Bulldog Z's post in a topic in Electrical
    Thank you Steve, for the information. I will search your other threads on LED's. I have been thinking about making the LED upgrade, but I just haven't done so yet. Will you be attending Zcon 2011? I will be joing the Ga Z club as well. Brad Richards
  3. Bulldog Z posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Does anyone know what the bulb part number is for a 73 240Z map light? I know the bulb is 5W, but I need a number so I can order it from a bulb supplier. MSA does not have the bulb in stock. Thanks for the info.
  4. I will be going to Z con 2011 in Savannah. This will be the first Z convention for my wife and I. I will be coming from Albany Ga in south Ga. I would be cool if some people wanted to meet in Macon Ga, then we could caravan to Savannah. Just a thought. Bulldog Z
  5. That's what I was thinking too Arne. I think I will go with the MSA kit for the ease of installation and the similarity to the 70's unit. The 240Z is fairly small, so the unit should cool decently. Hopefully the MSA unit will stand up to the brutal south GA summers which can tax even the most robust automotive AC systems.
  6. Thank you Arne for your reply. I will monitor MSA. I am sorry if I sounded like a jerk in my reply to stevej but I don't like treated like I am in idiot just because I bring up a well covered topic.
  7. Well, first of all, I put factory in quotes because I know 240Z's never came with factory air conditioning. 240's had a dealer add on air conditioning option and my car had this option at one time. Unfortunately, my AC has long since been removed. I know the dealer add on kit is rather feeble and is not nearly as effective as a modern unit. I feel like you are eluding that I shouldn't have written this thread because I should have found my information from the previous threads. I would just like to know which unit is better a dealer add on unit or an aftermarket unit. I am sure there will be many installation isuues with an aftermarket kit that I am trying to avoid. As far as the blower is concerned, some members say the Honda blower is better for air flow and other members say it is not. Again, I would just like some additional answers about the blower motor replacement. I am sorry if I sound trite, but I do not like to be chided for trying to gain information on a frequently discussed topic.
  8. I am sorry, I know I am adding yet another A/C thread. I did a search on the topic, but I need additional advice. I would like to add A/C to my 73 240Z. I am leaning more towards the "factory" kit because it is made for the car. Courtesey nissan no longer has the factory kits available. Has anyone had any experience with the classic or vintage air kits. I know I need to go with a modern Sanden type compressor. I have also read that the Honda blower motor is a good upgrade for increased air flow. Does anyone have any thoughts or guidence?
  9. I just bought an L24 engine for a spare to build for my 73 240Z. The engine I bought has the vin number 187769. I thought this number was very high for an L24 engine. The engine also came with an automatic transmission as well. Would the auto trans have anything to do with the high vin number? Brad Richards
  10. Bulldog Z posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Does anyone know where I can buy a Datsun racing jacket? I am looking for something similar to the BRE racing jackets from the 70's. Thanks for the information.
  11. I have Dunlop A2 Sport 205/60/15's on 15x7 Pannasport rims. The tires and rims have been great. My car is lowered about an inch as well with no rubbing at all. I bought my tires from tire rack. Just my two cents. Brad R.
  12. Yes, Danglybanger, it does tick off a certain segment of Albany that typically keep cars in the yard as ornaments from their past or up on blocks to fix up when they win the lottery or something. My personal favorite is a old beetle that someone turned into a grill. South Ga is a very interesting place. I am not from here as you can tell. I view it a s free entertainment.
  13. My town, Albany Ga, has a local ordinance that states residents are not allowed to have cars in their yard that do not run or are unlicensed. They are then cosidered "junk" cars and the owners are fined accordingly. No need to gang up on Carl. All you have to do is check the local zoning laws. Like Texasz said if they are in violation they suffer the consequences. Cause and effect is a terrible thing at times. By the way, Texasz, I was born in Dallas Texas myself. I wish I still lived there. "Don't mess with Texas" Brad R.
  14. Bulldog Z replied to MEZZZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I think that collectible is somewhat open to interpretation. Like the Miata and the MR2 I believe there will be MR2 clubs and Miata clubs in the years to come. I know a few people that race Miatas in SCAA races at places like Road Atlanta. Just my two cents.
  15. Bulldog Z replied to Mike's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I agree with Mikewags, Sblake01 has been very helpful to me since I have joined the forum. Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but, I do think the primise of Mike's post has been missed somewhere along the way. Like Sblake01 said, everyone has the right to agree to diagree. However, that does not give members of the forum free reign to post whatever pops into their head or fingertips for that matter. I have always lived by some things are better left unsaid. I you think it might be offensive, than it probably is. Ok, I will step down from my pulpit now. Mike's post needed to be said to keep us all on the same page. Brad R.
  16. Bulldog Z replied to Bulldog Z's post in a topic in Interior
    Sorry, Tarmac, I am not that Brad Richards.
  17. Bulldog Z replied to Bulldog Z's post in a topic in Interior
    Thanks, Will, for the help. I will check the archives out.
  18. Bulldog Z posted a post in a topic in Interior
    I have a 73 240Z, and I would like to install 1990-1996 300ZX seats. Would 300ZX seats fit my 240Z without too many modifications? I would like to be able to reinstall my original seats again if I ever sold the car. I also like 1996-1998 acura integra seats as well. Which seats would be better? Also, would the factory add on 240Z AC system be better that universal systems from classic air or other aftermarket companies? Does anyone have a set of 90-96 300ZX seats for sale? Brad Richards
  19. Bulldog Z replied to Bulldog Z's post in a topic in Electrical
    Thanks guys for the comments. I will try the ground test and see what happens. To my knowledge the sensor is original, so it is probably going bad. Thanks for the help as always. Brad Richards
  20. Bulldog Z posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I have a fairly new 180 degree T stat in my 73 240Z. The temp guage never goes past the middle of the guage even on the hotest south Ga days. Lately, while driving at highway speeds, the temp guage will go back to zero. A few minutes later, the guage will go back to the normal reading. I have converted the car to a closed system with a surge tank. The coolant is at the proper level when the car is cold. I have also checked the temp sender connections, and all is well. Any suggestions guys or gals?
  21. Bulldog Z replied to mally002's post in a topic in Video Center
    The rolling hill and pine trees remind me of driving around Athens GA where I am from. We don't have any hills to speak of here in south GA. Your car sounds about like my 240.
  22. Its been nice here in south GA. We have had temps in the mid 70's for the last couple of weeks. The temp was 82 today. It gets well over 100 here in the summer though.
  23. Bulldog Z replied to Beefcakez's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    The 460 is a killer motor. My only thought would be weight. In my opinion, the 460 would make the car very nose heavy and shoot the handling dynamics all to hates and back. You could build a chevy small block or a 302 and get close to the same HP output. Also, the 460 is a serious gas hog. My best friend had a 460 in his Ford truck, and he only got between 8-10 MPG. Just my opinion though.
  24. Hi Carl, My Dad drove the 610 daily from 1981 to about 1998. My little brother and I both learned to drive on the 610. My brother drove it for about three years during most of his college. When my dad sold the 610 in 2001, it had 235K on the frame. He rebuilt the motor at 176K because it was starting to use a quart and a half between changes. He had a weber downdraft carb on it so it ran like a champ. As far as I know, the car is still a daily driver. Like you, I think they are great cars.
  25. Conedodger, California has always had the cream of the classic car crop. There are companies there that specialize in Z cars only which is great. Unfortunately, those kinds of places are not as prolific in the deep south ie GA, SC AL etc. Atlanta has a few good Z car places to choose from. My 73 240 is an org California car. I have some recepits from So Cal Z where the PO had it serviced. The car has virtually no rust to speak of.

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