Everything posted by Bulldog Z
Online tire purchase experience?
Just my to cents, Tire Rack has been great for me as well. I just called a couple of good shops in the area and asked them if they would mount my tires. All but one shop said they would be glad to do it. They couldn't beat Tire Rack's prices and didn't blame me for buying from them. Anyways, I will get off my soap box now. Brad
300ZX twin turbo or Chevy 350
Thanks guys for the comments. I think I will keep it Nissan all the way. This forum has such a wealth of knowledge. Brad
300ZX twin turbo or Chevy 350
I have a 73 240Z, and I am debating about swapping my stock engine for a twin turbo 300zx engine or a chevy 350. I like the idea of the twin turbo better, but the 350 is hard to beat as well. What are some of the pros and cons of both engines for the 240z. Has anyone done a similar conversion before? Brad
Hurculiner for floorboard rust proofing....
Thanks Steve, I think I will just stick to the second skin on the interior of my Z. I guess I could put herculiner on the underside of the car. Good Idea. Thanks for the input. Brad
Hurculiner for floorboard rust proofing....
Has anyone ever used Hurculiner as a sound deadener and a rust proofer? I am putting Second Skin in my 240Z to quiet things down and lesen the heat. Someone told me that Hurculiner on the floor pans and the rear deck with seconf skin on top work well together. I am just concerned about the Second Skin sticking properly to the rough Hurculiner. Any words of wisdom? Brad
- Fatmat
Has anyone had any trouble getting fatmat from fatmat.com? I ordered 100sq ft on July 31 2007 and have not received it yet. I tried to call them and the number has been disconnected. This is somewhat peculiar. I have a conformation number and everything from my order. Any thoughts?
Rubber Gromets Firewall and Floorboards....
Thanks webdawg1 I think I will give the dealership here in Albany a shot.
Rubber Gromets Firewall and Floorboards....
Does anyone know where I can get rubber gromets for the floorboards and firewall where the AC hoses come in? The gromets on my 73 240Z were removed long ago by the PO and never replaced. I tried Black Dragon and MSA to no avail. Any thoughts? Brad
Synthetic or Conventional Oil?
Thanks Arne for the input. You guys have forgotten more than I will know about Z's. Brad
Synthetic or Conventional Oil?
Thanks for the input. I guess I will continue using fossil oil b/c that's what the engine has had all these years. I change the oil every three months or 3000 miles whichever comes first. I prefer Castrol GTX 10w40 or 20w50 depending on the season.
Synthetic or Conventional Oil?
I have heard many people give conflicting opinions about using using synthetic vs "fossil" oil in Z cars. Is it true that seals will leak on an L24, or any engine for that matter, if synthetic oil has never been used? I am debating about using synthetic or not in my 73 240Z. What would be the best weight to use in both synthetic and conventional oil. Also, I heard that you can use synthetic motor oil in the diff as well. Any thoughts? Brad
Nardi or Moto Lita Steering Wheel....
I mean "better" in terms of quality, comfort, appearence, etc
Dissapointed In My New Exhaust, Twice!!
I have a header and 2.5 pipe going back to a turbo muffler and it souds great. I had Midas install the system and they did a great job. They let me watch and everything. I was glad I trusted the Midas touch!!! The installer used to have a 240 like mine back in the day. He has been in the muffler biz for about thirty plus years. They welded my muffler to the pipe as well. No stupid U joints to rust out.
Can someone explain this one?
I doesn't look like it has very good flow. I just looks like a rusty old header to me. I would choose a monza or something similar to that.
Nardi or Moto Lita Steering Wheel....
I am trying to decide if I want to put a nardi or moto lita steering wheel on my Z. Is one wheel better than the other? Do moto lita or nardi make a wheel that fit my Z? Has anyone put one of these wheels on their Z? Any thoughts? What are some good sites that have steering wheels for Z's. Brad
Look at this picture..Is this too high
Hey Mally 002, I have a 3 row radiator made by CSF and it works just great. My temp guage never gets above halfway even on 100 plus south ga days. CSF will ship the radiator right to your door. Mine was around $189. Try their site www.csfimports.com. They also have tech guys that can help as well. Hope this helps. Brad
stock exhaust
On my 73 240 I have 2.5 inch pipe from a header to a turbo muffler and it sounds great. It has a nice bark when I shift at about 3000 RPM. I would definately go with at least a two inch pipe.
Who wants to help me out? (parts query...)
I would reccommend making sure you get a three row radiator. Mine is made by csf radiators and it has been great. They are very knowledgeable and will ship it right to your door. Mine bolted right up with no problems. I think mine was like $189. It's been about three years ago though. Their site is csfimports.com. Hope this helps. Brad
Look at this picture..Is this too high
On my 73 240Z I have a Nissan thermostat and a three row csf radiator and mine never goes past the halfway point on the temp guage. Our days here in south Ga average 90 degrees plus with high humidity. AZ 240Z is right, a non Nissan thermostat will register diffrently. Hope this helps you. Brad
A/C for '73, factory or dealer installed?
I have the same aftermarket A/C system for my late 73' 240Z. If Datsun Z Guy doesn't want to keep his system I would like to buy it for my Z. I have the "how ya doin" box and the hoses, but I am missing the compressor, dryer, etc etc. I am debating about going with the "factory system or the company vintage air or something similar to them. In south Ga air is a must. Has anyone ever put a vintage air system on their 240Z?
240Z Replacement Seats
I am looking for a nice set of black 300ZX seats to put in my 73 240Z. Does anyone know if any mods are needed to install the 300ZX seats? Where would be a good place to look for them besides ebay.
Driving Lights
Anyone have any thoughts about some driving lights for my 73 240Z. I have seen some hellas at black dragon and I also have seen some at the cibie web site as well. I do have a front air dam with vents for the brakes. Where is the best place to mount the driving lights. Which lights are better hellas or ciebies?
Klasse Car Wax....
Thanks everyone for your input. I am definately going to let my new paint cure for about six months. My new color will be charcoal gray with a black stripe on the "high rise" portion of the hood. I can't wait to get it back and drive it with glee. The new color will be a vast improvement from the factory lime green metallic. I will post some pics upon completion.
Klasse Car Wax....
Sorry, I should have stated that my paint will be brand new. The car is in the body ahop as we speak. I just wanted to know if Klasse would be good to use for future applications. Sorry about the confusion.