Everything posted by ChrisZ
tripple weber jet sizes and adjustment
Yeah i need to find a write up on the basic cettings for Dellorto's, got a new ZX dizzy and new wires so i'm ready to fire them up soon Chris
GM Hei now no tach
Adrian, it's a 280Z, he will have a 3 wire.
240z starts but dies as soon key released
What kind of ignition are you running, if you don't have points, you will not need the BR, then you can just slap om a 3 ohm coil
tripple weber jet sizes and adjustment
You sure seem to know your way around Webers, i don't know of how much of it that is the same for Dellorto's but i am in the learning stage, being that i am putting on my triples as i write this, so i will follow your write up. I allways learned that ignition should be solved before carburation, am i wrong. What is your user name on Auszcar, i assume you are a member there. Chris
tripple weber jet sizes and adjustment
Pretty nice write up, maybe you could make one more explaining the basic setting at first start up, and how to adjust after that. Would be a good sticky if so. Chris
240Z good for tall people?
I'm 6' 5" and fit fine, Dave i got a 13y daughter as "tall" as you. Chris
- Just bought my dream car!
Motorsport Foam Seat Insert Kit
Dunno about the set from MSA, but others have been happy about the set from Les (Classic Datsun Motorsport)
US Trans AM mag wheel
Arne, if you read Leonard's post again, you will notice that he mention that it is in the signature, i'm 99% sure that the guy have a silver 240Z, but can't for the life of me remember who it is. Chris
US Trans AM mag wheel
Only thing that comes in to my mind is one looking for a 5 spoke ATS.
Dash 'eyeball' outside vents
That chrome paint looks good, but if any of you want nice eye balls, then search ebay.com.au, there are one advertising repro eye balls. Chris
15x8 Revolutions on Eugene CL
Always loved Revolution wheels, had a set on a previous car i had, center should be black for a more original look. Chris
Recommended ebay Seller - zpartshouse
I think you all might like to know, that Ed (zpartshouse) also is suspension.com Chris
So they gave us electric fuel pump wires?
It shouild be a 20A fuse, but ive read about melting wire issues so i wont go any higher than 15A as Dave points out, search, it have been covered before. Chris
So they gave us electric fuel pump wires?
There is also another way of doing this, the 260Z way, on the 260Z the altenator pulls a relay and there is also a 2nd relay, this is connected to the starter, that relay cuts off the power to the pump while cranking, so the pump will work in ON but not in START mode, go xenons30 and download a 260Z FSM. Chris
Engine rebuild
hooking up inginition wires on a xr-700.
Go search for member albhl, he made a adaptor. Chris
Considering Konig or Rota RB
Stephen, try to PM "CDM", i never had a problem. Chris
Testing distributor output/pulse?
Can't you just wire it up without the HI-6, do you have the E12-80 module. Chris
Stock 71 240z needs tires, pics please
Look at my sig, 195/70 14 stock suspension (not for long)
Rear Sway Bar Question
Rear Sway Bar Question
Did you allready buy it, if not, why not go with OEM Chris
Rear Sway Bar Question
Todd the -73 have brackets there for rear sway bar, i dunno if the MSA is the one that goes behind the mustache bar, maybe a 260Z one will work on your Z, if you get one for the original brackets, it can't really be mounted wrong. Chris
honda heater fan
I would take it if i could get it for $50 shipped
Carb linkage photos
Sure i will, just didn't think about it, if you look at the -73 you will see that the arm that the dog bone that runs paralell to the fire wall is on the lower part of the riser, that makes the dog bone sit in a angle of 10 -15 degrees, now on the photo esprist posted, the arm in on the upper part of the riser witch will have the dog bone in a horisontal position, hope this make sense.Chris