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Everything posted by HS30-H

  1. Hi Steve, Just PM'd you back.
  2. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    You should have said that you were talking about the 'Short Case' R200 rather than the 'Long Case' R200 in the beginning. It would have saved time. But I still don't understand the question. The internal parts of the R32-type R200 are not designed to fit in the earlier ( long case ) R200, and you would struggle to fit the complete R32-type diff in your Z. What is it you are thinking of doing exactly? If you want to have an LSD-equipped R200 with a suitable ratio that is a virtual bolt-in for your early Z, then I recommend that you look for the earlier long case type and forget about the one in your pictures.
  3. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Straight-on shot with the rear cover off:
  4. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    A close-up shot of the Ring gear and LSD housing:
  5. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Lots of Japanese domestic models got the R200 with LSD in various ratios, and they don't have finned rear covers. Any diff you find could have been fitted with either a Nissan option LSD unit, or a NISMO LSD unit, or one of several other aftermarket brands of LSD. You never know. Of course, if you are buying in the USA this ls less likely, but not an impossibility. To be 100% sure - and to identify the ratio at the same time - take off the back cover. If the vendor does not want to do this, then I would have to say that he is not maximising the sales potential of the item. Here's a pic of one of my LSD-equipped R200's with the back off:
  6. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Hmmm, I see you are blitzing the Z-related web forums with the same basic post. You'll be getting pretty much the same answers in other places too. You might like to use the "SEARCH" facility on this site. You will find that it will link you to a great wealth of useful information. Alan T.
  7. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Eric, I don't want to appear rude, but you are buying a ticket for a train that departed many years ago......... O.S.GIKEN have had many requests over the years to reproduce these heads, but its not going to happen anytime soon. Most of the tooling and casting patterns were made from hardwood, which has warped and deteriorated over the years. Remaking everything would cost a fortune, and the heads themselves would also cost a fortune per-unit. I'm afraid there are very few people who would be willing to shell out for what they would cost............. we are talking many thousands of US Dollars each ( and I mean many. I met the vice-President of O.S.GIKEN in Japan some years ago, and asked him all about it. Its clear that this is a project that they are not currently interested in reviving, and they have not got any unsold kits stashed under any workbenches anywhere either. They make some "O.S.Classic" parts for older cars ( piston kits, clutch kits etc ) but they don't have any plans to go any further than that. By the way - the actual code was "TC24-B1" - not "TG", which was a misprint in the Japanese magazine article that I supplied to Errol at DatRats. Alan T.
  8. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Interior
  9. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Interior
  10. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    , I never knew we had TWO street sweeping machines in London! They must have been hiding the other one........ Couldn't see a thing except the backs of a lot of heads. Police reported an estimated attendance figure of around 500,000 people. Cars were pretty loud in between the buildings to say the least. Complete traffic chaos all day and most of the night due to the closed-off roads....... Now they are talking about a full GP in London. It will never happen, of course - its just Bernie being clever and putting pressure on Silverstone and the BRDC.
  11. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    No figures for bone-stock USA-market cars on the same day? That's a pity. I thought it would be useful to compare the stock L20 figures with the stock L24 figures on the same dyno on the same day. kmack, what kind of figures would you estimate for your transmission losses? And did you feel like the dyno was reading high, or low? Alan T.
  12. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Halz, I probably could have worded it better, couldn't I?:stupid: What I meant was that it kind of dried up and ground to a halt, despite our efforts. I don't expect this one to live all that long either. It already fell off the bottom of the home page on the first day............. OT: I'm off to watch the Formula One cars which are being 'demonstrated' here in central London this evening. Its all happening just walk away from our home - so it'd be rude not to. Lets see if I can manage to see anything through the crowds :cross-eye I'll take my camera, but I'm not very hopeful. Alan T.
  13. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi Sean, That can of worms has been opened a few times on this site, and there was a fresh one opened here: Stagnant discussion link The way I see it, you are looking at it all wrong on more than one count: First of all, I think its a mistake to use the name of only ONE model ( the "240Z" ) when - I am guessing - you are actually referring to all the 'first generation' S30-series Z models. If you do only mean to refer to the "240Z", then which / what "240Z" are you referring to? Its beyond question that the 'HLS30U' model was aimed at / made for the USA / North American market - but the 'HLS30U' is certainly not the definitive S30-series Z or definitive '240Z' for that matter. There was, and can not be, a definitive first-generation Z model........ ( ?! ). Again, its beyond question that Nissan ( like most other car manufacturers ) wanted to maximise their chances of good sales in the largest potential single market, and took the regulations and needs of that market into account when they designed the car. However, the S30-series Z was 'born' in an RHD-oriented country, and used many components sourced from models developed for that market. A natural and understandable bias towards RHD in the layout and components is apparent, but its also clear that great attention was paid to functionality and ergonomics in both LHD and RHD layouts. As we know, there were some compromises - but overall they did a great job, didn't they? Comparing the S130 to the S30 is to compare apples to oranges. You can talk about sales figures in certain markets, but such matters are affected by so many factors that its difficult to compare fairly. How can you quantify what benefit the success of the S30-series Z had on the sales of the S130-series? I think there can be no doubt that the trail blazed by the S30 ( and other models ) made buying an S130-series Z that much easier, and the organisation to make, transport, distribute, sell and look after the cars was stronger, more efficient and certainly more trusted than it had been previously. Times were different, people were different, tastes were different, perspectives were different. How can we compare the two and expect to come to any useful conclusion? Alan T.
  14. No European country got the L20 as standard equipment in a Z.
  15. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Only true for the HLS30U ( the USA / North American market model ). All other markets got a 5-speed with the 4-speed as an option if requested. All markets also got an Auto. So if you see a '240Z' with a 5-speed it could very well have come from the Factory like that ( especially if its RHD ).
  16. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Got any equivalent data for the totally stock USA market cars on the same dyno on the same day?
  17. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Your best bet for the long-term would probably be to try and get hold of the Nissan engine Service Manual that covers the L20A engine ( as well as the L24, L26 & L28 ). This has ALL the data that you will need to have if you are the owner of one of these engines. Nissan publication number SM8E-0L28G0 was published through the 1990s, and you might be able to special-order a copy through your local Nissan dealer. Failing that, you might find one on ebay or at a specialist automotive literature dealer. Nissan quoted the stock figures for the L20A as 130 bhp at 6000rpm and 128 lb/ft at 4400rpm.
  18. Hi Carl, Can't we be labelled 'Sticklers' instead of 'Nit-Pickers'? I think it sounds less negative that way. And I respectfully agree with you on the handbrake. However, its ( bean-counter-decided ) location DOES illustrate wider issues. It is these issues that I would like to hear people air their opinions on. What's wrong with a bit of nitpicking - if that's what it is? Intelligent debate - without confrontation - is a dying art. I'm in favour of trying to preserve it. As I think I've mentioned before on this forum, I'd like nothing better than to get around a table with most of you guys ( with a selection of the local beverages.... ) and talk about all this stuff. We'd probably have a very interesting conversation, no? While there are people out there in the so-called "Z Community" ( whatever that is ) who are widely respected as experts and pundits, and yet call the Japanese home-market cars "irrelevant" ( yes - that's a real quote ) then I think there will be nits for sticklers to pick. Let me ask a rhetorical question here. Indulge me for just a second: When Ben asked Matsuo san the questions he asked, what do you think Matsuo san thought of him for asking them? I'm willing to bet that he thought that Ben was a very intelligent and thoughtful young man, and that he had asked some very pertinent and interesting questions. How many times has Matsuo san had a Westerner asking him questions like that? Answer: not very many, apparently. I bet he was impressed. I'd like to think that Forums like this - and the threads we create and respond to - help to plant further seeds of knowledge. I don't think that people who disagree with a stilted version of the truth should just put up and shut up. Its clear that there are still HUGE gaps in our knowledge of the background story of these cars that we love. Alan T.
  19. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    somecreep, I think you will find it very hard to locate the early non-vented home-market pillar emblems in the USA, or anywhere else come to that. As you will notice, 99.99999% of people will not have a clue what you are talking about :classic: There was another one of Kats' great threads a few months back that covered this topic: Pillar emblem thread Cheers, Alan T.
  20. Exactly. This thread needed to exist. I'm very pleased that halz pointed out Matsuo san's quote ; that he actually wanted TWO handbrake lever positions. Now it will be in our archive and we can point to it whenever anybody says that they think the handbrake lever was supposed to be on the right hand side of the tunnel to cater for the LHD market, as has been implied in the past. Sometimes dead horses need to be flogged. Alan T.
  21. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Confirmed. The home-market bonnet ( hood ) emblem on the S30-series Z cars was NOT the same as that on the S130 series. You are right - it was thicker and a slightly different shape.
  22. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Can we expect your Skyline to be wearing a skirt soon then??? Ah, CLIPPER - that explains it. The Clipper was a light truck ( originally part of the Prince range ) with a distinctive 'face'. I think the sticker was part of the promotion for that model. Its definitely about saving fuel, and safety too. Nice stickers! Cheers, Alan T.
  23. Nobody wants to play ball with us do they halz? Case closed then........
  24. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    In the order that they appear in your pics: "Semai Nihon-o naze isogu" ( Japan is small - why be in such a hurry? ) "Skyline kara no teigen" ( Suggestion from Skyline ) "Kuruma no tabi gommi-wa mochi-kairi masho" ( Take home your litter from your driving trip ) I think the first one was part of a petrol company campaign around the time of the 'Oil Shock' ( urging people to slow down and save petrol ). The others are safety and anti-litter campaigns. Did you get any of the "Safety Driver" condom campaign stickers Lachlan?

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