Everything posted by HS30-H
round shape knobs and square shape knobs
For the complete assemblies ( not just the knobs ); *18410-E4103 ASSY-CONTROL, THROTTLE & CHOKE manual ( 05-70 to 02-71 ). *18410-E4104 ASSY-CONTROL, THROTTLE & CHOCK ( sic ) manual ( 03-71 to 08-71 ). *18410-E8700 ASSY-CONTROL, CHOCK ( sic ) manual ( from 09-71). *18410-E8701 ASSY-CONTROL, CHOCK ( sic ) manual ( 06-70 to 06-72 ). *18410-E4502 ASSY-CONTROL, CHOKE automatic ( up to 08-71 ). *18410-E8700 ASSY-CONTROL, CHOCK ( sic ) automatic ( from 09-71 ). *18410-E8701 ASSY-CONTROL, CHOCK ( sic ) automatic ( from 07-72 ). *18410-E8801 ASSY-CONTROL, CHOCK ( sic ) manual & auto ( from 05-72 ). I would presume that any other numbers would be later "superseding" numbers. Alan T.
round shape knobs and square shape knobs
Here's an explanation of the part numbers and their superceding numbers. Its from the Euro export market parts list: *18415-E4100 KNOB-CHOKE manual & automatic ( up to 01-70 ). *18415-E4101 KNOB-CHOKE manual & automatic ( 02-70 to 08-71 ). *18415-E8700 KNOB-CHOK ( sic ) manual & automatic ( 09-71 up ). *18515-E4100 KNOB-THROTTLE manual ( up to 01-70 ). *18515-E4101 KNOB-THROTTLE manual ( 02-70 to 08-71 ). So, the very earliest knobs were very possibly a more rounded shape than they later became. Hope this helped, Kats. All the best, Alan T.
round shape knobs and square shape knobs
And here's the illustration from the European market Parts List ( 1972 version - which allegedly covers everything up to that date with all superceding numbers etc ):
round shape knobs and square shape knobs
round shape knobs and square shape knobs
Hi Kats, OK - I just had a look at four different references for this, and none of them have good clear illustrations. Sorry. However, its clear that there were three different part numbers for CHOKE knobs and two different part numbers for THROTTLE knobs up to 1972. That shows that the shapes changed, I would think? Here's the illustration from the 1970 Parts List ( Japanese market ). The numbers quoted are the same for the L-series engined and S20-engined versions:
Were the Works '70-1 GT-Rs ever fuel injected?
Hi Victor, The Lucas 'sliding throttle' injection, and Nissan's own ECGI system ( both seen on four and six cylinder Nissan 'Works' race engines during the late '60's to early '70's period ) used a setup that had the injectors on the inlet manifold - and not directly into the head. In fact, the Lucas system just shot the fuel into a tapered pipe - so not really even a 'throttle body' as such. However, at least some of these engines had non-standard head castings and I believe some of them ( notably the heads used on some of the works Monte Carlo rally Z's ) had the injector-type castings and machinings on them WELL before injection-equipped cars were made available to the general public. We have to presume that Nissan were fairly well ahead of the game, and more experimental parts existed than we generally know. If they were actually racing with Injection in late 1968 then you can bet there was stuff in development before that which we may never have seen. As for an injector-equipped U20 head, then I'm afraid I can't help with identifying it off the top of my head. I don't recall any of the works race SR's in Japan running on injection, but its quite possible that they might have tried it. I'll keep a look out for any period pics amongst my collection that might show injected roadsters. Whatever the story, you can bet that if they made one then they made more. The head you mention would probably have had a fair few brothers and sisters if its a special casting. Interesting! Alan T.
original jute material
Hi Carl, Great job! It's much better now. Just goes to show that there are indeed quite a lot of mistakes in the Factory publications. I'm now wondering about the tar board and how it relates to this illustration in the November 1969 publication no.184 - is the "Insulator" and the tar board one and the same thing, or does the "Insulator" refer to a base layer of Jute with the sticky coating applied to it, underneath a top layer of Jute? We must not forget that the illustration and captions from publication no.184 are referring to the Japanese home market cars, and may or may not apply to the earliest of the Export models. Alan T.
original jute material
Hi Carl, Well spotted! I didn't actually notice this until you pointed it out, but the captions are actually wrong. I translated them in the order that they appear in the list, but when you compare the descriptions to the numbered pieces its clear that Nissan have cocked it up. Here's a corrected list: 1 = FRONT MAT ( should be numbered 3 ) 2 = REAR MAT ( should be numbered 7 ) 3 = TUNNEL MAT ( should be numbered 6 ) 4 = FRONT JUTE ( should be numbered 2 ) 5 = REAR JUTE ( should be numbered 8 ) 6 = TUNNEL JUTE ( should be numbered 5 ) 7 = FRONT INSULATOR ( should be numbered 1 ) 8 = REAR INSULATOR ( should be numbered 9 ) 9 = TUNNEL INSULATOR ( should be numbered 4 ) Does that make sense? They are calling the black tar-board the "Insulator", and the Jute is the filling in the sandwich between the Insulator and the "Mat". Cheers! Alan T.
original jute material
original jute material
I thought this might be of interest. Its a scan of a page from Nissan Publication No.184 ( "Z-1" ) dated November 1969, which was for the Japanese market. The translation of the numbered items is as follows: 1 = FRONT MAT 2 = REAR MAT 3 = TUNNEL MAT 4 = FRONT JUTE 5 = REAR JUTE 6 = TUNNEL JUTE 7 = FRONT INSULATOR 8 = REAR INSULATOR 9 = TUNNEL INSULATOR The notes underneath detail the differences between the S30-S ( Fairlady Z basic no-frills model ) and the higher-specs of the S30 ( Fairlady Z-L ) and PS30 ( Fairlady Z432 ). They describe "Asphalt Jute" and "Happo Enbi / Enka Vinyl" ( Chloridated Vinyl mat ) as standard equipment for the S30-S. "Happo" could be translated as 'bubbly' with a little imagination - so this sounds like a description of the cross-section of the rubberised / vinyl mat. Second part of the note states that the S30 and PS30 had carpet as standard equipment.
Why written in english?
Hi Enrique, I don't see a Throttle Control Lever on the RIGHT of the console. Isn't that just part of the 'Leather' gaiter around the shift lever base reflecting some light off a fold? I've never seen a Throttle Control Lever sited in that position, in the Japanese market or elsewhere. Once they did away with the TCL I don't think they re-sited it anywhere else. Maybe its just a trick of the light? Alan T.
Why written in english?
Hi Kats, Actually, in my experience, they usually want to get OUT of the car rather than into it! My other half hasn't been in the ZG for over two years now. She says it gives her a headache and a backache, and it smells of 'chemicals'. She also says its too cold inside in Winter and too hot in Summer. She likes the colour, though. On the other hand, my 72 year old mother loves it. She just has trouble getting in and out of it, that's all.:classic: Alan T.
Why written in english?
The versions for the 432 / 432-R and the versions for the other models needed trimming differently to take into account the emblem shapes that they had to fit around. I think they came in a choice of either Black or White at first. Maybe other colours were added later? Kats has a version of these ( bought from MSA I believe ) on his car at present: Kats' car with stripes
Why written in english?
Why written in english?
Alfadog, I presume that they were indeed sold as "Datsun Fairlady 240Z" models in SA. I have never seen any marketing brochures / advertisements from that market, so I can only guess based on the badging of the cars that I have seen. Ben, I don't think that they sold very many out there in the first place ( probably only a handful ) so its very unlikely that there will have been a significant number of survivors. Maybe Arshad Khan's car uses the Sports Option pulley and belt set ( narrow V "Gates" belt ) and that is why he needed to send out for them? Halz, You were asking about the "Racing Stripe" kit from the Japanese standard options list ( not the Sports Option lists ). I have a pic of the 432R version:
Why written in english?
Hi Jeff, In answer to your question, I believe that the situation in South Africa was similar to the one we had here in the UK; That is to say that the Nissan products were sold by a franchise holder, and were badged with the "Datsun" name. I believe that the Nissan franchise for Kenya ( East Africa ) was held by a company called "D.T.Dobie". Until Nissan were firmly established in the African market I believe they used franchises such as this. Nissan seems to have been very serious about the the African market, and eventually opened a manufacturing plant there. I reckon its more likely that Kats' English manual is for English speakers in Japanese territory, and I only mentioned the SA connection to point out that Z cars badged "Fairlady" were, I believe, sold there. Cheers, Alan T. ( edit: I'm sure that the potential market for the Z must have been very small in Africa - and its obvious that Nissan's interest in the potential African market would have been mainly for small cars and utility vehicles rather than sports cars! ).
Why written in english?
Hi Kats, I was wondering if the lady in the manual is part of the "Optional Equipment" package. I'd love to have a personal assistant to wrench my ( wheel ) nuts................ I don't know much more about the South African market cars than you do. I know that some of the cars sold there were indeed badges as "Fairlady Z" and ( after late 1971 ) "Fairlady 240Z" - but I don't think it was a major market. It was, of course, an RHD market. You might have noticed that many of the Works rally cars that competed in the East African Safari Rally, and other African rally events, were badged as "Fairlady" models. The first of these were RHD, but they then switched to LHD for later events ( and yes - they moved the Handbrake levers to the left side of the trans tunnel on these cars ). I'll see what I can find out about the South African and other African countries markets for you. Cheers! Alan T.
Japanese Domestic Market
I don't know about anybody else, but I don't really mind people downloading and saving the pics that I upload here. That's fine by me, just so long as they don't go on to use them for any other purposes ( such as uploading them to another site etc ). It would be up to Mike to make any changes to the software on this site that would make the images viewable but not downloadable. I quite agree that there are pics on many other sites that have been uploaded from other sites without the original owner's consent. This is precisely what I want to stop happening with the images that I upload into the Gallery section here on this site. Its a case of breaking the chain, or not allowing a chain to start. If we are not vigilant 'at source', then the battle is lost before it has even begun. You comment that "......you cant assume the website has copyright over the images just because they are on the site." This is true - but you have to assume innocent until proven guilty, and most sites ARE ( like this one ) covered by Copyright - so if you see Copyright notices then you just don't rip. Easy as that. Like I said before, if in in doubt - link. If you want to go further, ask. If you get wrong information or accidentally end up with images that have been ripped from elsewhere, then at least you tried and did it in good faith. The best way, when all is said and done, is to use your OWN photos that you took yourself. Everybody would ideally take responsibility for this themselves, but just like all rules and morals there are people who have quite different ideas.
Why written in english?
Hi Kats, Another interesting post from you. Isn't this the Japanese-market owners manual for English-speakers? I've seen one before with a green cover that had similar content. I don't have one, but the one I saw was very similar to the one that you have, and it was described to me as being an official 'translation' manual for the 'gaijin' drivers who had bought a Fairlady Z to use in Japanese territory. My Fairlady Z-L was bought new from the "Export and Diplomatic Sales" office at Ginza by a USAAF pilot. This was in late 1970. Maybe they found a need for an official translation for customers such as this? Note that it mentions the models that debuted after October 1971, and also the specific models that were only sold in the Japanese home market ( the 432 and the ZG ). This shows that it would presumably have been aimed at owners in Japan who did not speak / read Japanese. I think there were plenty of these people around the air bases and stations all over Japan - not just in Okinawa. As an aside, I believe that the early Z cars sold in South Africa were badged as "Fairlady Z" models - so the Fairlady Z emblems WERE seen outside of Japan, but only in a very limited way. Cheers! Alan T.
Interior Ergonomics
Thanks to both Steves ( sjcurtis and Zvoiture ). I can see that the trans tunnel on the G35 Infiniti is very wide, and that the Handbrake lever is close to the driver. I would have thought the width of the trans tunnel would preclude them from leaving the lever in ONE configuration. Surely they must transpose it for the RHD and LHD versions? Anyone got a pic of the RHD version? And we can see from sjcurtis' pic that the RHD Z33 has the Handbrake lever on the LEFT of the tunnel - just like the LHD. Says a lot - but I'm not 100% sure what! Alan T.
Interior Ergonomics
Surely these days the big auto manufacturers have a better handle ( excuse the pun ) on what kind of sales figures they expect for certain markets? The point being that the 'expected' major market for the Z33 ( 99% certain to be correct, I would have thought ) was going to be LHD. You'd have to assume that the designers of the Z33 thought that their placement of the handbrake in its production position ( closer to the driver than to the passenger in LHD form ) was ergonomically suited to its major market. Since they don't seem to have made TWO positions for the Handbrake for LHD or RHD use, then it is to be assumed that they went with the position that most suited the major - expected - market ( LHD, no? ). This is the OPPOSITE situation to the S30-series Z. Matsuo san has clearly stated that they never EXPECTED to sell quite so many S30-series Z cars in the LHD market, and that he and his team designed the position of the Handbrake to suit the RHD version. They considered that the position of the Handbrake lever in the first LHD cars would not be enough of a problem to hamper its use. Strict cost-cutting dictated that the Handbrake would not be re-sited for the LHD market cars, so they had to have their Handbrakes in the RHD position by default. Some car manufacturers still do the same thing - releasing models with certain details biased to one market's layout - but some DO reposition major controls such as Handbrake levers to suit LHD and RHD market versions. Handbrake positioning seems to be a very interesting example of cost-cutting and bias in certain models / markets. Not sure how this applies to the G35 coupe. You might expect that a model such as this - with its expected huge sales in the LHD market? - would have a Handbrake lever position suited to that market. Anyone have pics of both RHD and LHD interiors of that model? Alan T.
Japanese Domestic Market
Hi Mr Camouflage, I think your views on this matter are quite different to mine. As far as I am concerned, the Internet should NOT be a free-for-all of stealing / misappropriating images in just the same way that a bookshop or reference library should not be a place where anyone with a pair of scissors can do what they like................ When I upload images to this site, I am in effect passing a certain amount of ownership to classiczcars.com However, they are then covered by the copyright of the site - so I hope nobody thinks that this gives them the right to do what they like with them. I accept that this means almost anybody will be able to download / store / print them for their own use - but if I spot them USING one of my photos for unfair or unapproved use then I would feel justified in pointing out to them in no uncertain terms that what they are doing is contrary to Copyright law. 99.99% of the images that I have uploaded to the Gallery of this site are photos that I have taken myself with my own camera. Before uploading them to this site, I have to compress and resize them to fit the format of the Gallery. These resized and compressed images are then 'watermarked' with the site URL before they are cleared in the Gallery. At that point, I have allowed these resized and compressed versions of my pictures to come under the copyright of this site. Your question of whether Mike or myself 'owns' the pictures at this point is academic; they are covered by the site copyright and I expect that to be fully enforced. If I spot anyone using them without permission then I will bring to to attention. This has indeed already happened, and I made it clear to the person involved that I would like them to cease and desist. It is almost inevitable that some people will try to appropriate and misuse the images at some point ( that's the 'young' nature of the Internet at this time ) but if I spot them then I will make the situation clear to them. I should imagine that Mike takes this subject just as seriously as I do, and is equally vigilant in enforcing copyright law on those who think they can do what they want. This whole issue of what the Internet is about and what it is for seems to be confusing to many people. Ripping-off video clips and pictures is rife, and people seem to think that if they see something on the Internet then it is 'fair game' to pilfer / appropriate / rip-off what they want. They are very much mistaken. 'Free Use' internet content is usually quite clearly marked as such, but pretty much anything else is covered by Copyright at some point, I believe. The Gallery images and just about all other content of this site are NOT 'Free Use'. Mr Camouflage, you may well still own the Copyright to the ORIGINAL versions of the images that you have uploaded to this site. However, the compressed / resized versions that you have uploaded are COVERED by the Copyright of this site once they are are part of the site. Quite how this affects YOU is something that you would have to take up with Mike, but as far as I am concerned when I upload my photos to the Gallery here I am happy that they are covered by the site Copyright and that all visitors / users of the site are allowed to VIEW them - as opposed to do what they like with them. I'm sure that Mike and the Moderators of the site respect this and take the Copyright of the site very seriously too. Cheers, Alan T.
Japanese Domestic Market
ZmeFly, Thanks for taking my points in the spirit that they were intended. I didn't want to be a spoilsport. I just think its worth us, as the members of this site, being careful about where we get images from. I think this site seems to have a good reputation, and its worth preserving that. I think a good rule of thumb would be - 'if in doubt, just post a link'. Copyright law is indeed very complicated and sometimes open to interpretation. When it applies to the Internet, its even more complicated. There are exceptions for 'Fair Use' and critique purposes, which allow us to quote sections of text or use some images for the purposes of discussion. However, above all else we have to use common sense and discretion. If you have personally contacted the owner / administrator of the site that you downloaded the pictures from, and got his blessing to use the images here, then I see little or no problem. It at least ensures that nobody will be getting upset or offended. All the best, Alan T.
Z Cars with different noses?
The parts sold by MSA and other aftermarket suppliers are replicas / copies / interpretations of an official Nissan-built variant that was sold only in Japan. What is commonly referred to as the "G-Nose" was a set of additional body parts that were fitted by the factory to a Japanese-market version of the Fairlady 240Z. This was called the FAIRLADY 240ZG, and the factory model designation was "HS30-H". Basically, Nissan wanted to homologate ( make legal for use in racing ) these parts so that they could use them on their Group 4 racing cars. Under the rules of the F.I.A and J.A.F they had to build and sell a stipulated number of cars with these parts on them to the general public. Once the parts were homologated, it allowed Nissan to use an even wilder version for racing, and this evolved through the gradually more extreme "Type A" and "Type B" versions as the factory race cars were further modified for domestic Group 5 and 6 racing in Japan. As the basic "ZG" model now existed, the factory only had to make these even more extreme parts available to the public through their "Sports Option" parts lists in order to be able to use them legally on their racers. The "HS30-H" Fairlady 240ZG version of the S30 was personally designed by the Chief Designer of the S30 - Mr Yoshihiko Matsuo. The "ZG" ( the "G" standing for "Grande" according to the factory ) was a factory-made version of the S30-series Z, and simply bolting a G-nose kit of parts onto an unsuspecting 240Z does NOT make it a genuine ZG. However, the factory sold the parts through the aforementioned Sports Option lists and anybody could buy the kit and add it to their car. The genuine parts comprised a five-piece nose kit and four fibreglass "overfender" flares, along with plexiglass headlamp covers that had a chromed ( later stainless steel ) trim ring around them. The main parts of the nose were fibreglass, but the front bumper was made of expanded urethane foam. The bonnet hinges on the genuine cars were also different, to allow the bonnet to clear the front filler panel properly. The true "HS30-H" model had an extra rubber strip on the rear bumper, that joined together the two corner pieces. The rear bumper was painted gunmetal grey to match the front bumper, undertray and overfenders. At the time of its launch in October 1971, the Fairlady 240ZG was the most expensive of all the versions of the S30 then on sale in Japan. They only came in three colours; Grand Prix Red, Grand Prix White and Grand Prix Maroon. In the USA, Datsun Competition offered the genuine factory parts for a very short period. When they ran out, they started to sell replicas made locally, and as far as I am aware some other companies also offered their own versions - which were of varying quality. Somehow, these were always known as "ZG" or "G-nose" kits, even if they were not all that accurate. If you are interested in the Japanese-market models, then using the SEARCH function of this site will reveal a lot of answers to your questions. There are also a lot of images in the Gallery sections that you might find of interest. Have fun. Alan T.
original jute material
26thZ, So, as I suspected might be true, many of the early Export cars had the rubber side sill trim - but carpets on the floor and rear deck area. I wonder whether this is the spec that Kats needs to replicate? If you have not seen the Japanese home market rubber floor mats and rear deck, then I will lay mine out and photograph them for you. These ones did NOT have the Z logo on them. They are from a base-spec Fairlady Z, and are destined to be used in my 432-R replica project car. Cheers, Alan T.