Everything posted by HS30-H
Nissan's collection
Rally cars in storage
R32 GT-R race cars
Bluebirds line-up
MobilGas Trial Bluebirds
Nissan's collection
Works race Sunny
240z Pre-Wired Driving Lights?
I can't remember where the exact thread was, but we covered all this pretty comprehensively under a thread to do with "Fog Lamps". Somebody asked about Factory Option Fog Lamps ( and switches ) and I think we went into quite a bit of detail. I think a search using "Fog Lamps" might reveal a bit more relevant info than "Driving Lamps". I think the Factory referred to them as Fog Lamps - but simply switching the actual lamp type from Fog to Spot type would enable the use of the original Factory wiring and switch location. Good luck, Alan T.
KPGC10 Skyline GT-R race car
KPGC10 Skyline GT-R race car on display at Nissan's Ginza, Tokyo HQ. Not a genuine 'Works' car, but a pretty good representation of one, and it has Nissan's seal of approval.
Nissan R382 race car
Nissan GRX V12 engine
R32 GT-R race car
R32 GT-R race car
Works KPGC110 GT-R race car
Works KPGC110 Skyline GT-R race car on display at Nissan's Ginza, Tokyo HQ. This car never raced, due to the "Oil Shock" crisis.........
R34 GT-R race car
Zama 6
Fairlady Z432
Fairlady Z432
Zama 3
Zama 2
Zama 1
Mr H. Watanabe's 240ZG
Yes Gav, this is the car. However, Mr Watanabe is a fellow member of Club S30 and is not the same Mr Watanabe as the original owner of R.S. Watanabe. Mr Watanabe DOES have R.S. Watanabe wheels on his ZG - so I guess Mr Watanabe does have Mr Watanabe's wheels on his car..... ( OK - I give up. Lets keep it simple for me - they are not the same guy! ).......
First type Factory G-nose detail