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Everything posted by HS30-H

  1. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    'English' English or 'American' English pronunciation is neither here nor there. The truth is in Japanese: ニッサン
  2. Eric, I have a 'subscription', but I didn't pay for it. They gave it to me as some kind of freebie a few years ago, so I don't know if I should really class it as a 'subscription' if I don't pay for it......... However, they do accept overseas subscriptions and they even have a page in the mag that is dedicated to this ( in English ). Maybe this is for 'Nostalgic Hero' only and not the other titles in the Geibunsha publishing portfolio - hence the information on the website not being 100% accurate? Here's a scan of the subscriptions page. Surely its worth a try? Do remember that the mag is bi-monthly ( only six issues a year ), so you have to weight the cost up against that:
  3. Eric, As far as I know, the dates for this year's 'BP Nostalgic Car Show' are: *Fukuoka - 12th March *Nagano - 3rd & 4th May *Tokyo - 27th & 28th May *Nagoya - 17th & 18th June *Hokkaido - 15th & 16th July *Osaka - 24th September You can get more info from the website: www.nostalgic.co.jp Alan T. ( ps - Nostalgic Hero magazine has an overseas subscription service if you want to get it mailed to you direct from Japan ).
  4. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Here's what it looked like:
  5. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I think you might be as much as a year out. KBNR32 Skyline GT-R.
  6. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yeah, I recognise what it is from - but are you sure you have its build date right? Mine was also a 1989 - but a couple of months later than September.............
  7. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I don't really need to "think hard" about it. From a very young age I had my uncle as a point of reference in my 'education' about wartime cruelty. He was in the Chindits under Orde Wingate, and was captured by the Japanese in Burma. I don't think I need to tell you what he went through, do I? Luckily, he managed to survive....... But personally speaking, I find it hard to think in that 'we were kind to them, compared to what they would have done to us had we lost.....' frame of morality. As the victor of a war, you either judge the vanquished by your own code of justice and morality, or........what? I don't really want to see any implied justification for what might and could have been inflicted on the vanquished Japanese just because they would have been brutal in victory themselves. The victor gets to do the judging, after all. I grew up with my uncle - influenced by his experiences as a POW - telling me that the Japanese were an inherently cruel, sadistic and cowardly race. I'm glad to say that I took his views with a large pinch of salt, and found - happily - from personal experience that his wild generalisation was not accurate or definitive. The people I met had moved on during the intervening 40 years or so - as indeed had the Americans, the British, the Germans and almost everybody else. And having lived with Japanese of his generation, and having talked with them about those times, I got a different perspective. The perspective of the 'ordinary' working / fighting man and his family you might say. I empathised to some extent. Easy to see that the main difference between my uncle and the men who imprisoned him was what they were being told to do. The irony that he was captured in Burma ( I don't know how many thousand kilometres that was from his London home ) whilst taking the King's Shilling always seems to have escaped him. He seemed to think that it was naturally right for the British to defend their 'Empire'. He didn't give a damn that Japan might have had its own empirical ambitions, or that the British might have been just as cruel to the nations and peoples that it subjugated to win that Empire. More over-simplification. Effectively used only for emotive effect. Shall we judge the USA by asking the American Indians what they thought of "target practice", and do we throw Vietnam into the mix for good measure? ALL major nations have skeletons in their cupboards, don't they? The victors get to hide a lot more of their own. We soon drift off topic don't we? I merely added a word of disagreement pointed at the implied subtext to the part of Carl's post that I quoted, and now we are here. I don't think I should have bothered. Politics on car forums never goes anywhere useful, does it? Alan T.
  8. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm all for it! Now, who's 'truth' shall we use........? "Very good and generous" - arguably so, yes. But from the perspective of my parents and grandparents, I think the view that it was 'expedient' for the USA to do what it did was more to the fore. Especially as the United Kingdom spent most of the latter half of the Twentieth Century paying back Lend-Lease. And that is what I was bringing to the discussion; a different perspective. Cue immediate plea for thread deletion........ But do you see why I questioned the bland simplification of the situation in Carl's post ( the part I quoted )? I don't believe it is historically correct or even fair to talk about Japan being "well treated" by the US in the aftermath of war without pointing out the main political, economic and strategic reasons for it too. And before anyone chimes in with a reminder about American blood spilled on foreign land - I know and appreciate that ( and I've been to the cemeteries too ), so let's not make it a stupid "with us, or against us" argument - please? My sympathy lies with the ordinary man in the street and his family, whether British, American, Japanese, German or wherever. It is always 'John Doe and family' who suffer for geopolitics. Having lived and worked in Japan, and having what I like to think of as half of my family being Japanese, I find it rather distasteful to see somebody implying that treating the Japanese "well" - just a matter of weeks after dropping fire on its cities - was somehow driven purely by the 'kind heart' of the victorious nation. And to then imply that this kind-heartedness is what has led to the overpowering of the US auto industry by the Japanese auto industry is just, well - ridiculously simplistic. But if it pleases people to think that my dissent is part of my "agenda", then go ahead - be wrong. Alan T.
  9. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm sure the designers, engineers, production line workers, white-collar staff and everybody else involved in making and selling cars within Nissan Motor Co. back in Japan ( let alone their staff in the rest of the world ) will be happy to hear that it was all down to one man :cheeky: Quantify that. As compared to what, and how far back do you want to look at "human history"? You make it sound like The United States of America was 'looking after' Japan post-War just out of human kindness. Which is absolutely not the case is it?
  10. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I think you'll find that the picture shows a combustion chamber that is not yet finished.......
  11. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Hi Jim, Good to see you on this thread again. I know that car, and have seen it in Japan. It belongs to a friend of a friend. It is absolutely wonderful. A real credit to its owner. Yes - the oil cooler on that car was an 'option' part for the PGC10 and KPGC10 that was available to order at time of purchase. It was also available from the Sports Option lists for those models. Big coolers, aren't they? Jim, as a Prince connoisseur I know you can vouch for the high standard of engineering in the Prince product, and will agree that this high standard was carried over into the S20 engine when Sakurai sensei and his team were transplanted into the Nissan fold. Cheers, Alan T.
  12. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Carl, I'm not sure it really needs any "explanation" in the sense of it being either 'right' or 'wrong'.......? We have to be mindful that the S20 was - in all but name - essentially the child of Shinichiro Sakurai and his ex-Prince team, operating like a separate Principality within the Nissan fold. They were still doing things their way ( they still are to some extent ), and in some ways it is no surprise that Prince were well on their way to the wall when they were married-off to Nissan. You can't fault their single-mindedness. Close inspection of an S20 engine ( externally and internally ) brings home just how much time, effort and money went into each one. Just off the top of my head, I'd estimate that a single S20 engine probably cost Nissan something like five or six times the cost of ( for example ) an L20A or L24 to manufacture. They are an absolute joy to work on, and the way they come apart and go back together is a treat. No real 'throwaway' parts, and everything designed to be rebuildable. Even the oil pump impellers run on roller bearings. No wonder that they probably lost money on every one of them they made........ As for the 'cartridge' type oil filter - who knows? Its not like it doesn't work efficiently or effectively. The pressure-relief valve is integral to the body of the filter housing casting, so that may have had something to do with it. Adapters for 'spin-on' type filters have been available for many years now - so conversion, with all the benefits of the 'spin-on' type, is possible and simple. Alan T.
  13. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Carl, I have only posted only one image representing parts intended to be used on the S20 engine of the Fairlady Z-432 and Fairlady Z-432R on this thread ( in post #77 ), but you are referring to two.........? Where's the other one? Alan T.
  14. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Wet sump, Mike.
  15. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    And for comparison, the large 'stand up' oil cooler that was standard equipment on the 432R, and an optional part on the 432:
  16. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    My cars ( '70 Fairlady Z-L and '72 Fairlady 240ZG ) both are too. "Upside down" might be a moot point. I don't think I've ever seen one in real life that was installed with the orientation suggested in the factory parts manuals. Having the filter on top surely makes it a LOT easier to change it ( especially in a Works rally car ) and I don't see any problem rotating the base a certain amount? The hoses can be pointed in any direction before snugging them down too. Here's a few pics for extra reference. Two cars are involved - both Works 240Z rally cars, one RHD and one LHD. One 71 RAC spec and one 72 Monte Carlo spec. Notice the differences in hose connections:
  17. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Well John, you'll have to explain "getting bent over" to me, and how it applies to what was happening on this thread. I'm afraid the only English I speak and write is English English, and anything other than that takes a little extra thought for me ( as a native Englishman ). I do however know the difference between "getting laid" and "getting laid into"........ To bring the thread back to the original subject of oil coolers, here's a pic of a Nissan factory oil cooler attached to a genuine Works rally car. I think the cooler itself and the L-shaped brackets that were used to attach it to the radiator support crossmember are the same as those supplied in the Factory dealer option and Sports Option kits, and in the Datsun Competition-supplied kits in the USA.
  18. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    "Just"? That was an internet-age ago now. Generally speaking, I think its a good thing that you are now re-reading what I wrote a couple of days ago ( that is, presuming you actually read it the first time around ). Maybe you are now starting to get your head around it too? But all you are doing is proving that your sole intention in joining this thread was to action your own agenda, whilst accusing me of having one of my own.
  19. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    There are lots of examples of what you might call 'inaccuracies' in the Factory literature. If you have any of the Factory 'R-Drive' parts lists you can spot plenty. They are there in the parts lists and Factory manuals for the HLS30U too. Ask your local expert. The actual oil cooler kit and its related componentry are in bold print on the page I posted. Those are the parts that are the subject of the page, and those are the parts that you are supposed to pay attention to. Everything else is just for context. The part number quoted in the file's name should have told you something too........ You will notice that the faint line drawing of the S30-series Z that this is superimposed on is not 100% 'accurate' in all details ( surprise surprise ). How seriously do you want to take this? Do you actually think that missing items such as front side repeaters, hubcaps, rubber bumper trims and other such details matter? Maybe the lack of these in the illustration would have misled you too? Just face it 'moonpup' - you went off half-cocked and now you are not waving, but drowning. When you had doubts about the application of the parts illustrated you should have raised a question about them, instead of launching into a personal attack on me for what you call my "agenda". If the illustration had have been related to the S20 engine, then you would have had me on the hook. Its a shame you didn't play your cards a little more cleverly. "Softly, softly, catchee monkey......". You are hoist by your own Petard, sir. Alan T.
  20. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Arse, arse, arse, arse, arse, arse, arse......... Doesn't seem to work on Anglo Saxon.
  21. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    What are "Cheerio's"? Do you have a part number for them? Are they a USA-market only fitment? Perhaps a picture would help........ "Lay off a little"? Lay off who? You seem to have overlooked the fact that the person getting laid into on this thread was me. Am I not allowed to defend myself? Here's a little reminder for us all: The exact identity of member 'NY "Z" 's car has yet to be determined. He mentioned that it was a '1972' model - but it would also appear that the engine was made a lot earlier than that. At this point - without a full VIN number and confirmation of the original intended market - anything is possible. Never say never, and don't bet all your chips that a 'European' market LHD car won't turn up in one of these kinds of questions one day. Keep your mind open to the idea that the S30-series Z is a Japanese car that was sold all over the world, and beware of false prophets. So tell me, precisely how was my posting of page from a Nissan Export-market parts list for the '240Z' and '260Z' illustrating a Factory oil cooler kit "inaccurate"? There's an awful lot of ***umption going on here. I'm glad that you now accept that you are the "instigator/bad guy", but you still seem to be under the impression that the llustration I posted was "inaccurate" . Again I remind you that the car in question has still not been positively identified, and at this point ALL information relating to oil coolers - whether Factory or 'aftermarket' is relevant and on topic. Even if the car in question turns out to be a true red-white-and-blue HLS30U and have an oil cooler from J.C Whitney, The Pep Boys or indeed 'Datsun Competition', ALL oil cooler references, data and illustrations are relevant. Alan T.
  22. Mr C, Would that not have been the R31 'GTS-R'? They were pretty special, and the last gasp of the R30/R31 in racing. They were bloody fast........ The R32-series Skyline debuted in 1988 ( with the 'ordinary' saloons ) but the BNR32 ( GT-R ) didn't hit the streets until late 1989. I think the article is an 'interesting' take on the story, but it is slightly irritating that they include a fair few mistakes and then the whole Playstation thing. Alan T.
  23. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Do you seriously believe it was anybody other than you? How is it a "problem"? That was an illustration of a 'Factory' fitted oil cooler kit for the L24/L26 engine, rather than an 'aftermarket' supplied item. As such it was relevant and topical. I never said ANYTHING about the USA when I posted the picture, as I posted it to illustrate a Factory part. The file name also contained the Nissan part number ( which you confirmed ) which was shared by the Datsun Competition kit sold in the USA. It was - and is - all still relevant. If you think the "August 1973" part is a problem, then I can show you earlier examples - is that what this is about? You need to talk to 'moonpup'. He's still obviously under the impression that those parts were designed to fit a "JDM"-only engine type, and took me to task for posting the picture based on that assumption. Once again I have to say - I DID NOT DISPUTE THAT FACT. Where did I call it into question? "With the intention of bringing it back to the States" is significant. Some of these cars were road-registered in Japan before going abroad, in which case anything could happen. Okinawa in particular was a territory that had a lot of unique situations with regard to specifications and models. If you want to tell me that not a single one of those cars ever turned up in the USA then I would doubt you. I myself own TWO cars that were originally Japanese-registered, and technically speaking ( and to the letter of the law ) they did not meet UK 'Type Approval' standards on import. Nevertheless they got through the red tape and they are HERE. Maybe you will say that the USA is more strict than the UK - but I would say that anything is possible. I would remind you that - at this point anyway - the true identity and specification of the car in question has not been pinned down. There is an awful lot of presumption going on. So Carl, are you saying that nobody ever bought an HLS30U in Japan, registered it on the road there, but then eventually brought it 'home' to the USA ( or even Canada )? Are you sure about that? And what have overall sales percentages got to do with it? As I have mentioned before in this thread, if you close your eyes to the fact that other models of S30-series Z car were designed alongside the HLS30U then you do not have the FULL story - and therefore you cannot truly understand the HLS30U, let alone its siblings. Final sales percentages have NOTHING to do with what was going on in Nissan's design studios in 1966, 67, 68 & 69. I posted a picture of a 'Factory' oil cooler kit. I thought it was topical and relevant. I was then attacked and accused of having an "agenda", by somebody that didn't even understand what the picture illustrated. Kind of says it all really. Somewhere in amongst all the finger-pointing and name calling there is an interesting topic that is worthy of debate. A pity that this forum lately seems to be less and less about on-topic debate......... Alan T. PS - Gee, I already have the hair-splitter and stick grabber - thanks. Maybe this thread actually belongs in the 'Funnybone' section now?
  24. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Then how come you were thanking 'moonpup' after his personal attack on me? That's where you posted the "eat crow" comment. Looked like you were agreeing to his assertion that the pic I showed did not illustrate anything related to the L24/L26 engine - when it DID. Look at that from my point of view. And I keep telling you both that this is NOT what I was disputing. I have the Factory parts catalogs for the HLS30U and I can see that the oil cooler kit is not in there. I'm not so sloppy as to make a post without checking. I was commenting on your "aftermarket" post ( don't you understand that? ) by pointing out that such an oil cooler kit DID exist for Export cars. The problem then became that 'moonpup' mistook the picture for a non L-series "JDM" part ( he obviously thought it was for an S20....... ) and decided to hang me on that hook. Once again - if I was "correcting" anything ( and strictly speaking I wasn't ), it was the "aftermarket" comment. I merely wanted to illustrate a Factory fitment, and the part number corresponded with that of the Datsun Competition part too ( I have the catalogs ). I categorically DID NOT dispute the fact that these were not 'official' options on USA market cars. As I've already pointed out, you thanked somebody who DID. Then you threw the "eat crow" comment in for good measure. And you'd be right ( obviously ) - but I wasn't disputing that, was I?! I think the fact that a Factory option for such a part DID exist was relevant to the thread in its original context. Where has anyone else brought that fact up? If you don't agree then don't agree, but I reckon - taken at face value - the picture held interesting data that could be used by the member who asked the initial question, even if it was simply to confirm that HIS is in fact nothing like the illustration, and is more likely an 'aftermarket' part. I still think my post was constructive in that sense, and I stand by it. All the finger-pointing about my "agenda" is just opportunistic propaganda in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Alan T.
  25. HS30-H posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    On the contrary. I think I understood the intention, AND the tongue-in-cheek nature of the figure. My post was equally tongue-in-cheek. Nobody can offer figures such as those and be serious about them, surely? ACTUAL numbers are neither here nor there. There only needs to be ONE, and this car could be IT. The point is that the parts DID EXIST first as a Factory Option for domestic models, then as an option for non-USA market models and ALSO as a Datsun Competition-supplied part in the USA market. You would do well to remember my point about HLS30U models being sold NEW in Japan, and it being possible for them to be fitted with many of the non-HLS30U Factory and Sport Option parts. One of these could well turn up one day. Never say never....... Once you know that the parts EXISTED, everything else follows. Yes, and I don't dispute that. On the other hand, it seems that others would prefer to deny their very existence. You don't seem to get it. I say again - I wasn't "correcting" you - I was letting the parts speak for themselves. Then I got attacked for posting parts that were 'not applicable' to the Nissan L-series 6 engine - when they WERE! I notice both yourself and 'moonpup' have studiously avoided my answers to those accusations. That's a poor show...... Insult on top of insult. If you really think that I think I'm perfect, then you are well wide of the mark. Some of the people who frequent this site have actually met me, or dealt with me outside the forum environment. You might like to ask them for their opinion on who and what I think I am. I'm certainly no saint, and I don't suffer fools gladly, but I don't think I'm always right. That's in your head. As I stated above, you have COMPLETELY avoided retracting ( or apologising ) for your mistaken accusations about what that scan illustrated. Where have the pair of you acknowledged that the scan illustrated PRECISELY what you said it DID NOT ( ie - a Factory Option oil cooler kit for some of the 'Export' market 240Z / 260Z models )? You really ought to admit that you were wrong and apologise for your "crow pie" comment. Which was obviously nothing to do with the thread topic. In short - you had an agenda didn't you? Why didn't you start a new thread? Well now, I think we can agree on that. How ironic that you should drop this onto the end of a thread where you've been telling me that this is precisely what I shouldn't be doing. Er, 'NY "Z" ' - apologies for the continental drift over the last page and a half. There was some relevant and useful data posted up around the top half of page one, and I suggest that you might like to focus on that area of the thread rather than the somewhat ugly stuff that followed. :tapemouth Pictures, perhaps? Alan T.

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