Drove fine to work now won't start.
I just wanted to say thanks for the help everyone! I put in another 280zx dizzy i ordered from a junk yard and it fired right up.
Drove fine to work now won't start.
Ok, so I went to Autozone and bought another ignition switch. Tried that still doesn't start. Went back to Autozone, purchased a GM HEI ignition module, actually a Duralast DR100. http://www.autozone.com/autozone/parts/Duralast-Ignition-Control-Module?itemIdentifier=115808 I removed the E12-80 ignition module and wired up the GM HEI according to this. W - Connects to the positive lead at the distributor. G - Connects to the negative lead at the distributor. C - Connects to the negative side of the coil. B - Connects to the positive side of the coil. Still no luck. I really thought this was gonna fix it. Would a bad ecu cause this problem or the ECU has nothing to do with Spark? Also does the GM HEI need to be grounded? because I had it just dangling to test if it was working.
Drove fine to work now won't start.
Ok, I do have a 280zx Dizzy with the electronic module. So a bad electronic module can cause the problem of no spark during cranking?
Drove fine to work now won't start.
The car is a 1978 280Z with a 280zx dizzy installed. So I drove my car to work which is 25 miles away it and drove absolutely fine to work. On my lunch break, it started fine and drove. After eating, went out and tried to start the car but it wouldn't start right away. After about 10 mins of cranking it fried up and drove it back to work. After work came out and cranked it all night till the battery died and it wouldn't start. Checked the plugs and they looked good. Went to autozone bought a new rotor and distributor cap, still doesn't start. I hooked up a spark plug straight to the coil and to see if the coil is good. I noticed it sparks when I put the key on ON, but no spark during cranking. I also have notice that sometimes when I turn the key to crank it won't crank sometimes and I have to twist the key back and forth until it cranks. Would the ignition switch cause the car not to have spark during cranking?
Exhaust manifold plug size where EGR used to go?
I got a non-EGR intake manifold installed and I now have a large hole in the side of the exhaust manifold that the EGR used to run to. I was wondering if anyone knew what size bolt or plug I can get to plug that exhaust manifold up with? Or should I just buy an aftermarket header?
Car dies after revving
Well I raised the Idle to just a hair below 1000 and that seems to have fixed the problem but I just might be covering it up.
Car dies after revving
I have a 1978 FI 280z, the car starts fine but if I give it a quick rev and let go of the gas it stumbles and dies. If I rev it but don't let off the gas pedal entirely (like enough gas to keep it slightly above idle) it will keep running. Right now it is idling at about 800-900 rpm. I pulled the plugs right after it was running for about 20mins and they were dry and I don't see any smoke coming from the tail pipe. The exhuast smells like fuel pretty strong but I don't know if thats a normal Z thing because I've heard of people complaining about the exhaust fumes from Z's before.