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Everything posted by Zulaytr

  1. Zulaytr replied to d240zx2's post in a topic in Open Discussions
  2. Zulaytr replied to d240zx2's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Here is a couple shots of Dan's car being judged at the 2004 LA ZCON. Chris do you know who that guy in the green shirt
  3. Zulaytr replied to d240zx2's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Dan's Z is indeed very nice and he has improved its quality since Pierre's Z did the initial restoration. Dan if you are monitoring this thread, Great car and good luck with the Gold Medallion.
  4. Zulaytr replied to d240zx2's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Rich, Good looking Z! Good luck to you and all the Z's in the show. Have fun and enjoy the Z camaraderie.
  5. Chris, See how smart I am! Had I known you and "others" could be bought it would have saved me alot of work and frustration with my car. Actually I have had a lot of fun "discussing" what is right or wrong with the ZCCA judges. One key fault the ZCCA has that the Corvette NCRS people do not is all of their information is well documented especially regarding build date information and production changes. A privately funded web site was started several years ago, concoursz, in an attempt to document some of the early Z information. Unfortunately it is now defunct. P.S the girls at the Nashville Hooters were asking about you the other day!!
  6. If you look close you will see that he has his name tag in his hand and NOT hanging loose!!
  7. Here are a couple of ZCCA's finest judges hard at work. Keep in mind the ZCCA judges are Z people as well so I have never found them not be respectful of your Z. Sure there may be an exception but that has not been the rule. Picky yes they are and rightfully so. If you have ever attended a Corvette NCRS judging you would realize how strict other marque judging can be. Here are some items to keep in mind as any of these can cost you that critical point that keeps you from earning the award you are seeking. Paint runs, chips, wrong or discolored plating, dirt, dust, wrong nuts bolts or screws, peeling or frayed decals, worn pedal pads, flaws in the chrome, oil or grease leaks etc. I could go on and on. The point has already been stated a couple of times to use the rules as you guide. Take the judging sheets and go over each item and be critical. If there is a flaw most likely the judges will find it! Entering a car in a stock class is the most difficult category to compete in. Good luck to all
  8. It may be the case of a broken connector! I have had two occassions where a female connector on an ignition wire from the coil to the distributor has broken due to age. They are hard to spot because the break inside the outer shield. You should be able to isolate to see if you have spark at the points and or spark plugs. If you have spark then it is fuel related. Good luck in your search.
  9. Zulaytr replied to motorman7's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Carl/ All, Sorry that I cannot add any additional photos as I was getting ready to take some more shots and I got called back to my car. This car was at the Nashville Z Club show recently, ZAttack 2012, and the owner had some posters covering the engine bay with information so my shot of there is no help either. Regarding the sign, when you are accepted the owner sends in the information so I would not think the sign maker got it wrong.
  10. Zulaytr replied to motorman7's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Sunday I attended the Ault Park Concours in Cincinnati with my 240Z which is one of the few Concours events in the country that have a specific Collector Asian class. The class had 7 cars that included Datsun, Mazda, Toyota, Acura and Honda. Attached is a shot of a RHD Fairlady belonging to George Haldane from Georgia. George has shown this car at several events and it is cars like his that help to gain greater exposure for Asian cars in events like this one. One of the cars in the class was a Toyota that a 16 year old entered in his first show. He and his family did a great job in prepping the car and hopefully with the car receiving a Award of Distinction he will continue to enter in shows in the future. The other shots are just a few of the wide mix of cars, motorcycles, antique wooden boats, vintage races and many more the Ault Park Concours offered. The crowds were tremendous and I had a chance to talk with many owners of Z's, past and present that were in attendance. Again it was a great show and one that everyone would enjoy.
  11. Here are two links for event photos by Bruce Sweetman a writer for Autoweek. You can also view photos in the gallery. http://www.brucesweetman.com/Automob...0744&k=PzMCrFX http://www.autoweek.com/article/2012...#ixzz1sUgdTUKn
  12. Here are two links for event photos by Bruce Sweetman a writer for Autoweek. You can also view photos in the gallery. http://www.brucesweetman.com/Automobiles/Aattack-2012/22540886_bPhp3j#!i=1803730744&k=PzMCrFX http://www.autoweek.com/article/20120419/CARNEWS01/120419810#ixzz1sUgdTUKn

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