Rear-ended :(
Andy- To bad about your accident in the scheme of things the most important thing is your ok. Insurance changes from state to state but most policies cover anyone who has permission to drive the vehicle. Were the Police called to the scene or did you just exchange information with the other driver. If he told a Law Enforcement Officer he was driving when someone else actually was I'm sure there is a "giving false information" statute in your state. However, I'm sure all you really care about is getting your car fixed so it may be best just to let him deal with his insurance and you deal with yours.
1957 Plymouth unearthed in Oklahoma
Sign me up for the leisure suit gig.
Car Wash
After getting the car out of the barn we took it up to the house and hosed it off. After looking at some of the buildups here I decided to check passenger floorboard and found a pretty good hole. It's funny when I first got it out I didn't think It looked that bad but the more you look the more you find.
Car Wash
After getting the car out of the barn we took it up to the house and hosed it off. After looking at some of the buildups here I decided to check passenger floorboard and found a pretty good hole. It's funny when I first got it out I didn't think It looked that bad but the more you look the more you find.
Car Wash
- Car Wash
- Car Wash
1957 Plymouth unearthed in Oklahoma
As an Oklahoman and only a few miles from Tulsa let me just say this was really embarassing. Until a few years ago I don't think they even knew where the stupid car was buried. Everybody knew it was going to be junk but they had to make a big deal out of it. They said you could tell water had been all the way to the top of the "tomb" at one point. I loved the tranquilizers in the womans purse though, what a statement about the 50's and how far weve come.
Hello Everybody.
thanks Enigma for your info. I've still got to get the silly thing pulled out of the barn and into the shop. I hope to do that in the next couple of weeks my father in law still has his 1930 Model A he is working on in the way.
Hello Everybody.
New Member signing in. I've actually had my 72 240 Z about 10-12 years. I've put pictures of it up in the member pics section. It's not much to look at now. I bought it from a Gentleman who was moving and didn't have room for it anymore. He gave me mucho paperwork and I thought the title was with it but suprise...no. So I drove it only a few times and then parked it trying to figure the title bit out and never did. After sitting in my in-laws garage a few years I tried to sell it without the title with no luck. The car moved around from my in-laws garage to my brothers garage and now sits in my in-laws barn/old shop. I had made mention of the fact that I needed to get it out and try to sell it again or fix it (it had a nasty clunk in the transmission or driveline when I did get to drive it) when my daughter said she'd like to drive it. This was news to me since all she talked about since she was old enough was Mini Coopers. So it was decided I would pull it out and my father in law and I would rebuild it and I'll try to solve the title issue. It's too great a car to let just sit any longer, at least I've always kept it inside. I will keep everyone abreast of the situation and look forward to visiting with everyone on our progress. David
Out to the Barn
This is my 240 Z that has been stored for about the last ten years. I was thinking of just getting rid of it when my 13 year old said she would like to have it. It's been buried in the back of the barn so we went to take a look. She says I've got 2 years & ten months to get it fixed. I hope that's enough time.
Out to the Barn
Out to the Barn
- Out to the Barn
Out to the Barn