Uh-oh, I smell gas...
What is this oem hose you speak of? Description, part number anything helps
Rain is flooding my Z
zguitar seems like I have an identical problem to you with my 73 240z just curious what you did to resolve the problem, I live in Oregon and not being in the rain isn't an option here.
Weather Stripping
Hey Graham haven't seen you around for a bit and my car is flooded at the moment. So needing to get that fixed very badly, curious what you decided to go with, heading out to z therapy tomorrow but will give you a call if you don't see this. Also mine seems to be leaking from the lower part of the door coming in from the flat spot on the door nearest the hinge that has a rubber thing there that isn't doing anything really.
I live in Portland Oregon
Another Oregonian here I'm 17 and drive a 73 240z that is tough to pay for which school and a part time job. But I love the car so all is well.
Uk Race 240z Cost Over 140k Gbp!??
Both cars look amazing and I would kill for the interior of the red car. Hmm shouldn't have quit choir so I could be the lead singer of a rock band.
Why do trucks keep hitting my Z?
That really sucks the hood and don't mean to thread jack but I have the same air dam and just curious what driving lights you put in it.
parking lot war?
My first thought as well, why cause more damage to the tl, but it's photoshopped, look at the chain the tow guy is holding, what exactly is it attached to? Someone messed up with making the chain look like it's changing depths and didn't spend enough time cutting out the tow guy. Pretty good lighting adjustment but the reflection in the windows in the saturn is off.
Black Friday Sucks!
Couldn't avoid the stores unfortunately I work retail and at a Mac Store, so I'm the sales guy cursing having to start a '73 z in the icy morning as well as all the people in my store wanting a deal when our stuff never goes on sale.
Speedo Gear Info
I just bought a '77 280z 5 speed and it has the cog in it, I'm far to lazy to look up what tooth it is but if you know what it is and you want it give me a yell. I need the sleeve though so that's staying.
Z Car After An Initial Shakedown Run
How often do you see 240-Z's on the road?
One of my friends from school who is also on here has a 240 so see him but other than that it's all 280 2+2's that I see and usually in pretty poor condition and the owners don't wave back to evidently not really z fanatics.
My first car and z, '73 240z.
I haven't been able to find any blue side stripes but at some point want her repainted a factory color, most likely blue.
My first car and z, '73 240z.
Seeing as I can not edit my post, or simply can't figure out how to, I was speaking of Mark Rolston's Z and since the link didn't work heres the link http://www.viczcar.com/Featured-Rides/Mark-Rolston-s-RB26DETT-Powered-240z.html
Nother Ebay Beaut...
Seeing as that car as the exact same aerodynamics as my z more or less, same air dam and hideous lack of front bump i will vouch for it not reaching 200.
My first car and z, '73 240z.
I'm planning on ordering some black mirrors tonight, so kind of using this z that I'm sure you all have seen as inspiration. Same mirrors that are on that car will soon be on mine then add a black 240z side stripe