After we talked I had a chance to talk to Steve Epperly the owner and resident "straight poop from group" about what you and I discussed. With everything I told him he said you may, in fact, have N-58 needles in your carbs. He called them a California smogger needle and just ran rich and crappy at all settings. Why a smogger needle would be thin causing a rich condition makes no sense to me but just to know there was one piece of crap needle in use at least opens the door to that being a partial culprit. We also agreed that a lower float setting and a lower nozzle setting would help lean thins out a bit too. Oh, and you're not extrordinarilly high where you are, are you? For folks above say 5'000' we can and do at times supply undersized nozzles to compensate for the lack of air. Good luck identifying the needles you have.