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Bruce Palmer

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Everything posted by Bruce Palmer

  1. In these uncertain economic times some niche businesses are find the sledding a little tough. Want to buy some carbs? nyuck nyuck.....
  2. About 10 minutes after the awards were finished maybe 12 rain drops splashed down so we can say if rained. Again a great turnout and someone did a vehivle count about mid day with 156 vehicles on site.....
  3. Saturday update: The economy doesn't seem to have dampened the enthusiasm to go out and play. Today's turnout was phenominal, weather was great and parts vendors were more prevalent than I ever remember. The run for cash more than likely the reason for the huge parts displays. Tomorrow looks to be the same......
  4. I think the lower float and lower nozzle thing warrants a try. Some oif this stuff can be over thought. High float and high nozzle puts the fuel level up closer to the air stream so it's easier to pull excess fuel into the air stream. Lower both down the tube and the same amount of air will pull a lesser amount of fuel regardless of where on the needle it is taking place.
  5. After we talked I had a chance to talk to Steve Epperly the owner and resident "straight poop from group" about what you and I discussed. With everything I told him he said you may, in fact, have N-58 needles in your carbs. He called them a California smogger needle and just ran rich and crappy at all settings. Why a smogger needle would be thin causing a rich condition makes no sense to me but just to know there was one piece of crap needle in use at least opens the door to that being a partial culprit. We also agreed that a lower float setting and a lower nozzle setting would help lean thins out a bit too. Oh, and you're not extrordinarilly high where you are, are you? For folks above say 5'000' we can and do at times supply undersized nozzles to compensate for the lack of air. Good luck identifying the needles you have.
  6. Weather update: The club is having it flown special for the occasion. See you tomorrow.
  7. Dave Irwin, Know why you didn't get a call from DNW? Cause old dummy here didn't hit send apparently when emailing the prez with a request to call you. Stop by the booth and we can do some public flogging or something.... Sorry.... Oh, and for those of you burning up across the country, the weather man here is calling for sixty-eight degrees for a high both days this weekend.
  8. Today there is only one length of needle and seat and you merely bend the tang on the float lever to compensate.
  9. In fact we can do the carbs too. Now that is too funny, cause the ones you'd buy from them would come from us. Linkage, depending on what you need, should be no problem either. www.zbarn.com would also be a source. Maybe lay out and shoot a picture of what you have which we can then help you fill in the blanks.
  10. At 7 psi you'll need to drive really fast just to keep your float bowls from running over 'cause the needles and seats will be forced to stay open all the time from too much fuel pressure. Just sayin'..... About 3# max.......
  11. How much distance do you need to gain back? What are you doing for an aircleaner? Is it conflicting space wise or are the carbs as mounted out of room? Anything you do thickness of insulator wise will require you taking a look at linkage geometry as well.
  12. Last I heard the replacement carb went on and ran like a watch and the returned carb was installed and ran like a watch here. Went through complete inspection post mortem and found nadda, nuttin, zippo.....
  13. No, actually you can go ahead and throw the BS flag as that's what it was. What Steve uses is small freeze plugs with some teflon tape or some such to hold 'em in. Perdy and silver and chicks dig'm.....
  14. No, seriously guys.... the reason you want to plug those holes is so they won't whistle while you are driving.....
  15. The L-20A came with the 38mm carbs where the 240Z came with 46mm carbs. By stepping up to the 46mm carbs popular opinion would suggest you'd lose bottom end torque. As far as triples are concerned, I think it would be very easy to over-do things on that engine.
  16. If you are filling to the threads then yes the excess oil will be sucked right in and burned. With the aircleaner off reach in the mouth of the carb with a finger and lift the piston. Look down inside that little moving tube and you may see a line scribed around the inside of the tube, that the fill line. If there is no line, fill to within a half inch or so of the top of the tube or fill the whole tube and the puck on the rod will push the excess oil out when you install it. Just keep in mind it is the little tube that needs to get checked not the cavity you see that has the treads in it. After that I check mine about once every lunar eclipse. Unless one is OCD, every couple of months should be fine.
  17. Update.. We have the owner of the Philbin Group stopping by Canby for awhile on Saturday to talk distributors and distributor related issues. Announcements will be made on site.
  18. This would be one of those questions best answered by letting your fingers do the walking thru the internet. I slowly but surely am warming up to the fact that just about any question can be posed as a search on the ol' interweb..... that is if I'm smart enough to use the correct search terms. Old dogs.... new tricks.... Those bodies sound enough to stand a dipping? Might be drawing back a lace doilly....
  19. First thing I'd do is clean the battery cables. It's also possible the solenoid contacts are carboned up inside making only sporadic contact.
  20. You need carbs..... nyuck nyuck Just our way of showing how easily the info flows here, we give answers before the questions have been asked...
  21. Go to www.targa240Z.com for updates on Ron St. Croix's preperations for the Targa this coming September.
  22. Often those gas lines will take a set in shipping. More often than not just rotating them 90 degrees will drop the kink out. I want to see what the water tube for the other side of the engine looks like. I didn't get to see it before your order went out.
  23. Do you perchance have the linkage not connected to both carbs the same, possibly holding one open?
  24. I've run the old standard Ford filter on every L motor I've ever had.
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