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Bruce Palmer

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Everything posted by Bruce Palmer

  1. A set of Hitachi (SUs) that are returned to square one are the easiest carbs in the world to keep up with. Our 4 hour fun filled action packed JUST SUs DVD will tell you more than you ever wanted to know.....
  2. Getting it on a frame table will answer your question. Needs to be straight and square to be predictable at speed......
  3. We haven't been able to get a complete Precision kit for going on several years. C'mon Guy, give with some details on your suggested source. Price, quality, availability, service.
  4. Also, Julie got pictures from the Fun Run earlier this month up at www.datsunsnw.org. Register early and often for Canby and don't be shy about checking into the "volunteer link" on the Canby page. Donate a little time and don't be afraid to spend a little dough with the club if you would like to see the event go forward. Times are tough and these events don't happen by accident....
  5. Go to www.ztherapy.com for some pictures of what a complete setup looks like. and we sell our JUST SUS dvd to help shorten your learning curve on the carbs..... Cheers
  6. We are finding that the gremlin in a lot of the problem situations we counsel end up being distributor related..... Not most certainly, but enough to say get a light on things before adjusting floats...... That outfit in Portland build a dandy distributor.
  7. What needles are you running? What distributor setup? I don't think worrying about the needle setting in the piston is going to affect anything because at the end of the tuning phase you will have run the nozzle up or down to get to the sweet running spot anyway..... Set the shoulder flush and tune from there. Just understand you aren't doing any tuning with the needle depth.
  8. Even if she doesn't have a sister I'd like to talk to whoever is doing your programming on her....
  9. With the success I've had running KYBs, unless you are driving the car daily, I doubt you'll ever wear them out. Extremely pleased with both performance and longevity.
  10. No quarrel with you at all. It's just they aren't making MORE of those old timers that may have qualified as a mechanic. Getting to be more and more of a crap shoot to find one.
  11. BEWARE the dealer mechanic!! Reminds me of the service manager who called several months ago stating his "mechanic" said our carbs, that he was installing for our customer, absolutely would not adjust + they were 260 carbs we sent him. Talk about time to tee off. After months, weeks and years of tongue biting over "things" it really felt good to tell the service manager that his mechanic was drawing pay under false pretenses. Anyway any real "mechanic" worth the powder to blow himslf to hell ought to able to straighten the lip on an oil pan and install it so it won't leak. Ajob like this seperates the "mechanic" from a parts replacer. I'm thinking that taking an old Datsun to your modern day NISSAN dealer would be about as worthwhile as rolling it up the door of your local CAT dealer. About the same amount of familiarity.
  12. Asking the obvious here. What's the change all about?
  13. When Steve and I were talking about this he told a story of a man with a 510 wagon who connected the tank vent to a manifold vaccum source. With an air tight cap he actually collapsed the tank. Looked okay from underneath but looking thru an access panel in the back of the wagon the top of the tank was about 8" below the floor.....
  14. Try driving it around for the same period of time with the gas cap cracked to allow air in. The head Master at Zed Therapy confirms this. Or drive it til it dies and run around and quickly remove the gas cap and see if you hear a big inhale from the tank. Steve feels the vent is plugged but isn't up to speed on 73 Zs enough to know where they / it goes / go.
  15. IF and it's a big IF there is any difference one manifold to the other would IMHO be between the flat top manifolds and any of the three or four screw manifolds. FYI the 4 screw manifolds have carb mounting flanges that are square while the 3 screw manifold has the drop down between the bottom 2 bolts with the holes for water into the carb body. The flat top manifolds have the drop down section profile but no water holes. Looking in the runners of the 3 & 4 screw manifolds they appear the same. The flat top manifold looks to be more open and "might" flow a little better. I have nothing to back that up with but they did change the manifold when they went to the flat top smogger carbs for some reason. Trying to determine imrovement between these manifolds would like trying to seperate the fly s**t from the pepper.... Anybody want to step up for a little (read that a lot) of dyno time??
  16. And help me out here..... are we still thinking that old Marco is still waiting for an answer to a question he asked November 16...... As slow as I am, even I get on with projects in under 5 months..... Just shuckin' ya all......
  17. Right on!! Rolling that air is a real +...... That's why the stock air cleaner housing works so well.
  18. Someone sold you a battery with the posts reversed then..... Pretty common mistake. Did they match up battery for battery or did they go to the book and come back with the battery it called for? PO might have had the wrong group battery in before and hooked up the cables according to that battery. How'd that 20 wt. work out in the float bowls? Nyuck nyuck We sell a dvd that takes the mistery out of SUs for most folks.....
  19. When our shop was down the road next to a wrecking yard, it would crack me up when someone would pull a rig out of the yard that had just shown up with some minor thing wrong. And I do mean minor easy fix stuff..... Put a head gasket in that thing. Easier than swapping a motor.... Also gives you a chance to check the bores....
  20. June 11 and 12 Canby Oregon Registration info available at www.datsunsnw.org If you have an interest in helping with this effort email Elena Mark at reuelelena@comcast.net. She is coordinating the volunteer effort and would love to hear from you. There should be photos from Saturday's fun run up shortly at DNW.org
  21. According to one of the 510 guys Datsun was the third most represented manufacturer on the run between the dimes and the Zzzzzzz.
  22. What a day!! Thirty one vehicles and 49 for lunch. NO rain so we are two for two on 2011 funruns in "rainy" western Oregon. See you all at Canby in June... www.datsunsnw.org
  23. Page 11 of the new NISSAN Sport $249 package from Unique Z Products. 619-808-5434
  24. Agree with Gary about the stock air box. Nice air horns built in, both carbs get to breath from the same air source (good for balance) AND can be plumbed through the core support to a filter in front of the radiator where cooler air lives than that boiling up off the exhaust manifold.... Nissan could have solved a lot of problems with a cross flow head got the L series engines.
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