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Bruce Palmer

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Everything posted by Bruce Palmer

  1. Take the float bowl lids off. Remove the needles and seats that screw into the lid and flush them out with carb cleaner. Reinstall them in the lid with the float and blow into the fuel inlet tube while moving the float up toward the lid. You will feel resistance to your breath when the needle closes. Resist the urge to start readjusting the floats because there is nothing that happened to change float levels during the engine's down time. Also more than about 3 1/2# of fuel pressure can overpower those needles and seats causing what you are seeing also. What are you running for fuel pump? We have a 4 hour fun filled action packed dvd JUST SUs that'll tell you more than you ever wanted to know about your carbs.
  2. Yeehaw!! We are in receipt of pre production trial floats and Steve said everything is running out very well. Spread the word and let me know if you or any of your playmates want a pair.
  3. There is no doubt the dime is a cult car and buildable to the teeth. I have people wanting to buy my wagon all the time.
  4. I say about a sixteenth of an inch below. Gas puddling on the nozzle things will be fat...... Gas way down the nozzle, things will be lean......
  5. 4 screws no water to carbs 70 carbs
  6. Any of the linkages are designed to be non tight to preclude binding as the engine moves around. But that hook section definitely needs the spring and washer to hold the up and down motion.
  7. Your paperwork from us (ZTherapy) will tell you what needles were installed. More than likely SMs.
  8. Hey Wayne, Probably the easiest fastest way through this is to call me at 503-587-9800 and I can lay out all the details over the phone. A lot easier than my pudgy digits working out on my keyboard if you know what I mean....
  9. Hey guys, just a reminder that if you have cores that you need to return to ZTherapy for credit but you are maybe thinking it's too late, call me or better yet just slip a note in with them to Pam and send 'em. This goes for nozzles as well. Any additionals floating around out the for sale, let me know and I'll be glad to hook you up with the owners....
  10. Buy that one in Vegas and put a 5 speed in it.
  11. Talking with a customer earlier today about his 260 2+2 automatic he's finishing up. Don't have any clue what it's worth or who might be interested in such a critter but thought I'd help him out by getting it in front of you all as you are my favorite people. Craigslist Las Vegas if you want to take a look. Cheers
  12. I've heard too many "Farmers" stories over the years. Good luck.
  13. Check around your area for a good rebuilder. I'd bet you lunch they can get a bearings and synchros set for that transmission and build it for you reasonably.....
  14. Too funny. I was just talking to the owner of ZTherapy and he said "If he'll pay the shipping I'll give him the transmission.... We used to throw them away"...... Steve@ZTherapy.com or if you prefer mail, the address on the website will work.....
  15. I would think 4 speeds would be a dime a dozen. I'd hate to guess how many Steve has at the shop from 5 speed swaps he's done.....
  16. If it's like years past, It's $5 to bring your car in or a whopping buck to walk in. Well worth the price of admission just to get to see me....... nyuck nyuck
  17. We will have our "fun filled action packed" display at Canby next weekend signing autographs and kissing babies...... Welcome to Datsuns Northwest for info. call me or come see us at Datsun Driving Canby Fun. There will be Z cars there with our setup so you can see just how simple this lash-up is......
  18. We supply the early setups for injected cars every so often. Guys are tired of fighting the de grading injections and just want to get in, hit the key and drive away.... Easy deal
  19. Call me and I'll be happy to give you the number at the shop and you can talk to Steve Epperly the owner of ZTherapy. Steve is a very talented mechanic and diagnostician. My number is 503-587-9800. Our ZTV01 Tune up dvd covers a multitude of these engine related issues that can drive you nuts.....
  20. Any chance any of his stuff is left from ZBarn? If not, any word on the status of ZBarn's inventory or Roger? Sorry for the thread hijack....
  21. I have used ATF in my carbs for sooooo long I'm still taking it out of a cardboard can...... These really are the world's crudest shock absorber. I've micced enough of them to say with some assurance that there are two different sizes of pucks......so as you are fiddling for your solution play on......
  22. I'm not sure what "performance jets" are. About the only thing I can suggest is to see if you can determine what needles are in your "remanufactured" carbs are..... Put the new ones on dial them in a see what you have.
  23. If'n you guys are going to be dancing in the streets over this, please keep your clothes on! Thank you The management
  24. As follow up. It appears we are a couple of months away from having product in hand. sample preparations and approvals and such. I'm thinking a blast on ZTherapy.com will be in order. Of course we'll be back here multiple times and I'm sure the Muk Luk telegraph (you guys) will be a valuable at moving the word around as always.
  25. I'm not involved with the scheduling but I'd guess maybe a month for delivery. This really is some seriously good news for all of us. As our rides age, those things that are no longer available are going to have to be sourced from outside vendors or private parties. I've thought for years that there is a retired machinist somewhere that could sit in his basement knocking out Oilzite bronze material for door hinge bushings. Just an example.
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