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Bruce Palmer

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Everything posted by Bruce Palmer

  1. Yes we can. Just hope the needles don't require any additional profiling. If they do, don't do it over the carpet. I'd also venrure a guess that 20wt might be a smidge heavy for the dampers.
  2. It would take me six months just to knock out a pair of those Channel Locks. I am really amazed by the miniatures that run.
  3. Needs new carbs..... build from there. Nice shiny set of carbs would really dress up that engine compartment, don't ya think?
  4. I be right here waitng to see if there is anything forthcoming that'll quantify an answer. All I can add is to suggest setting an early manifold and a late manifold side by side and look in the intake runner and compare one to the other. The later manifolds are more open inside than the earlier which tells me at least that they (the later manifold) will be less restrictive. Whoever did the developmental work getting the flat top carbs ready for production might have sensed a need for better flow to get them to work, who knows. Makes a certain amount of sense to me that a lesser carb might require a better manifold....... Get ahold of NISSAN and ask them for the flat top development file.... Like that didn't go in the trash some years ago. Pretty much covers what I think I know. If that doesn't scare you a little, it ought to!!
  5. Three screw has provision for water into the carb base: 4 screws don't.
  6. Vaughan, The Just SUs DVD is going out today. Once you watch things in action maybe something will trip a switch. I can't think it will hurt anything. For now color me stumped!!
  7. Vaughn, Why are you going for such gross adjustment of the floats? If you're as high as you say they are, you should, with the float bowl lid on and the floats in place I'd suspect you'd have gas pooled up on top of the nozzles and yes it should start without the choke, but will also run fat fat fat. Too many people start playing with float levels when really there is very little reason to assume they, for no reason, change just hanging around in the float bowls.... If you want to talk about what you're doing give me a call....
  8. Actually, any over-fill will just get sucked into the engine and burnt.
  9. If you are drawing out of a quart container a little plastic pipette works well for sucking out and installing small quantities. Get one with the small bulb on one end.......
  10. Regardless of what you end up with, I highly recommend the before installing, open it up and wash it out. I have seen enough stuff from the machining process left in cylinders to warrant the extra effort.
  11. There is no gasket under the dome. The missing gizzy under the body doesn't do anything except keep the nozzle from backing out, which it won't. The rubber gizzy orients the float bowl for level. Ir you need one call me.
  12. Is the goal to get the pieces back on, or back on and running well?
  13. Stephen, Don't be hasty in dissmissing those 4:56s.... I'm sure there are still some stumps to be pulled in northern Idaho. Now if he could just match up with a granny low gear 4 speed.... Sent from my PC
  14. Not to put too fine a point on this credit thing.... I do the counseling up front to help new customers order what they need rather than what they feel they need. I hate to see customers waste money on things I know wont solve problems when something else might. Steve Epperly, the owner, builds all the carbs so if kudos are to be tossed about concerning product quality throw the flowers Steve's way. He and I work together well and have played Datsuns for years. My job with ZTherapy is really rewarding as I enjoy helping people with their carb problems and you all seem to have them or my phone wouldn't ring. We further enjoy the fact that our product goes out and stays out and our last job tends to seel our next job via the muk luk telegraph. Anyway thanks for the kind words....
  15. That cotter pin idea is a great idea. With just a hole in the heat shield I'm thinking the raw edge would saw through the spring loop in no time. Give the man a kewpie doll!! If I use your idea for others, will I owe you a royalty??
  16. That flat top balance tube is sure a pretty thing isn't it? It ought to go sailing over the fence into the neighbor's back yard along with the carbs.
  17. If you shag the set off ebay, see if you can get the JUST SUs video with them. If not we now have it on DVD. Also, if you can shoot apicture of what you have on the car now we can take a look and see what you may may be short of in the way of small parts.
  18. Grant, Any holes in the mouth of the carb needs a corresponding hole in the backing plate.
  19. HS4s equate to the 38mm carbs that came on 1600 roadsters and sss 510 & 610 JDM HS6s are the same as the 46mm carbs on 2 liter roadsters and Z cars. Any and all of the APT stuff will serve to roll the air into the carbs versus breaking it over the sharp edge.
  20. Another way to go would be to add a pair of the www.aptfast.com stub stacks in lieu of the stock airhorns. I really like them on my 46's. Plus chicks dig 'em.... It's a bling thing... Also don't overlook adding those 2 vent holes in the backing plate that lets air into the piston dome cavity....... Without them you'll no doubt fine things running really sluggish.
  21. With the floats sinking, you most definitely run the risk of gas over flowing out the vents due to the fact the needles and seats are never closing because the floatrs, partially full of fuel, will never get high enough to shut them off. Chances are better than even the the float bowl lid gaskets will turn into potato chips once you take the lids loose. We sell 'em for $2 each. Composite floats are $19.50 ea. It's a pretty easy deal to drill a hole in the backing plate of the aircleaner and run a short length of gas line from the nipple on the float bowl lid and seal it into the hole on the backing plate. Once you get the float thing solved the puking problem should go away.
  22. Chris, Pull the float bowl lid off the offending carb and take the brass float out and shake it to maje sure it's dry. These dirty buggers have a nasty habit of developing tiny hairline cracks take on gas and sink like a rock allowing the float bowl to over fill and run rich rich rich. We sell composite floats....
  23. If any of you have one to offer (with attaching fasteners please) send me an email with what you have and I'll send it along. I've already invited him to come join in the fun here.
  24. We grudginly sell reconditioned air cleaners but the cost of doing them vs the $300 we charge still doesn't make it a worthwhile venture. The cost of getting one straightened, cleaned of oil so the BC/CC will stick, try and find gaskets etc. just makes building carbs a lot more attractive. The customer in question is doing a flat top conversion and I suggested he go for an earlier round mouth aircleaner to match up to his soon to be round mouth carbs. The flat top aircleaner is just about as attractive as everything else flat top, plus has the square mouth to the carb.
  25. Yep, the first one with the carbs was a smoking deal, while the second, without the attaching hardware might make a geranium planter.
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