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Bruce Palmer

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Everything posted by Bruce Palmer

  1. The problem with bent needles is that as they rub on the fuel nozzle the orifice in the nozzle can get worn oblong thus throwing off the mixture. Couple this with the fact that the needle can get worn smaller while the orifice is worn larger, moxture can be a crao shoot. Orifice size and needle size all the way down the profile are pretty precise. You can try the drill motor straightening but if that doesn't work to your satisfaction we can supply needles. Just look your needle over well for signs of wear (shiny area) as it may have been going on for a long time. We can also supply spot-on nozzles as well.
  2. Plus with our kit you get the JUST SUs DVD to walk you thru the process and getting them back on and dialed in.....
  3. Now seriously folks is that car in your estimation worth six grand??
  4. If you have round tops we have you covered. Go to www.ztherapy.com and while away a couple of hours searching THE source for Z car Hitachi carbs. If you have the flat top carbs, we will not be of any help and I doubt NAPA will be either.
  5. Unless it's a race weekeknd there is usually a crowd thing going on at the shop in the afternoon hours. Steve is very helpful helping new owners get their learning curve functioning.
  6. If you need help identifying what you have go to www.ztherapy.com. There are plenty of pictures to help sort it out. We are all the way down in Salem if you'd like to take a run down this way and get aquainted with Steve who by the way kicked some major E Production butt last weekend at the Rose Cup Races. Cheers
  7. You live in Portland and Troutdale's "kinda far"?
  8. Carl, That may have been the way things were cast in stone for the regulators to view, but I know owners of those "new" cars that had the swap done by dealers..... There have also been several customers over the last 8 years tell me they'd also had it done because they could never get them to run. Here's an interesting read on Laws and regulations - In south Louisiana the Cajuns say the only reason there are laws in the state are to keep the Baptists in the northern half of the state in line. None apply south of Alexandria.... Cheers
  9. The owner races Datsuns so that should to tell you something good.... We communicate a lot on another Datsun forum....
  10. I'll speak to the carbs. Your pushing and pulling sounds like surging which is an indication the carbs are less than sport on. Are your carbs round tops or flat on top like a tuna can? If flat tops, they were questionable when new to the extent NISSAN replaced a lot of them with the round tops when those cars were new because of custome complaints. Some on here state they have had gook luck with the flat top carbs and I have to guess that even the worst diseign has to be right in some cases but at 36 years old maybe it's time. We still supply the early carbs to this day for those who have grown tired of fighting the flat tops after 30 something years. Our price list shows 2 iterations of early carb changeovers. If that is of interest, take a look at the price list. Cheers
  11. Canby 09 has come and gone having I think earned high marks for wether, turnout, tire kicking etc. but i have to share a good news bad news story that cracked me up. One of rhe local 510 guys contributed boxes upon boxes, + a set of wheels and tires and a bumper or two for the raffle. It was the big prize thus the last one awarded and wouldn't you know it was won by a 510 guy which is the good news. Bad news is he's from Phoenix AZ and flew up just to partake of the fun and frivolity. I'm not aware of anyone else there that flew to Portland for the Canby event but I have to think winning what had to be four or five hundred pounds of "collectables and near collectables" to try and get back to Phoenix was going to be a struggle. Also the "rest area contingent" had to schedule their arrival just after shift change at the front gate when I came on duty. Nest year, if you hammerheads can muster getting up just a tick earlier, would it be too much to ask that you get there some time between 8 and 10?? Hm? Anyway I'm sure others will be along with more stories and pictures but that's it from my corner of the room.....
  12. Saturday report. Good turnout of all manner of Datsuns (which is, of course what Canby is all about) with the weather cooperating to the max. It was raining like crazy in Salem when I left home and rained all the way up I-5 until all of a sudden between Woodburn and the Donald exit I notice my intermittent wipers were cleaning a dry windshield and the road was dry. Got to the fairground to no rain and it was cloudy, no rain, with a light breeze all day. I assume as a function of the economy the vendor spots were all sold out and people were having a hayday. Tomorrow should be a hoot.... Ton of door prizes so when you guys show up get your door prize tickets early.....
  13. Well, It was yesterday now. Sorry I didn't report back last night as I was busy jinxing the weather by washing the car for today..... Autocross was fun. About the turnout I would have expected for a Friday. Tight course laid out for the morning sessions and a faster open course for the afternnon. There were participants driving everything from 1200s to 350s. A really mixed bag.... Raining like a cow peeing on a flat rock in West Salem at 6:30 Ayem Sat. Must be Datsun Driving Canby Fun '09......
  14. I'm wondering why there seems to be no reference to Carquest from any of you. We have pretty good luck with them having older Datsun stuff no more than next day from their DC.
  15. It wouldn't be June in Oregon without the threat of some liquid sunshine. Worst thing that may happen is we have a couple of cars what, melt??
  16. Can't help ya on a pump pick, but do get yourself a bullet proof set up for controlling pressure out put. SUs wont take more than about 3 1/2 pounds of pressure before the needles and seats will be over powered and held open. At that point you can take the floats out of the float bowls 'cause theyza gonna fill up and runeth over.....
  17. Bottom line for this discusion from where we sit: 46mm Hitachis on a 2.8 motor is plenty of carb.... The several examples of 2.8 cars holding hillclimb records around here should point to the "enough carb" capabilities, especially if those looking to make the choice are running street cars. Two-eight motors in the heat of battle will use up more carb than a 2.8 on the street.
  18. Logan, Your thread should have been titled "cost of maintaining a daily driver". Classic cars sit in the garage and require not much. Daily drivers either nicklel and dime you to death or you pay good money for a done one and drive it, knowing everything has been re-newed.
  19. To all: If you haven't done what Arne mentioned, you should. This is one of those PM things that'll result in one less thing hopefully going wrong in the future. If you don't do it it'll break and then its another "NISSAN doesn't have them any more" deals. A small tube of graphite lube will do the trick. Best to remove the cable housing from the car so you can get an even lube end to end.
  20. You know, this is one of those cases where we can all help each other by sharing info on where things get sourced, part numbers, mods to make it work, etc. I think I found a spring that was close from a tension standpoint, cut it down and made a loop and it's been going for 10+ years of daily driving.
  21. Why did you feel the need to have the carbs massaged? Had you ever run fast enough to run out of carbs before? Just curious....
  22. I'd take the good one off and go find an industrial supply house that handles springs and match up to yours or close (get 2, replace both) sell your old one on Ebay, get rich, retire..... nyuck nyuck.
  23. After further study of the photos, I have to ask you all. If any of you went to the trouble of putting enough "stuff" into an L-series Zcar engine to generate 400 HP, would you leave the engine compartment looking like that one? I mean, that engine compartment looks like it just came in from the fields after plowing. Like those wheels. Like 'em so much I put them on my wagon......
  24. 240 body on a 280 frame? How day do dat Willis? There is too much information and there is too much bad information.....
  25. The story on the SM needles is as follows: In the 7-73 book "How to modify Datsun engines and chassis" the SMs were installed as part of the first step up in performance tweaking. They tend to overcome what some believe to be a lean condition in the stock needles (some being worse than others)..... As has been stated here, getting one needle or another to run well seems to be engine dependent....
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