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Bruce Palmer

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Everything posted by Bruce Palmer

  1. We will try and find out more as they/he is right here in the village. Pretty trick deal though as his website says he works only two out of every three months..... Oh, and the other part of the web site talks about volin building...... HMmmmmm
  2. Just called the number in Idaho. That's what's left of Idaho Z. Kim is getting out of the day to day and has a guy selling parts from the phone number. This guy is not a mechanic so don't ask how to fix stuff.......
  3. Philbin is one of those unsung resources for the sport that everyone should have on file. They do a super job on distributors and I still don't understand how they can do all that thay do for the price they charge.
  4. Z Barn Roger Schmidt. After his wife passed he left to do mission work in Africa I believe. We never did get hooked up to buy his carb inventory.
  5. Try the Philbin Group in Portland Oregon. They build all of our distributors.
  6. A set of SMs on a done set of 46's will do great on two eight motors. We had three thusly set up Z that have held hill climb records here locally so if they can fire shots in anger and trophy, they can surely get you to the grocery store.
  7. Matt, Are you coming to Canby? Please do, so I can kill you in person..... nyuck nyuck This could be the next big thing in econo mods for the Z. Again, another nyuck nyuck
  8. Take the float bowl lid off and remove the needle and seat from the underneath side of the lid. Take it apart and flush with carb cleaner. You may have foreign material stuck in there holding it/them open. You may also want to check fuel pressure. More than about 3 1/2# of pressure can overpower the N&S holding them open. Another thing to check while the lids are off is to A. make sure the floats are moving up and down freely and B. while blowing lightly into the fuel inlet tube, while moving the float toward the lid, you can feel them (the N&S) shut off.
  9. I'd bet Les at Classic Datsun in Vista would have a shoe box full of them. I know the owner of ZTherapy would, as many Z's as he's boned out over the years.
  10. That's what I would have guessed.... An hour per corner. Then it's just a matter of finding out the what shop's per hour flat rate is.
  11. Was about to say that any transmission shop that is still in business should be a GOOD shop, but know there is one here in Salem where the State AG is never far from their front door. The Awsome Z suggestion gets my vote either to do the work or point you in the right direction...... Good folks.
  12. I spent some futile hours awhile back looking for floats to no avail. Several outfits shpwed 'em, no one had 'em. One in particular showed they had BOTH carbs for sale AND the floats as the third and final item. Thinking this looked pretty promising I called them only to be met with "we don't carry carburetor items" ..... Well hell Finley then why is your Zcar listing so definitive? Both carbs and floats sure sounds like you might handle carb stuff!! Twooley amazing how many company websites don't seem to have a periodic cleanup function..... Ours comes to mind..... That Grose Jet section needs to go away but we don't seem to be ablre to Git'er dun!! Here ends the rant.....
  13. When you are at Auto Zone buying floats, buy us some. as many as they'll sell you. There are no new floats, at least that we have been able to source. This would be one of those instances where that one guy sitting on a stash of floats could be everybody's buddy....
  14. What you are doing with the choke on is dropping the top of the nozzle below the static level of the fuel in the float bowl allowing fuel to puddle up on top of the nozzle hence leaking down between the nozzle and the tube. The engine dying with the choke off is a rich lean situation and can be dealt with by lowering the fuel nozzle..... Just arbitrarily messing with the float level makes me nervous..... but don't feel bad, everybody does it..... then I get to try and unring the bell over the phone....
  15. Push the choke in and I bet it stops leaking...... Captain_Zeros pretty well nailed it....... This is what I call a major crisis of minor proportions..... nyuck nyuck
  16. Leave that bad boy on the trailer and drag it over to Canby the second weekend in June for sale..... I guess the registration info is up on Welcome to Datsuns Northwest
  17. Sorry I didn't see this sooner. We sell a dvd that Scott made years ago that covers this very topic.
  18. Where is it leaking, between the tube and the fitting or around the threads on the fitting. I've seen any number of those fittings at the shop when removed, that are pretty severely scoured out from water flow over the years and dangerously thin in spots. To my way of thinking that whole system, at this point in the life of those cars, is just ready to leave you standing beside the road the day it does start puking.
  19. These would be a good fit for any of the 4 cylinder L motored vehicles. We have run them very successfully on motors up to 2.2 liters. On the l-20b for example the feeling is the 38s will provide more torque down low than say a pair of 46mm carbs would. I put 300,000 miles on a set of them in the first 2 door I had...
  20. When the general consensus it that 2 1/2 turns give or take maybe a turn, is the sweet spot for tuning the typical good condition SU, I don't quite get how this 10 turns down deal is in any case the spot to shoot for. At ten turns down they ought to be lean lean lean even with the float level set just below the top of the nozzle. Seems like the air flow thru the carb would be working way too hard pulling gas up out of the nozzles being that far down. Not saying what was offered was wrong, just doesn't pencil out for me. Also this 10 turn deal will effectively lower to fuel volume in the float bowl by nearly a 1/2" and the average "get on it" romp very conceivably will run the float bowls dry which will make for an even leaner condition as the fuel level drops from an already too low setting.....
  21. Hey guys just reading about Enrique's passing and am posting notice of the Polar Bear Run from Portland to the coast. Thought it would be a chance to blow off the stink and say good by to a valued member of the community. datsunsnw.org has info and route maps......
  22. I guess it was two Canbys ago, he grabbed me by the arm and took me over to show me the chrome mesh insert he'd put into that ersatz hood scoop on his roadster. The man was so proud of that subtle little tweak. That was a man that really enjoyed his cars....
  23. Here's the deal with the JUST SUs dvd. There are about 2 hours of in depth R&R&R info that will allow you (if you so elect) to go thru yours with an eye just toward clean up inside and out, Put 'em back on the car (that would be the third R) dial em in (done by hand) in order to see what the basic condition is. It's not a big deal and will help with your learning curve on all things SUs. Oh, one other thing. What are they doing that leads you to believe they need tuning?
  24. Didn't we just get off the phone? Thought so..... nyuck nyuck One thing I forgot to mention is to crack those dome screws loose with a little pair of vice grips. That'll minimize buggerig up those inpossible to find dual pattern screw heads.
  25. That is one whopper of a balance tube in the picture with the carbs.
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