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Bruce Palmer

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Everything posted by Bruce Palmer

  1. So Kerrigan, is this a new paint job we'll get to eyeball at Canby in June?
  2. ...Zs had a proportioning valve. Are you talking about the safety switch in the circuit that makes the brake light come on if you lose front or rear brake pressure?
  3. Checked the local wrecking yards??? They should be at the top of your list for this small stuff. I'd bet plugs from any Datsun will work. That's the creativity in keeping these car going is to m devise things that'll work from other models. Five tens are notorious for this. Yeh that'll work...:stupid:
  4. until
    For details go to www.datsunsnw.org Third Annual Datsun Driving Canby Fun Slated For June 14th and 15th, 2008 Registration for the show ended May 10th. Click here to view and print a form for reserving swap meet spots, camping spots, and dinner reservations. NEW!!! Cox Performance Motorsports is bringing a dyno to the show for both days! Special show prices are: 2 runs for $40 1 drag run for $35or 2 runs and 1 drag run for $50 All runs come with certificates of HP and Torque and times If you didn't register in time, drive your Datsun or Nissan anyway. There is a special parking place for non-registered Datsuns and Nissans. You still won't be entered in the show but you'll at least get to park inside the show grounds and among friends for only $5. Activities and fun-runs are in the works. A treasure-filled swap meet and vendor display will begin bright & early and continue all weekend long. Click here for the schedule. Saturday evening, a catered RSVP dinner will be served. Use the form to reserve your campsite, and/or reserve your dinner. Participation in the Sunday car show is not required to attend the Saturday dinner. Sunday's Show-&-Shine is a fun way to display the good, the bad, and the “just getting startedâ€. If you are unable to bring a Datsun/Nissan car or truck, we still want you to come. There is a $1 dollar walk-in fee. If this is your first time attending, remember to bring a camera and a smile. If you have any questions or suggestions, call Dave Bothwell at 503-317-0647. We have a food vendor on site both days! Breakfast Breakfast sandwiches or Breakfast burritos Lunch Burgers Hot Dogs Sodas Catered dinner: Kalua Pork Rice Pilaf Fruit Kabobs Pineapple Upside Down Cake We are always looking for volunteers to help organize and to help the day of the show. Please phone or email Dave to volunteer: (503)317-0647 Click for photos from 2007 Click for photos from 2006
  5. .... rebuilt unit, I'd open it up and wash any machining grit and filings out before putting it into use. Have seen several that were just little "grinders" waiting to eat themselves alive. Bruce Palmer sales@ztherapy.com
  6. synchronizer and the JUST SUs video or DVD will prove essential to your solving these and any other carb issues. Questions? Give a call or email...... Bruce Palmer sales@ztherapy.com 503-587-9800
  7. ... it more than likely means your carbs are too rich and should be turned lean enough so that you need to pull the choke on however briefly to get it started. This is especially true in cold weather. Carbs that are close to "right on" may start fine in warm weather w/o choke but cold weather starts need that extra "rich" shot to fire and run....
  8. ... Sunday!! Durty rabafrabets!! Okay we are getting it back under control. I do want to say thanks to all the customers, foreign and domestic, who emailed and called to let us know of the problem.
  9. .... working with the flat tops or earlier round top Hitachis?
  10. ... A too low float would show up as fuel starvation (too little fuel in the float bowl) as well as a lean conditon from a fuel level too far down the nozzle. This could very easily be the cause of the pop. Let things idle for a bit, shut it off, and pull the dome and piston out of that carb and look down into the nozzle and SEE where the fuel level is in relation to the top of the nozzle. Ideally that level should be within a 1/16" of the top of the nozzle. If you have to readjust your float, you'll more than likely have to readjust the mixture too, so be prepared to bring things to the proper settings in stages.....
  11. ... of this exercise John, is that you're getting smarter with each situation that presents itself. There will be a quiz (when you buy that next car) and it will be graded so keep studying...... It's kinda fun to be looking over your shoulder during this process......
  12. ... about the little "P" shaped clamp pieces?? These, after 30 something years of being allowed to work loose and fall off along the roadways of the world or not re-attached when carbs are removed, are constantly in short supply. We could use a shoebox full of them if you find any surplus..... Until then, emjoy your "home growns" Cheers
  13. ... will be about half of that of the garaged car. Here's a short list of what's been done. '78 280 with 118k Original paint, A/C, 5 speed, fresh engine, ZTherapy Hitachi (SU) conversion from the block out, K&N Filters, Centerforce clutch and lightenend flywheel. New brakes, New M/C's and slaves both brake and clutch, Norris 327 cam, 2½" exhaust with Flowmaster, header, new tires.... This car is being prepped by the same guy who did several of the award winning Z's and roadsters at the Portland Roadster show last spring, not me. I don't have time to clean my garage..... nyuck nyuck
  14. ... and I'll get you details of a very well sorted low miler 280 that will be available here as soon as the fresh engine is back together.
  15. A pair of typing digits are a terrible thing to waste.........
  16. ... who recently did this on his 260. He said that if you start at the injectors and follow that section of the harness back through the firewall and unhook that section of the harness from the module, you're done.....
  17. Hi Y'all. Been trackin' on this thread for awhile and have develoloped a burning question that I have to ask. Is there a member on here interested in a 280Z of better condition than the 2 mentioned earlier on here for less money? Can't shake out whether there is a real interest in 280's or if this is just conversation. Any interest in a good one, email me off list. It's a friend's Z and is not ready to go on the market 'til the engine is back together.
  18. I believe what the guys we hear from are talking about, is the frailty of a 20 something year old system. Degrading plastic pieces, sensors, good today, gunny bag tomorrow..... Resulting in a basic unreliability that they see as being overcome by the installation of a "new' SU setup with 3 moving parts. Again, I'm just relating what I hear from the field.
  19. You'll need to machine injector notches in the intake ports and from there on it's a bolt in, wire up, for the modules and harness..... We, here at Ztherapy, see the reverse of what you are wanting to do, with owners wanting to swap out their degrading injection sytems for the simplicity of SUs.....
  20. AND that basic understanding of the "workings" of these carbs will help you make monster strides in the de-bugging process to say nothing of the safety issues you seem to be unsure of.
  21. I'm guessing the needle and seat are sticking open. Tap on the float bowl with a screw driver handle and see if that doesn't jar it closed. It's pretty easy for a piece of grit to hold the needle open. When the flow is happening are you getting concurrent flow into the throat of the carb from the fuel nozzle in the bottom of the throat? Once you start chasing spooks in your carb system, it's maybe time to take 'em off and go thru them.
  22. ... the SUs and Hitachis. The overall quality of the Hitachis is superior to that of the SUs. Machining of the SUs is jusy not there.... They problably will work fine, though. They'll bolt on fine but interior linkage and attachments at the throttle shafts will more than likely need to be fabbed...
  23. Again, there are several Bible Creek Hillclimb (Oregon) records held by 2.8L Z's with standard issue 46mm Hitachis. There is such a thing as the "Unique" factor and there is the "best" factor. Throw away the latter for the former, what's the gain? I don't understand the attitude that rejects out of hand the format NISSAN engineering chose when these cars were in production......
  24. .... Stephen said, a set of SUs (HITACHIS) that are refurbished to square one will yield the easiest set of carbs to keep up with, going. Worn out, they are a pain to keep tuned, but refeshed, no trick keeping them dialed in.
  25. ... home page and scroll down the left side to "mailing list" and that'll pop you onto the registration page for the "Bluebird list" ... Bar none the best info list out there that I have found regardless of marque and I've trudged thru a bunch of 'em. Very helpful members. Pretty strict about 510 content which helps when trying to sort the fly $^!# from the pepper.....
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