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Bruce Palmer

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Everything posted by Bruce Palmer

  1. I see an Arizona plate yet a radio station sticker starting with W which is for stations east of the Mississippi river. Where has this old gal been living, do you know? What do the bottoms of the floor boards look like? Oh yeh, and you need carbs........ Nyuck nyuck!!
  2. This is actually an "SU" SU needle rather than a Hitachi SU needle. Someone did the research early on and identified the SM profile as a profile that would over come the weakness of the stock needle. "SM" is merely the nomenclature for that particular needle. Means nothing, unless you want to buy into "Super Modification" or some such..... or, "search me" or..... We could start a contest for the most creative name for the illustrative SM.....
  3. We can supply SMs or stock needles. Whatever floats your boat. Steve roadtested a set of stock needle carbs on the 280 he had at Canby the other day. Having been running a set of SM carbs prior to that he said the stock needle setup just didn't have the snappy performance of the SMs. That was the first time in a long time that he'd had that direct a comparison of the 2 different needles. Carry on....
  4. I walked through impound Sunday after the race group with a bunch of Miatas and noticed quite a bit of wrinkled and crinkled sheetmetal. Those boys wring more out of those poor little cars than is really there.
  5. Don't want to put too fine a point on this, but just to remind everyone that my name gets bandied about as the wizard of ZTherapy, when in fact, I'm just the voice on the phone who does the counseling with customers. Steve and Pam, the owners, are my back ups and the ones responsible for putting wheels on the wagon. My claim to fame has to do with the fact that I have, over the years, put better than 400,000 miles on these carbs and #2 I really enjoy helping guys get through the decision making process. My creed is "If you need it I'll be happy to sell it to you, If you don't, I'll certainly try and talk you out of it"........ We now return you to your regular scheduled programming.......
  6. I guess I see those 2 Hitachis powering the race car down the front straight at Portland at around 140 mph and wonder how many daily driver types are going to see the sunny side of that. That's, give or take, 8 grand. "I drive 11/10ths all the time" is what I hear some guys trying to float. Then again our basic customer will own up to something a little more realistic in terms of the trip to the grocery store maybe isn't a timed event........ Without forced induction of some sort, SUs, Webers, Hollys, etc are only going to supply as much air and fuel as the engine is going to draw..... The infernal combustion engine is afterall nothing more than an air pump. Cheers
  7. Road America 2010 Runoffs E Production Z #82 will be there this fall with SUs. Check it out. In fact this car has a double national in Portland this coming weekend.
  8. If you're anywhere close to Salem I'd invite you to come by the shop and experience what a correctly done set of SUs can feel like. You can take it from there. I'm waiting to see if anyone responds about the costs involved to get those triples dialed in...... Bueller........ anyone........ Hmmmm.
  9. Have you taken them out and gotten into them to see what the problem is? Could be someone stuffed something into them. Anyway, once they are out, a lock shop should be able to square them away. They are not complicated.
  10. Of course you can change the driven gear on your speedo cable at the tranny end. Figure out how much you ar off now %wise and check the other gears available. Count the teeth etc....... you get the picture.
  11. The Nationwide race at Road America this weekend did a great job of setting the layout of that 4 mile course for me. What a neat place. Looks like Steve epperly (owner of ZTherapy) will be heading back for the E production race at the runoffs so get ready.....
  12. www.ztherapy.com part number ZT150 will fix any internal siuations except worn out throttle shafts. If that is what you're looking for give me a call.
  13. Gotta love the internet. About 24 hours and the connection has been made.
  14. Hi guys, This is dumb but I didn't know where else to post it. A friend of ours in Washington State has come across a 260 at a car lot in the Harrisburg area and would like to arrange with someone back there to go check it out. Anyone, Bueller? Anyone? Contact me at sales@ztherapy.com or 503-587-9800 and I'll pass on contact info. Cheers
  15. Whoper turnout today. Overflow parking of way more than a few cars on the show yard. Weather was perfect. Hope to see more of you tomorrow.
  16. After talking SUs to people all day at Canby today I'm out of ammo for an internet diagnostic other than to say order the JUST SUs DVD and start through them.
  17. Well, there are two that had to work. How 'bout the rest of y'all local to Portland or Salem? Nothing, nobody............ ? Bueller?
  18. Just got back from the autocross at the fairgrounds as the Friday offering of Datsun Driving Canby Fun 2010. Nice course, nice weather, nice turn out of all manner of Datsuns and good conversation but not one Z car of any flavor on the property. Not one!!.
  19. Again, the DVD will take you a long way toward removing the "Mystery of SUs" even if you leave your hands in your pockets like you have been. What we are seeing around the country is the fact that the mechanics who worked on SUs in their day have retired and gone to the house. Today's mechanics are by and large "component changers" knowing nothing much of this Flintstone technology. Hence the DVD full of "how to" info. Let us know if we can help. Off to the autocross.
  20. Oregon is too far away for what? I'm assuming you are thinking it'll be duck soup finding someone in the Boston area that can duplicate our work? Let me know how you make out with that....... Seriously though, Just to clarify, an order of our reman carbs comes with the DVD that will cover installation and tuning of the carbs. If one is mechanical at all it's a very straight forward deal. Just requires a little mechanical savvy.
  21. I'm recalling way back they ran a single barrel carb on the old stovebolt 6 cyl Chevy motors and they ran...... They didn't do anything particularly exciting performance wise but they ran. Seems like cylinders 1&6 were lean most of the time. Oh well, that's why they have multiple starting gates at the horse races...... so all the horses can run.
  22. Several years ago, back when we could still source real gas in outlying areas of Oregon, I made an LA and back trip which allowed 3 tanks of Oregon gas and the rest California oxygenated stuff. Docummented mileages on both showed a 20% reduction in mileage with the oxygenated crap. All in all, the economics of the stuff we have to pay to grow, etc. etc. etc. coupled with the fact that it takes 20% more to do the same amount of work, I fail to see any benefit. But then it's good for the farmers and drives the price of corn up so our other food items cost more.........
  23. When it comes to tuning SUs the major contributor to ease of tuning is to take the carbs back to square one. Once renewed, they are the easiest carbs in the world to keep up with. I tweak mine twice a year, once in the spring when the weather changes and once in the fall when the weather changes. This is on a year round driver. Once tuned they hold tune. A worn out set of SUs can be tuned and will hold tune for about 13 milliseconds.... If you want some real meat and potatoes info, buy the JUST SUs DVD and study up. Takes all the mystery out of it as far as I'm concerned.
  24. Are you talking flat top or round top carbs? www.aptfast.com has not only aftermarket aircleaners but airhorns to go in them.
  25. Nissan needles and seats were 1.7 and 2.0. The needles and seats we supply are 2.0 as well. In theory you are correct but in practicality it's immaterial. The average guy driving a street car or even a track day car wont see enough flat out full throttle duration to even give the sense of float bowl levels being down. The E-production Z the owner runs can do the front straight at Portland at say 7500 RPM and at the end of what is about 3/4 of a mile he feels that maybe the bowls are starving a bit. Once he's out of the throttle going into turn one the float levels catch righ back up. So what I'm saying is that on the long course at Bonneville it would be a problem but for you guys on the street, it's about as big a problem as gravity on the moon. Yes it's different but until you get there it's not a problem. Remember that fuel supply to the needles and seats are under pressure where everything else is gravity fed. A smaller needle and seat could very easily make up for any "potential" short fall just by remaining open longer. And no we will not produce a he-man size needle and seat, so don't ask.
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