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Bruce Palmer

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Everything posted by Bruce Palmer

  1. Actually the car is a 1200. Weighs nothing, goes like stink.
  2. There's Bennet Coachworks in Milwaukee if that's not too far. You might pull them up and ask if they work with anyone in Chicago.
  3. Sounds like a podium finish to me.....
  4. Seems I forgot the "the' word.... http://theoatmeal.com/quizzes I edited the original just to confuse the crap out of everyone. And yes, early, very early.....
  5. Here's is a new one (at least to me) that was fun. I got an 88%. How'd you all do? http://theoatmeal.com/quizzes
  6. As with everything performance related automotively, speed relates to $$$. No doubt about it, a triple Mikuni should produce extra performance. The cost of the system and dialing them in may make that incremental increase a marginal investment, especially for a track day car. Again, there are 3 2.8 liter Zs with our standard carbs that hold hillclimb records here at the local event. More bigger carbs might have made the cars faster but the cars or the drivers may then become the limiting factos. Worse case for starters I'd throw a set of SM needles into your carbs and see what that does for upper end power, then go from there. That's a $30 test. From there on it's grab your check book and decide how fast you want to be. Happy New Year everyone...
  7. The air horn question you raise is going to be somewhat intuitive in it's answer, just like the manifold question...... Look in one and then the other and tell your self that one manifold might not flow a little better. Now the same thing holds with the airhorn question. When you look at a naked SU the first thing that jumps out at you is a 90 degree edge at the opening. The air is going to arrive from the side and have to break over that edge creating, as Arne said, tumbling air moving by where the fuel metering takes place. Now place something on the face of that carb to roll that airflow across a curving surface and ask yourself which may be the better way to go. If you want something minimal to do that rolling effect, check www.aptfast.com for their 1/2" stub stacks which I run on my 46s and like them a lot. They also have several other stack offerings as well.
  8. Did you catch up with Steve via the phone? He is very responsive to customer issues as infrequently as they arise. 503-365-8583 will get him at the shop.
  9. I just asked my wife to contact our daughter and tell them I'll be a no-show for dinner 'cause Band of Brothers is on again....... like for the 27th time. Have a bang-up day y'all.
  10. The early 4 screws have no provision for water into the carb base. Three screws do have the holes through the insulators into the carb base. The flat top manifold mounting flange profile matches up with the 3 screw flange profile i.e, non symmetrical while the 4 screw flange is symmetrical. Hope that helps.
  11. Frankie, You made the right decision. A big ol' storm came roaring in off the Pacific last night.... They were calling for like 75 MPH winds on the coast. In fact, Astoria is 6 feet farther inland today than it was yesterday, it blew that hard. Yeth thir, that's what I heard, yeth thir...... Had you been there, you'd a been on your way to Costa Rica by now....
  12. When met with this question I will often times suggest buying the JUST SUs DVD, float bowl gaskets, a couple of fuel lines if brittle and go through them clean 'em up, put them on and see what you have. Just depends on how many miles are on them.... Nearing 40 years old most are worn out but this would allow you to determine the shape they're in for little money....
  13. So, the title of this thread should have been "Oregon or Bust, unless it's raining"? ..... Too funny. I suppose that means you wont be stopping by ZTherapy to get aquainted??
  14. Frankie, Where'd ya go Mon? If you're steaming thru Salem give me a call and we'll get you introduced around at the shop.....
  15. Search out that Drive-Thru Redwood also, as you get into Redwood country. I'll bet your friends and family in flatland America will get a kick out of seeing your Z parked in the opening of that monster.
  16. Lance, My first thought was .. "what the heck are you supposed to do with a Z car purchase from Ketchican Alaska?" Then I grabbed my handy dandy Atlas and see where it's a putt to Prince Rupert BC and what would be a really beautiful drive in the spring to the lower 48 or Canada through British Columbia. So what you are offering is a "two-fer" package..... A new car and a vacation package all in one. Good going. Of course this crowd is going to want to see pictures.....
  17. To be the only one in your neighborhood with solid brass push pins on his "Honey Do" list...... Priceless
  18. You say they are shorter than the needles in your carbs? I have no clue what they might be, just that they aren't anything that'll do you any good with your 4 screw round tops. It's like some of the kits we've seen boxed up for sale. There will be 4 or 5 gaskets in there, one of which is for our application. the others?? Who knows. anyway use those needles for push pins on a cork board, chicks will dig 'em...
  19. SEE! and now you have engine problems you can't identify.... It's bad mojo I'm telling you, bad MOJO!!
  20. And as with all our videos..... There will be a quiz and it will be graded.
  21. Frankie, Hard to tell from your posts exactly where you are relative to Denver AND THE 36 HOUR SNOW STORM APPROACHING....... Hadn't been for that funky tranny, son, you could have been here by now!! Your timing needs work!! nyuck nyuck
  22. We can pick up completes for $75 just about any time.... Depends on what they need at any given time. It's not a big deal for us because most of our "orders" have cores coming back.
  23. Not going to whip up the puddle, but will say that what ever direction you go, your old ones have some core value. Also curious as to the reason yours need a "complete replacement"....
  24. Frank, As it relates to your carbs at altitude, you can crank the fuel nozzles up a half turn or so to equalize for the fact you're running out of air. Set them back after you get over the mountains.
  25. I'd say buy the JUST SUs DVD and go through the dirty one or even better both. Put them on and see what you have. At least you would be matching up the level of "worn-out". Dialing in worn out SU, even clean ones can be like chasing your tail. Hard to get them set and keep them set.
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