Carl, Herein lies the buying decision that we all have to make. Just as an example, Arne recently posted about, I believe, a 280z he found on the local Craigslist for it seemed in the five grand range. Nothing special just a nice well maintained 280, that is ultimately going to need all the stuff needed to bring it up to snuff for a good reliable driver. Nothing will kill an old low miler car faster than sitting around. If the goal for a car is to sit around like a geranium planter that's okay, but if driving your Z is then goal, then it had better be up to date and ready to run. Out here we drive 'em. The car Steve is building will have everything gone through from stem to stern and wont go for some of the silly prices I've been seeing on here for lesser cars. So what the decision is, do I want to spend $5500 for a nicely maintained 37 year "old" car that will ultimately need to be gone through or something more for a "new" 37 year old car? Too many of us get carried away with the fact that a high priced car is "done" and ready to provide years of trouble free service and enjotment. Too many just turn out to be expensive "projects". To my way of thinking, if it's going to need to be gone through, I'm not paying market price and dumping extra cash into it. Nothing worse than having $20K in the nicest $7500 car in the show. Thus endeth the sermon....... Cheers