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Bruce Palmer

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Everything posted by Bruce Palmer

  1. ... You're only Victor from Durango's "list" away from having that bad boy done!! Nyuck nyuck. To see it all spelled out in one chunk like that, it is amazing any of 'em get started, let alone finished.........
  2. .... are all about. Fattening things up in the upper RPM ranges. The stock Z needles tended to lean things out up top and th SM's profile allows things to run a little fatter up high. We have had a circumstance or 2 where guys were just flat not able to supply enough fuel through the fuel nozzle so we have supplied over size nozzles for them. Worked great. On the other hand we are working with a customer who is complaining about his SUs running rich at, are you ready for this? 9,000ft!!! Duh, I wonder rich!! It's called no oxygen and all gas!! We see problems at Shasta at about 5,000'. Thus ends the Friday morning consult.
  3. ... and check out www.zerorust.com. Zero Rust is another choice for doing the same job as well as POR for half the money and without the health risks (no isocyanates). There are 10 colors as well as aerosols and the product is a whole lot more user friendly than the moisture cured Urethanes. Believe me we know both technologies very well. For comments from users go to www.paintucation.com or www.autobodystore.com to see what guys that have used both have to say. Both of these web sites have excellent BBS for paint and body related questions too.......
  4. Sunday June 13th 19th annual All Datsun picnic at Bluelake park east of Portland from 10-3. $4 will get your vehicle into the park and $8 will get you registered and fed. There will be a caravan leaving from the Brooks exit just north of Salem about 9am for any who would like to join in....
  5. .... finishes is the ability to color sand and buff the Clear to get the trash and orange peel out of the finish. It takes a real pro with excellent technique and equipment to spray out a good BC/CC job without defect and they typically just plan on color sanding and buffing afterward. Good clears with UV screeners will help keep that color alive for a lot of years.........
  6. ... are the how to videos & DVDs from www.paintucation.com. Covers all aspects of a project of this type. Metal Prep and rust repair to body work and paint to color sanding and buffing. Kevin Tetz does most of the body and paint work for the TV show "TRUCKS".... Real talented guy
  7. ..over substance actually. If you know nothing about cars, the front wheel drive thing can be spun very nicely to sound like te answer to a maiden's prayer. NASCAR is another screaming example of the same thing. The less you know about the history & spirit behind racing or the fact that there is nothing stock in stock car racing, the easier it is to sit and watch 43 spec racers drive around in circles for 3 or 4 hours. Butts in seats is what that is all about. CART racing in Portland on race day. 50,000 people there in years past 47,000 of which didn't know diddly about what was going on but did want to know which hospitality tent they belonged in. Bottom line, none of this stuff is being marketed to those among us who "get it". They long ago figured out they could sell 50 times more widgets by going after the totally uninformed. Package a message about multiple electrodes or some cap'n Willy whiz bang piece of fluff that makes sense at first glance (SEE FWD) and wait for the cash register to light up. Wow, this little venting episode felt pretty good. I'll go take my meds now.......
  8. .... group of marketing folks that stuffed Front Wheel Drive up our collective butts a nickle at a time. Talk about hang a bell on the lead goat!!! Say anything often enough and loud enough and shazam, you have fact!!!
  9. ... several years ago, walking the pits by the Splitfire pits. Multiple cars, monster car hauler, big graphics, Splitfire this slitfire that, yadda yadda yadda. NGK boxes opened and empty lying everywhere. Thought that was pretty funny. We'll sped your money but we won't use your product. They should have at least hidden the boxes after they put the plugs in.
  10. Jon, We make and sell those adapters for the later air cleaner to early carbs. 503-587-9800 PS: You going to be at the All Datsun in Shasta City in July??? Registration & event information is at www.dimequarterly.com for anyone interested. PPS: We will have a booth at the Motorsport show this coming Sunday. Stop by and say hi.....
  11. Go to www.zerorust.com for info on a safe to use, easy to apply very effective solution to your problem.
  12. WOW! What a really terrific job you guys have done in a short period of time. Should be a ration of ATTABOYS all around!!! Now to keep it going with out the normal deal of 90% of the work being done by 10% of the people, which is normally the case..... Let us know if any Datsun 510 folks stop by. There are some places for them to find playmates on the web too.....
  13. Chris, How big and active a Z contingent do you have going in NE?
  14. The JUST SUs video can be had from www.ztherapy.com (ZTV09) or call me at 503-587-9800 to order. The infrmation is a lttle dated as it relates to our current production but for learning the inner workings and theory of the SU, it's killer information.
  15. You all are always welcome to use the ZTherapy booth as a meeting spot. You know, hang around dress things up, make us look busy....... Victor, I think we are going to try and make the Solvang show too....
  16. Even with the bottom flat surface of the piston (not the groove)...... Our Just SUs video takes a whole lot of the black magic out of the subject of SUs and how to get them right....... Just a thought.
  17. I would suggest the shoulder on the needle be even with the bottom of the piston. The variation can be taken out with the mixture adjustment on the nozzles but if you're running rich it's probably best to get up into as much fat on the needle as you can. Rich can also be a function of float level and because of that little spring inside the needle (in the needle and seat) in the float bowl, I think it's easy to get that set incorrectly. When all is said and done, I take the domes off and pistons out and look down in the nozzle orifice and "see" where the level of the fuel is. Keep in mind, I'm the sales guy and not the carb guy in this august organization and a life long subscriber to the KISS theorem in all matters mechanical....... I would also throw out that if you wanted to take a drive to Salem some weekend, I'll bet you that Steve would be happy to help you get those bad boys dialed in. We're generally around the shop playing cars Sat & Sun. Call me to set something up. 503-587-9800
  18. As far as establishing a cost for the whole project, you won't be able to put an accurate number on it 'til it is stripped and you can see what you have in the way of hidden rust and soft spots. Many of these insidious areas can hide well under paint and not show them selves 'til the bodyman starts poking around doing the prep work.
  19. There is a Z car club meeting tonight at the Jade Garden in Keizer. The owners of Ztherapy attend and as I understand it, they have people from Portland to Eugene show up. I know some other PDX folks are coming 'cause they a picking up a 510 wagon for it's new owner at my house..........
  20. For those looking for an easy to use single package system with no isocyanates, check out the 16 month test Len Stuart at autobodystore.com did with Zero Rust and POR. http://www.autobodystore.com/images/boattest.jpg The message board is great for body and paint related info for DIYers as is www.paintucation.com (killer how to videos)...... Cheers.
  21. Something that can get in the way of adjusting mixtures "equally" between both carbs has to do with needle & nozzle wear. If one carb has a worn needle nozzle combination, you essentially have a bigger hole in that carb for fuel to exit through. If this is the case, the carbs will never adjust the same. With the domes off, look down into the orifice in the brass fuel nozzle to see if it appears round. If it's round and the needle in the poiston doesn't appear shiney (worn) on one side then you're probably okay. Sorry,a little late with this I know but like they say in the funny papers, better late than never....
  22. There are transmission shops all over that can diagnose and fix your 5 speed problem. What carbs do you have and what is the problem you are having. If they are the early round to SU's a simple tune up may be all that is required. If they are the later flat tops, they weren't very good the day they were new and haven't gotten much better with age. Maybe study the information at www.ztherapy.com over the weekend and we can chat further when I return Monday.
  23. Update for Saturday 2/14 We will depart from the Carlton Meat packing plant just west of Carlton at 9:30 AM. A group will be forming at Safeway in West Salem to caravan to Carlton about 8:30 AM. Come one come all. Lunch at Spirit Mountain Casino....
  24. Can only be one of three things. 1. Sunk Float 2. Leaking needle and seat 3. Fuel pressure too high. My guess is 2. They need to be replaced every 20 years or so. The rubber tip gets worn and hard kinda like us. 3-3.5 # of fuel pressure is about all the needles and seats will handle. Our JUST SUs video is a great tool to have in the tool box for keeping these carbs going trouble free. Not much to an SU and if the are clean and adjusted, they are hard to beat.
  25. We are planning a run Saturday the 14th of Feb. Valentines Day from Carlton OR to the coast and back around to Spirit Mountain casino for lunch. Datsuns & Nissans of all ilk are welcome. Spend the day with both of your Sweetys (your car and your ????) For info as things get farther along email spud510@webtv.net Cheers.....
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