Now take out a pencil and a clean sheet of paper. Write your name and the date in the upper left hand corner...... This is a quiz and it will be graded!!! nyuck nyuck While you are in the "amass the wealth" mode I'll tell you what i tell a lot of owners. Buy the JUST SUs DVD and some float bowl lid gaskets, get three or four cans of carb cleaner and some rudimentary hand tools, borrow a couple of your wife's best bath towels, sit down at the dining room table and go thru yours. Once you have them on and dialed in as best they'll dial in, #1 you'll then know just how good they are and #2 you'll have a fairly good indicator about how strong your marriage is.... Seriously, all you guys, this Try it Yourself program will go a long way in shortening your learning curve on the carbs and by doing it and yours work fine, then you just saved a whole wad of dough....