Are these injectors correct?
On a spare intake I had I have seen the pintle style and this style. I guess it will work OK. But I am wondering now if the pintle style is better.
Are these injectors correct?
I just bought some new injectors off ebay for my NA 76 280z. 5 of the injectors have nothing in the shaft, but one has a white thing inside. I have attached pictures. Which style is correct? Should I take the white thing out?
4-Speed Tranny Drain/Fill Plugs Stuck
I had the same problem. I ended up putting the wrench on there so it was almost horizontal and using a floor jack to losen it up
Dash Repair Process/Pictures
I was able to finish my autometer install in my dash that I repaired using this method I repaired it about 2 months ago and it has not cracked again.
Need Help, Running rich...
When you cleaned the gas tank did you replace the fuel filter?
Need Help, Running rich...
I went through a problem that I thought was fuel but was actually spark. At about 2000 rpms the car would shudder and shake violently, except when I had my old alternator in. I put a high output alternator in, and that is when the shakiness started. I had a bad ground on my new alternator, and the car would be fine because of the voltage drop with the headlights on. Fixed the ground then it was always bad even with the headlights on. I figured it was the coil, and it was. Replaced it and all the stuttering is gone, and my mileage went from 14 to 20 mpg. You might just want to check the coil but Im sure someone will have better advice.
Fireball Ignition system, wiring??
Here you go: http://www.cranecams.com/pdf/90002000a.pdf
Fireball Ignition system, wiring??
On my 76 280z Blue wire to coil negative Black/white to coil positive A couple of wires are eliminated that hooked up to the ballast resistor on mine because I have a XR3000 If you have a XR700 you still need to use the ballast resistor. With an XR3000 you can eliminate the ballast resistor. Look up your wiring diagram for your car and for the crane unit you have and you should be able to get it.
Electro-Plating Tailight Trim?
I was looking to do it at this place: http://www.mmmetalizing.com/pricing.html I have 2 sets (280z), along with armrest pieces.
Well, THERE'S the problem...
Look at the first image: http://datsunzgarage.com/heads/ If you have your stock N42 Head with flat tops, your compression ratio is about 10.4 according to the above site. There could have been severe detonation...
MSA's New Konig Imagine Wheels
I saw these also while on their site. I really like how they look...will probably be getting them during the summer after paint.
No Electrical Power
I replaced my fusible links with a modern AGU style fuse box ala this: http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fusiblelinks/index.html I did not buy it from him but sourced all the stuff I needed. It came to about 60 with 5 of each fuse for each rating. I bought it from a car audio supply store online. It cleans up the engine compartment a bit and makes finding fuses a bit easier
No Electrical Power
The brown fusible links are actually red (50A). One is for the headlight switch and the other is for the ignition switch. Try switching the intermittent with the non intermittent or seeing if cleaning the connection fixes it. EDIT: You say the electrical pump works, I suppose you mean the fuel pump. Did you try other electrical stuff like the lights/radio/wipers etc?
Throttle body upgrade
240SX Throttles are popular, they are 60mm. And the QH45 Throttle is 90mm. Arizonazcar and pallnet sell spacers so you can use the stock linkage with the 240sx throttle.
Z Car Hell Uncovered
I live in Riverside...out of curiousity, where is this?