help with 75 280 z auto trans.
had problems with the car last week, Miss Z even left me walking, gave me pleanty of time to think about my Z and life in general. I couldn't get her to run till I changed a relay. Went shopping and couldn't find any replacement relays. Read on site or web about cleaning up old relays so I started working on one. come to find out that the short harness just plugs into the relay with a rubber boot on it. pryed cover loose and examimed points and coil that make up the relay. and they looked great. Gave Miss Z's relay the ole smell test and the relay didn't smell burnt. So I'm sitting at the pc reading any and everything I can when I had all I can stand so I went back outside and reinstalled the relay bracket on right fender well side of car. Installed battery and tried the key.Nothing. No click of any kind,I thought I had a dead battery. So I got the Monster group 24 out of the f_rd p/u and connected that up. Well turns out that the other battery wasn't dead. It was a loose fuseable link. I got to wiggling one of them and with the key on the new injectors started snapping. So I say to myself hell thats what that sounds like. OK thats a good way to test injectors! key on unconnect and connect the fuseable link. who could of thought? Pulled fuseable link part way off where it was making a good connection and that was the problem.Turned the key to start and Miss Z started right up. There gos my week of parting and typing on ebay.Now its down to figuring why I have a back fire at off Idle throttle. I usually just floor it and avoid that little stumble. I then procede to get 5$ of gas (High Test) in the tank and take Miss Z out for a little spanking for being such and agrovating Bitch! Oh yea Now to make the defoster get air! Later Gents!!!! ps thanks for the greatest Z site to rant and learn on! Stephen
280Z 05 GTO Engine.
Hey what you doing with a GTO? LOLLOL
help with 75 280 z auto trans.
In the firsdt picture are what I think are fuel pump relay and a fuel pump control relay. they are both the same down to color of wires, but what they pull into is different.IJ changed the lower one I think with another just like it I had from the junk yard. that would be the bottom one pllugged into the black,b/w,yellow and the y/b wires on body harness. the other relay plugs into a white,2green,a green/yellow strip on harness side. other pictures of this stuff I down't know whatd it is as its not in the FSM. thanks again for any help. Stephen
help with 75 280 z auto trans.
Hi got my z running a while ago and had to park for a strut change. I also had been having to jump yellow wire on starter to crank. was running car down the street after strut change and it started missing and over heating and the alt was discharging. limped it home to see fan belt had turned to dust. I went to the store and got a new one and put on yet the car still ran like I had burnt it up.never pegged the temp in just got hot when the belt let. installed a jumper wire from starter to key switch so I wouldn't have to raise hood ever time i start it. I started trouble shooting car that evening and found # 6 was not pulling its share. I pulled spark plug and swaped no change. I pulled injector and changed and that was the problem so I pulled fuel rail and blew out all injectors reinstalled. changed metal filter on fire wall and it was full of rusty gas. pulled inline 10$ glass reuseable filter that I installed between tank and fuel pump. I also cleaned and sealed gas tank with por 15's product. car seemed to run fine after all that. Then I went to tax(tag) office to re register car and ford truck as I had a birthday in early august, went to leave tag agency and car would not start. I t would crank, no spark and maybe no fuel pump. had to hear pump when car is cranking. I could jump fuel and get gas, I tried to hot wire coil and still got no spark. I had walked home 2 miles and got ford truck and car trailer, parked in lot down street from tag office. As a last resort I changed a relay,I had an extra bolted on rght fender well when working on car before. And the z cranked up and ran like a champ. Car ran for a day just fine then it started backfireing in the intake then day 2 won't start. That is 2 relays in 1 week. anybody had this problem with a 1975 datsun 280z Automatic transmission? I think the only thing I did was bypass the inhbitor switch and its relay with my jumper wire from key switch to yelow starter wire. here are some pictures of what I got. I would like to get this sorted out as I need to fix a/c and the defroster. the fan only blows out the vents no blow out defrost ducts etc. Whats killing these fuel pump relays? and what is this vaccum stuff? Thanks Stephen
whats next?
thanks for the input I have a can of thatpor 15 sealer stuff but didn't buy all the cleaning extras. and It says on the can that the tank has to be clean and dry. I am unemployed right now so money is tight as I am rebuilding my 302 FORD truck engine. but I guess I better go back to ebay and get the whole tank resto kit! I think it is going to get to 70* today I am down to the tee shirt. but the last couple evenings it has got to 17 and 18 I don't see how northern people can live in that weather, I spent my 1st 39 years in south fla. but now that is another country and another story for another website. I will blow everything out this evening and take that finger screen out of the pump. if that doesn't work I will have to find a fuel prssure gauge. they are 50+$ at the auto/zone.kind of pricey! thanks again all. Stephen in Hot Tee shirt middle Georgia
whats next?
my hair is already grey I don't want to start pulling it out!LOLStephen in Ga.
whats next?
ok HI all been working on the car off and on for about 2 years now. just a few questions. 4/75 hls30-213502 So what have I got? 260?280? ok I have been having problems with the car wanting to run for a few miles then stumble, then cut out. I turn the key off then back on to the start position ,then I have to jump the starter because the key won't crank it,then it will run good for another few miles and then it starts acting up again. Since I bought this car I have replaced the injectors,installed used fuel pump,fuel filter,temp sensor(just this morning) and it still acts up. I have had the tank out and washed it out with Muratic acid whic cleans it great but then it starts rusting again right before your eyes. the last time I cleaned the tank ( it was out of the car for a few months) I poured Ospho in it hoping the rust would not return. I also installed a inline see thru filter between the tank and the fuel pump. I took it out yesterday and cleaned it. the filter is reuseable. it had rust granules in it. after installing the new the new temp sensor an hour ago I took it for a ride around the block and it ran like a bat outa hell. So I think (with my fingers crossed) that this car is now ready to go. I am riding home and it starts cutting out and back firing out the air cleaner so I pull over and it dies. I turn off the key turn it back on and get out to jump the starter and it runs great and I get home. I check the plug on the temp sensor and its good. I look at the gas filter and its got rust granules flouting around in it again. not really wanting to clean it out again as the gas runs out the tank and down my arm,not fun. any sugestions? just trying to get this car running before I get to the heater not working! thanks for anybodies time and maybe with the help of you people on this site.Stephen in Ford country Georgia
Sticky EFI thread, please chip in FI guys!
I got around the block with the car running fine,had to jump the starter relay as the key won't start it, almost had me thinking about keeping this japanese bucket of rust, then it started the lopeing trying to die crap. it did actually die when I got in the drive way.I need this car to run been 2 years now if it wern't for the rebuilt motor and the new tires on it I would have scraped this rice burner! Yea hows that for a RANT! OK I will spend the 20$ for a temp sensor tomorrow. But I need to also know where the vaccum resivour gets its vaccum from. there is a hose or 2 missing.I downloaded and searched the fcm and didn't see a vaccum diagram. I did search the site and saw a vac diagram posted on a thread about A/C heater problems but it was for a 78 model. heres what I am dealing with a 4/75 per data plate on the drivers door jam. So what year is it? it is fuel infected also. not a big fan of fuel injection. automatic transmission which seems to work fine. I have today took the longest ride it 4/10 of a mile. WOW! not quit a trip to FLA.I live an hour south of Atlanta. I need to figure where the vaccum relays get there vaccum from as that is one of the hoses missing. any help might just save old RUSTY>
Sticky EFI thread, please chip in FI guys!
Hi Zcar, I got my car running finally. ended up being a dirty connection on the temp sensor. I would like to point out that there are 4 temp probes under that top radiator hose located on the thermostat housing, I found 3 of them. thanks to this post I found the fourth one and it was the temp sensor. I was trying to match a temp sensor to my thermotime switch. till I looked at the link to the fuel injection bible. on page 28 is a picture of the thermostat housing with the 4 probes. now for that Road Test! Great site. thanks All
no start no run
I will get a temp sending unit this week if I can find one. I am going to OReilys auto parts this weekend to order a master cylinder. wish I had the money for new calipers.running correctly and Stopping. 2 most important things on any car! Thanks Stephen
no start no run
I put the thermostat back in this evening. I had it running this afternoon and it would pop out the intake side when I would try to rev it up. I will run it again tomorrow and see what I get. when I started it I first unpluged the temp on the thermostat housing and it didn't want to start, I plugged in the temp probe and it started up! will let run and see oif I can figure out mixture problem. thanks all.
no start no run
hey man great to hear from you! ok another update. 1) I put a new filter under the hood. 2) glass filter is on low pressure side of pump 3) last night I took car for a short ride an acre away and let the car just sit and run ablut 10 minutes. then I put it in drive(auto trans) and it flat spoted, cauffed and died..I turned off the key and the turned it back on,then raised the hood to jump starter. it started and then it ran great reving up and all. i drove to house and parked car for the night. 4) when it first did this I thought car was over heating so 2 days ago I took the thermostat out. well it didn't change a thing, still cuts out. I think I will put it back in as it didn't hardly move the temp needle. with stat gauge would go half way. vertical. 5) what does the temp unit do for mixture? I might need to play with the knobs on something? thanks for your time and help! this car needs floors and paint,but I can't wait to run it down the road. new master cylinder this week end.
no start no run
HI all, got an update on the project, my georgia Z. Since my last post I have installed a new set of injectors, dropped the gas tank and flushed it, put new hoses on fuel pump with one of those 10$ glass reuseable fuel filters.Then tried to start, no crank. it was intermitent when I first got car, I figured it to be starter relay on starter. So I tapped on starter with a screwdriver, then jumped the starter at the starter and it cranked over. 3 times in a row,then the engine began to run. I filled the radiator and then reved the engine several times to hear how it runs.Sounds pretty good. then I decided to try to drive, to check out the auto trans. It shifted into reverse and the drive.! All lights are working. drove down dirt road and then back to house(short distance with parking brake only). all thid time in shock that this car even tried to start. I thought my new tires would rot off first! they are almost 2 years old with just yard time on them.OK then after s short 5 minute lap of the yard i try to rev the engine and it wants to boog and back fire, not accelerating, and quite running. NEW QUESTIONS 1) what do I do to get key to work the starter? 2) what test or componant is causing this boog, back fire, quite running problem? the fuel pump is second hand but seems to have plenty of pressure. Car will sit and idle just fine but thenif I touch the gas pedal it doesn't want to run. thanks for all help. Loving this old Datsun. Stephen in Barnesville,Georgia
no start no run
ok bought a 1975 280z for 300$ with a rebuilt engine,so i was told. car sat for 7 years. changed fuel tank,added g3 filter.I got gas to injector rail,I have spark,burns off prime, I bought junk yard injectors and cleaned in laquer thinner for 2 days installed no run changed resisters, no run, changed main efi relay no run, changed brain, no run. put meter on 2 different injector harness and on 200 volts dc scale of meter scale gos o to .6 to 0 while engine is cranking. no fuel being injected. what gives? are my used J.Y. injectors crap? should I buy rebuilt ones and install? or what? not a clue with injection. thanks in advance Stephen in Georgia