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  1. EScanlon, My wife DOES know about my past, She helped me to get away from it and avoid ending up in jail. My employer knows about it too. I work with trouble kids (with a group of other adults), and help them to understand how tough life can be, and that there is a better way. I can tell you know, they dont respond to anyone who seems perfect, like they have never been in trouble. I dont need to justify myself to you, Nor anyone here, because no matter what is said, my life goes on. Just for your interest thieves DONT treasure silence, If they have no one to brag to, the actions stop pretty quickly. Usually they find confidence in bragging to their friends, In this case, i would say that the original poster saw this forum as a place filled with friends, and chose to tell his story. Unfortunately for him that was a mistake, and i can assure you he wont post something like that up here again due to the reaction. if his personal friends give the same reaction, or ignore it completely, then he wont tell them either, and the behavior will most likely cease. and yea, Im 28.
  2. nism0zed replied to jerbear's post in a topic in Interior
    wouldn't happen to have a list for that for other markets? like for mine in Oz (pretty sure they are Euro spec) I have white vinyl with blue velour throughout my car, I also have 'RS Sport' stamped on my compliance plate, but thats an Aus thing as its on the Aus compliance plate, I pretty much assumed it was probably there as it was a special model, offered with better interior from factory? All the ones i have seen round here are just plain black vinyl.
  3. yup, definitely get under there, take a BIG flat head screwdriver with you, a torch and a couple of spanners. Use the screwdriver as a prybar to see what the bushes are like, and if they are worn, and tighten all the nuts and bolts. Obviously the torch is for seeing things, Make sure you look at mounting points too, see if anything is cracking away from the body, damage to suspension arms ect. If everything is looking good under there, maybe try some different rear wheels for a quick run. Borrow some of a larger size, with a stiffer smaller sidewall.
  4. well i reckon everyone is over reacting. its somewhat comparable to the media jumping on a political figure who smoked a bong 30 years ago. He may have admitted to it, to try and relate to the youth of today, But the media and 'public' (as in the Public figure that people portray when out amongst society) all of a sudden forget all the little things they have done wrong in live, and are suddenly the saints that feel that its their right to judge them. Wake up to yourselves. You are not pure. You are not perfect. Just keep your mouths shut. If everyone had instead ignored the first post, It would have faded into oblivion, and the poster may have sensed the feeling of being shunned for his actions, perhaps choosing to learn a life lesson from it. Instead now we have 2 pages of people being high and mighty (sorry if i offend a few with that remark) I knew a bloke who moved to our school, I knew his rep (quite a few of us did) from his old school, He was infamous for doing rude and destructive things, and usually got a lot of attention (good and bad) from it, so he kept doing it. He tried it at our school, got a few laughs from some people, but the majority just ignored him, Wouldn't look at him, speak to him, anything. He clued up pretty quickly that its a pretty lonely world on your own, so he changed his attitude, and earned some respect. He's an assistant manager at maccas now (25yr old), and while that might not seem like much, he was voted most likely to end up dead or in jail by age 21 at the end of school. As i said before, I would have stolen it. And i used lots of drugs in my youth, and stole a car or two, Got into fights, stole things from shops, hung with the wrong crowd ect ect. Im way past that now. Im a law abiding citizen, i have a family, a good job, several cars, but i allways remember my past, It helps me to deal with life, I am still amazed by people who have never experienced the darker side of life, and how naive it makes them. They also seem to be the same ones who dont understand what its like to try and raise a family with little to no money each week, not eating for 2-3 days straight so your child has food, rummaging in bins, Asking for handouts, borrowing money for simple things like toilet paper and bread. Anyway, enough of my drivel. Im sure he's learned something from it, whether good or bad, its irrelevant. Its his journey, and he needs to learn his own way. I would suggest people just ignore it and let it go away
  5. I would have stole it too. the ONLY thing i would have considered as i stood there looking at it is "Is anyone looking" I used to be nice, and do the right thing by people, even did a LOT of favours for people and what did i get for my troubles EVERY TIME? I got screwed. Lesson? The world is not a nice place, take what you can and make what you will of it.
  6. If your real clever, you can start the car in gear (after warming it up) and give it some throttle straight away to get moving, then go up gears easy without using the clutch, going down is possible too, but a little more skill involved. same deal when stopping and starting at the lights. Drove for 2 weeks in a gemini (Chevette to you yanks) with a busted cable before i could afford a new one.
  7. nism0zed replied to Miles's post in a topic in Interior
    friggin oath!!! Fitted a set of race seats in my 260, sat too high. short of cutting the mounts off the floor and rebuilding them from scratch, they had to go. My legs were hard against the wheel. And if i tired putting on a helmet, i wouldn't fit in the car. I also tried a set of seats from a Swift GTI, (they are recaro's in disguise) A bit lower, but still too high, but not as comfortable as the stock seats. And all i wanted was some harness holes.
  8. nism0zed replied to 1973z240's post in a topic in Interior
    whats a choke light, and where can i find it in my car????? Is it next to the alternator warning light?

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