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Everything posted by AZ-240z

  1. Looks like you are using paper masking tape. You might find it easier to go to your paint supplier and find some vinyl tape masking tape that comes in many widths for use on “curved” lines.
  2. AZ-240z replied to 26th-Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Me Too!
  3. AZ-240z replied to Diseazd's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Inline, the back is OEM factory silver and in great shape so no need to repaint. The front needed repaint so had the front media blasted and put on 2 coats of 2K hot rod satin black, then 2 coats of the of the 2K clear matte, and waited 30 minutes between all coats to flash. The satin was a little too glossy so the clear matte gave it the perfect matte black finish. Spray max doesn’t make 2k “matte black”. At one time, I did have my local auto paint store mix the silver wheel paint for me to paint a splash pan. That silver nicely approximates the factory silver for the OEM original splash pan color as shown in this picture.
  4. AZ-240z replied to Diseazd's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I have this early steel wheel and needed a spare tire to replace my NOS original Superspeed Radial-20 in the spare well for daily driving. So, knowing “matte Black” is the correct shade, and for those burdened with the need for originality, I wanted to share my results compared with my NOS original spare. I used two coats each of the black and clear products as shown. Love the 2K catalyzed paint, which yields a professional, easy to use, finish.
  5. This is from my 1/71 series 1 car. Phillips screw with clear plastic washer.
  6. Thanks bluez!
  7. bluez, you are totally correct. I took the liberty of adding this decal to represent that this grapefruit alternator had been professionally restored. I, also, install the later plastic radiator fan when not showing the car as the original metal fan was prone to water pump failure due to it’s weight, and reproduced the emissions decal that wasn’t available after market in correct form. Please see attached photos.
  8. Thanks for the very much appreciated compliments inline6. The valve cover and carb dome finishes are OEM. And Captain, I assume the “nits” were directed at my picture. The fuel pump, see attached pic, is indeed a NOS Nikki pump, and I also included a pic of the master cylinders. inline, not trying to hijack space as the work you have done on your car is truly amazing. AZ-240z
  9. Hey inline6. Here are the clamps on my 1/71 series 1, and I’m pretty confident they are correct.
  10. AZ-240z replied to Patcon's post in a topic in Build Threads
    The hole in the inner corner of the hatch is a drain and needs nothing. Picture of hatch hinges may be of help as my car is a total stock restoration.
  11. AZ-240z replied to gundee's post in a topic in Open Discussions
  12. AZ-240z replied to gundee's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    $150,000 to $175,000!
  13. As a point of interest, thought I would add a picture of my NOS 11 - 70 spare tire. Since my 1/71 series 1 car was delivered new at the dealership with dish mags, I was fortunate to find a set of 11 - 70 wheels with their D hubcaps, and then this 11 - 70 spare. I think these wheels dated 11/70 are dated close enough that they could have been original equipment on my 1/71 car.
  14. Glad to help!
  15. I assume you are referring to the steel wheel, and not a hubcap. Here are some pictures of my NOS spare tire and wheel for my 1/71 car.
  16. AZ-240z replied to emccallum's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The 7/8” brake master cylinder on my 1/71 series 1 was leaking. I had good recommendations about White Post Restorations so sent my master cylinder for re-sleeving. Waiting for it’s return, so no in-hand results yet. https://whitepost.com/brake-sleeving-rebuilding-services/ you may want to call them for further informations. Dan
  17. https://www.ebay.com/itm/394648053681?hash=item5be2db67b1:g:o3IAAOSwpzNkcnMW&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4IlGuHR%2FzD0fiqx7Z98%2BZxJwc6hodjnbAJO1aTHPwCtZrEddNCdoIM8j2bsV7oa%2B33JzNKfnSAVjxiWKTRgn1b14rmCeRsOBaj5nWuie380mRcWjpZbk%2FoOFlCN2Fq6e0XHv%2FDAYS1WeILGUpWHNJeiESeJtFOcwNZwXP8YfkPppoaAVZGIO8pZa4Rx95a1sRj25vhAh3lKypHnoGVsCDSrJrOCi%2Bk0M1VQFFOiPP6fiR8662NuUNZF0Agde%2Bh14pHQ9VXkHvwXlWVDqR%2BOqqMADj%2BMJRBNbgZ3f5zbeyw1I|tkp%3ABk9SR-im-bWMYg
  18. Neat T-shirt! Think I’ll order, but want to get size I can wear. 26th-Z, does your shirt run true-to-size for you?
  19. AZ-240z replied to Seppi72's post in a topic in Interior
    You may have already gone down this road, but, since your door cards are custom, here is a thought. https://www.google.com/search?q=custom+upholstery+peel+and+stick+chrome+accent+strips&client=safari&hl=en-us&ei=vxtdZKbeMpGqqtsP3sGFqAY&ved=0ahUKEwjmua_F2-3-AhURlWoFHd5gAWUQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=custom+upholstery+peel+and+stick+chrome+accent+strips&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCAAQogQyCAgAEIkFEKIEMggIABCJBRCiBDIFCAAQogQ6CggAEEcQ1gQQsANKBAhBGABKBQhAEgExUNoXWM9FYMZQaAFwAXgAgAGEAYgBjQmSAQM1LjaYAQCgAQHIAQfAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  20. https://www.240zrubberparts.com/apps/webstore/products/show/4543049 you’re very welcome! This one has the dial!
  21. https://www.240zrubberparts.com/apps/webstore/products/show/4592931 Even though it is listed as “out of stock”, he can probably make one!
  22. Correction, please put me on the list for a set of the early 1970 cables. @CanTechZ just made me aware, because I wasn’t paying attention, that my series 1 L24-027119 1/71 car would probably been delivered with the early 1970 cable set. Thanks. Dan
  23. @CanTechZ, you are absolutely correct. My engine is L24-027116, so the early 1970 cables would most probably have been delivered with my car. I’ll correct my request with SpeedRoo, and thanks! Dan
  24. @SpeedRoo, please put me on the list for a set for my 1/1971 when you do 1971 sets!

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