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Everything posted by AZ-240z

  1. This may help describe this parking light switch location.
  2. AZ-240z replied to Wally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Maybe this will help in clarifying my my posts on the 918 formula. here is the formula on the can of 4ounces of touch up paint I just bought. I’ll leave it to the experts to decipher the numbers. Dan
  3. AZ-240z replied to Wally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
  4. AZ-240z replied to Wally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    The first formula I posted that had the Red Orange amount misprinted Was actually 490.?. This number in the updated formula I just got on 4/1/2021 is very close at 491.0 as seen in my last post. For a valid comparison, the mix size for both formulas is 96 oz (3-quarts). I am no expert in deciphering paint formulas but where is the big difference, site? The amount of touch up paint they mixed for me was just 4 ounces, so maybe that is the confusion in the columns of numbers.
  5. AZ-240z replied to Wally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Wally, yesterday I went to my Finishmaster paint supplier in Phoenix for some touch up paint. Here is the correct paint code for Nissan 918 Orange by DuPont ChromaBase paint which was used on my car (see previous posts for pictures) for all who may be interested in the correct factory finish color. Dan
  6. Why would you need to remove these items if they are perfect? Cover them in plastic and paint the car!. you won’t find an original or good facsimile of the headliner or diamond vinyl that would pass as a good reproduction, but I could be wrong. The foam on the back of the headliner will tear.
  7. AZ-240z replied to Wally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Thanks, Wally. My car actually came off the deal’s showroom with slotted mags. When restoring the car, I found this set of hubcaps with their date matching steel wheels, (matching my car’s production date) on eBay. Seems the seller’s dad, when purchasing his 240z about the same time I bought mine, had the dealer replace these with slotted mags and stored these originals in his attic for the next 40+ years.
  8. AZ-240z replied to Wally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Much appreciated, @siteunseen . @Wally , I got the car out into a clear Arizona morning for a few pictures of the 918 finish taken with my iPad.. I included an under-hood picture for color contrast to validate the orange hue.
  9. AZ-240z replied to Wally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Sorry Wally, I would only be guessing. The first number looks like a “1”, and the other numbers could be ” 0 or 9 or 8”. Given the other additive codes, a local auto paint supplier could probably figure the “Red Orange” amount. I’ll try to get a whole car picture tomorrow, but here are a few in-garage pieces.
  10. AZ-240z replied to Wally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Wally, Pierre Z did my car restoration about 19 years ago, and he also did most of the restorations in the Vintage Z Restoration Program just before my car. Needing some touch up paint myself, I just came across this label and believe it to be the base coat paint used on my car. The label, seen below, includes the formula and manufacturer. Disclaimer if you decide to use this, but thought it may be of interest to everyone. Dan
  11. AZ-240z replied to Jah240's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Jim, are you sure that the center panel uses “hex-head bolts” behind the license plate.? I’ve alway used the same plastic rivets used to secure all of the finisher panels, for a total of eight. Dan
  12. AZ-240z replied to z3beemer's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Hi z3beemer. Here is a picture of my ‘71 z. If this is the seam in question, hope it helps. let me know if you need more pictures.
  13. As far as originality is concerned, this would probably go un-noticed except for the very discerning ( guilty here!). there is some very fine (small) print on NOS OEM battery cables. Point deduction/probably not.
  14. If you look more closely at his web site , you may find that ordering out-of-stock parts from him may still be an option, given that he makes reproductions. https://www.240zrubberparts.com/apps/webstore/
  15. https://www.240zrubberparts.com/ I think you will find that antenna drain grommet here, as well as many other reproduced, and hard to find, rubber parts for our Z cars.
  16. Yea, looks kind of iffy to me. Here is the one I made for myself.😂
  17. Couple of question for the experts about this car. Picture #230 in the auction shows a very early oil pan. This was the pan that was susceptible to cracking from vibration which required a brazed patch reinforcement. Does anyone know when this pan was superseded with the newer design? An 8/70 car sounds a little too contemporary for this pan change. Also, there was a question as to whether this should be a 1970 car as opposed to the auction stated 1971 car. The model year change over usually occurred in august, and this is a 8/70 build. That would tell me that this car could be either a ‘70 or ‘71 model year car. Don’t want to be too nitpiky, but I’m in the “too rough for a 31M mile car” camp.
  18. Picture #2 (below) shows the bottom surfaces (front of car points up)... early type (55415-E4102) on the left, later type (55413 E8301) on the right... Enter “differential insulator” in the search function, and you will find a wealth of information about these insulators. x
  19. Conedodger, I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend. Please trust me when I say that I know how you feel. After turning 78 last week, you and I share very similar life experiences, and, with age, comes the accumulation of life experience ghosts which can be, at times, overwhelming. Thank you for sharing and remember the good.
  20. Jerry, not quite sure what you want to do. The filter housing just pushes on the air pump. is this the filter, or silencer, that you reference? As you can see in the photos, there is a rubber O-ring that will resist pulling off the old silencer. Dan
  21. Randalla, when I needed to get to the gage mounts, I found that removing the heater control panel allowed best access with no damage to glove box liner, or anything else. You will need to remove the radio knobs, and the 3 heater control cables, one on the drivers side and two on the passenger side under dash. When removing the heater control facia panel, the map light will want to fall out and hang by it’s power wire so just unplug it, but be aware that the wire lead is short and can be difficult to fish back out. You can now pull the heater control panel out far enough to get behind the dash gages. I use plenty of rags and masking tape on sharp edges so as not to scratch up the center console or anything else. Let me know if this is helpful. Also, this would be a good time to replace all of the gage light bulbs which you can find at Banzai motorworks if originality is important. Dan
  22. AZ-240z replied to JLPurcell's post in a topic in Electrical
    I have a NOS antenna mast but don’t want to screw off the tip for fear of scoring the top mast segment. I can tell you that, with the mast fully extended, there is 13.75” of mast filament exposed from the bottom end of the extended mast. hope this helps.
  23. Just wanted to add my .02$ to the conversation, but with no absolutes. As my car was also restored by Pierre in 2002, I was also made aware of a total of 200 proposed VR cars but can’t recall the source of this information. I did find an old clipping in my archives which did reference 200 to corroborate what Chris mentioned, but this obviously is not documented by Nissan or the VR program.

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