Everything posted by doradox
Rear suspension advice requested
You will be in for some big trouble if you use rubber washers on the diff studs. You won't be able to torque the nuts to the proper value as it will squeeze out the rubber and leave the diff rocking on the studs. The mustache bar and diff must have a solid connection. Steve
Transmission Help--4th not working
230 is not normal but you don't need to "upgrade" to fix it. Stock components in proper working order should keep your temp at 180-200 in all but the most extreme conditions. Steve
When is it time?
I had a 62 1200 spyder when I was 17. It was a really fun car but as you alluded to not too fast. It's one I often wish I still had. Steve
Post your shaved bumpers
That looks damn nice. I like the black spoiler against the red and the way the badges are placed. Steve
What is youir favorite driving music-if you don't see it, post it!
Or how about this version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUIU-cU9Lvs
What is youir favorite driving music-if you don't see it, post it!
Lots of great ones mentioned. LA Woman has a great driving beat. I like a little Joe Satriani with my driving. Here's a couple I have on the USB stick right now. and one for when you are in a more mellow mood. Steve
Timing off 180 Degrees but runs decent
You weren't really on the TDC. Double check by pulling the no. 1 plug and bumping the engine around until you get some compression. Just plug the hole with your finger, you'll know when you have compression. Now that you are on the compression stroke and if you line up the marks on the balancer you should be good. Your car can't run if the timing is 180 off. That's how you know it really isn't. Steve
Fuel : Ethanol issues
- SS exhaust w/ manifold on '78 280?
Pipe diameter can make a huge difference in how the exhaust sounds. Tip length and diameter can be used to tune the sound. Even just a few inches worth like on a Z. As a general rule longer and smaller around is quieter. I've used the tip as a tuning device to eliminate resonance in several exhausts I have built. Steve- 240Z hatch repair panel
The price on the Aussie part was good mainly because of the exchange rate at the time which was about 1.5 AUD to 1 USD. It's about 1.15 AUD to 1 USD right now. I and another member bought one each so the shipping was a little less per unit also. The quality is good but the hole that the latch protrudes through is a little smaller than the one on my 72 so it's not an exact replacement for that year. I can't vouch for any other year. Steve- 240Z hatch repair panel
I got mine here for about $85 shipped. Of course the exchange rate was very favorable at the time. https://rsp-secure.com/rarespares/default.asp?car_type=34A&model=DATSUN%20240Z%20260Z- 240Z Brake Questions
No need to touch the rears. Separate circuits. Steve- 240Z Brake Questions
Could someone explain to me why the need to bleed rear brakes before fronts. Since the front and rear circuits are isolated from each other why would it matter? Steve- BRE Spoilers and Spooks are back
Try this spoiler on for size. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/1961_Ferrari_250_TR_61_Spyder_Fantuzzi_34_left_2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:1961_Ferrari_250_TR_61_Spyder_Fantuzzi_34_left_2.jpg&usg=__THX9AyouE-T6XkyVF2Nv5VQ74ig=&h=645&w=1242&sz=64&hl=en&start=3&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=G39n4t3zIOSAiM:&tbnh=78&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3D1961%2Bferrari%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26tbs%3Disch:1- OK so I took off all the smog stuff, Carb blowing out feul???
Did you cap the vents on the float bowls? You might want to undo that. Steve- OK so I took off all the smog stuff, Carb blowing out feul???
Did you remove the carbs or any fuel lines? If so you may have disturbed some dirt or whatever that is now holding the needle off the seat inside the float bowl. The removal of emissions equipment isn't the cause of your problem. Steve- 91-year-old puts 562,000 miles on same car
My father put over 500000 miles on a 77 dodge van. We put 2 engines in it, one wore out the other got hydro locked after driving in some deep water. He didn't have it for any 50 years though.We replaced the brakes 1 time during that 500K so you can tell the kind of driving he was doing. Steve- States' Emission Laws...
I guess I was being a little Indianapolis-centric. Steve- HELP! need to pass emissions by the 16th!
- HELP! need to pass emissions by the 16th!
- my z has a waddle
- States' Emission Laws...
Indiana, none at all. Steve- HELP! need to pass emissions by the 16th!
- HELP! need to pass emissions by the 16th!
What was your CO reading? CO is a direct indicator of mixture. Lower Co = leaner mixture. Too low and you will have a lean miss and high HC. Unburned fuel due to the miss. Too high and you'll get high HC. Too much fuel for complete combustion so the left over fuel goes out the pipe. The cat likes a relatively narrow range of mixture to perform correctly. Too lean or rich and it won't light. Steve- Carbon Fiber Z
I'll second that. Unless carbon fiber can be spot welded. http://pic90.picturetrail.com/VOL2373/13067878/23317799/389114549.jpg - SS exhaust w/ manifold on '78 280?
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