Everything posted by doradox
Body Panels From Down Under
Thanks for the info! I've looked around and so far have found this.. http://www.datsunstore.com/product_info.php/products_id/627 but $250 US is a little more than I'd like to spend. Banzai Motorworks ( http://www.zzxdatsun.com/) quoted me $250 even though their catalog has it listed for $110. I'll poke around a little more. Thanks again. Steve
Body Panels From Down Under
Anybody heard of this place? https://rsp-secure.com/rarespares/default.asp?car_type=34A&model=DATSUN%20240Z%20260Z Rear hatch panel for about $100 Australian. Exchange rate makes that about $65 USD plus shipping which probably isn't too cheap. Steve
How It Starts - Friends Think You're Crazy!!
Ok, well that's more like it. . I get a little perturbed when I hear folks say stuff like that and they actually believe it. I had a friend killed and two others seriously injured when they were "thrown clear" of their vehicle. The one passenger that managed to stay inside walked away. I work at a place that makes seatbelts among other things. We have a barrier crash test facility on our campus and I've been involved in a fair amount of crash testing. Most people just don't have a good understanding of the magnitude of the forces involved. The Z isn't the best shell you could be contained in but it sure beats non at all. Steve
How It Starts - Friends Think You're Crazy!!
You don't really believe that do you? Steve
Parts Store Fun
Commodore VIC-20 was my first. Steve
E88 head on ebay
Interesting. I've not heard of bronze seats. I always assumed they were steel or cast iron. Ya learn something new every day. Steve
E88 head on ebay
Did you mean valve GUIDES? Steve
Cylinders not working after su conversion
I think you can tell the difference between the power of a 6 cylinder engine vs. a 3 cylinder engine. Take it out and drive it. Steve
Cylinders not working after su conversion
Will it run on all 6 other than at idle? That's one lean carb, partially plugged up maybe. Won't run on all 6 at all. No fuel to the carb or something in the carb completely plugged up. Steve
Hood Emblem Fell Off!!
The 3M VHB ( very high bond) double sided tapes are very good. I've used them in some of the products I've designed. I tested one to hold a plastic relay housing on to a painted metal surface. Broke the relay trying to remove it. http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/VHB/Tapes/ Warm (room temp) surfaces and holding the parts together for 24 hours will help ensure maximum bond strength. Steve
- The coil isn't getting spark
The coil isn't getting spark
Or be the root cause of a miss at 4000 rpm for that matter, if you know what I mean. You are correct about the quote, I modified it a little for my own use. There's some disagreement about whether it's "'em" or "him" with him seeming to make more sense because of "He" but whatever. The quote is aimed mainly at those who consider us to be the Great Satan. Steve
- The coil isn't getting spark
- The coil isn't getting spark
Electric Car Progress
The power grid requirements aren't as big a problem as one might think. The power grid is already underutilized at night when most cars would be charging. Also it's unlikely that electric cars would become a big drain in a short time, allowing the electric companies time to upgrade as demand increased. Currently lead/acid batteries are almost comletely recycled now. No reason to believe the same model wouldn't be followed in the future for whatever battery technology is used for electric cars. One thing many don't consider.. how much is 100mpg worth to you? If one is buying 20 gallons a week @ $4 a gallon, going from 15 to 30 MPG saves $40 a week. So that is worth about $2000 a year. Not bad. However going from 30 MPG to 45 MPG only saves $14 a week or about $700 a year. From 45 to 60MPG only $6 a week/$300 a year. You can see where this is going. I get 30 MPG in my car now and there's no way I'm buying a Prius to get 45 MPG. One of the reasons a Prius gets good mileage is there are lots of little conventional tricks like (boring) low rolling resistance tires and it's (ugly)aerodynamic shape. I don't want that crap. My point is, who is going to be willing to accept the compromises to save what amounts to not much money. Going from 30 MPG to 100 MPG save $1400 a year in my example. So how much performance loss and inconvenience am I willing to accept to save $1400 a year. Not a whole lot. Steve
Electric Car Progress
How about a cool F1 car sound. www.tekzoned.com/instest/ Steve
Electric Car Progress
Well maybe that would work to some extent. The Greens would be screaming bloody murder but who cares. It wasn't really all that funny that the price skyrocketed into the 150 range as every producer was selling every drop they could pump regardless of how high the price went. The supply can't easely rise with demand. so why would you drop yor price? Two reasons, when we chanted drill baby drill the speculators got nervous and seeing the huge investments being made on alternatives did the same to speculators and producers alike. I predicted that as soon as we got serious or even hinted at getting serious about increasing supply the price would drop. If it were rumored that some guy had 20 pristine series one cars he was going to sell soon don't you think the price for a car currently for sale would drop. If I were buying I'd pull out of bidding until I saw what was coming. As to the second, history has shown time and again that when the solution to a problem is required and that solution can make you filthy rich people will be throwing resources at the problem like there is no tomorrow. At 150 a barrel that was the case, at 40 now not so much. The oil producers know that a replacement will destroy their livelihood and understand how the market works. Part of the "shortage" in the 70s was caused by goverment price controls after the embargo started. There was no price pressure to bring on new supply so we saw what price controls always bring, shortages. Steve
Removing the manifold need advice
I would suggest not using an EZ out. If the stud didn't come out of the head along with the rusted nut and instead broke, then it is usually too stuck to come out with an EZ out. Penetrating oil (as already suggested), tapping on the nut with a punch and hammer to help loosen (the vibration cause by repeated tapping helps the oil penetrate and break up rust) , and heating the nut. If you break a stud flush with the head bite the bullet and drill it out and put in a thread insert. It sounds like you already know what happens when the EZ out breaks. If the stud breaks above flush (enough to grab with vice grips)more oil, tapping (lots) and FLAT jawed vice grips. One more thing.....PATIENCE, and lots of it. Steve
Electric Car Progress
The problem I see is that the Arabs take all those petro dollars and buy into our companies. By the time the oil is gone they'll be able to sit back and watch us continue to work for them. We need to render the oil worthless before that happens. at 40 bucks a barrel there's not much incentive to do so though. Steve
Body Panel Indentification
They've got the indentation but it has some extra holes in that area. I can fill those easy enough. My main concern was where the panel wraps around the back of the car. It looks a little different than my '72, but if the basic shape is the same I can work with it. The parts car is too rusted to tell and my '72 had body work by the P.O. that makes it hard to trust as far as fit and panel lines and such. Thanks, Steve
Timing Indicator Plate Location
I assume you mean the notch is on the drivers side when the number 1 piston is at or close to TDC? If so that's where the plate needs to be. Steve
Ugly misfire
So first on the list you replaced the vacuum advance...... ....Or not? Steve
Battery cold cranking amp rating
The replies about good cables and fittings being important are really key to getting the starting performance you need. It won't matter how many cca you battery can deliver if the pipeline to the starter can't handle it. And with a set of small cables they begin to heat up quickly and increase in resistance which makes things even worse. When comparing two batteries with similar CCA ratings pick the one with the highest amp hour rating. That one will hold more charge and be capable of cranking for a longer time. The CCA rating is only a 30 second test.
New Club DVD!
Watermarks will be good but if the document can be printed someone will print and rescan and it'll be on ebay. No search functions of course and the watermarks will be all over it, but the unscrupulous don't care. What it boils down to is if the content can be viewed in any useful format it will be copied. Anything you do will only delay the inevitable and make it harder for the honest user to access the data. I see that you have a copyright exemption from Nissan for the documents, but can you copyright the format,search,index part of the project? That might give you some rights to be able to go after anyone trying to sell copies. Steve
Ugly misfire
Does the car miss at 4K regardless of throttle position or gear you are in? Make a run from 2K to 4.5K in each gear at half throttle and again atwide open throttle and note any differences. If so, probably not fuel related. Timing typically does not cause a misfire except in gross cases. How old is the engine? Specifically the valve springs. A weak spring can cause valve float which will cause problems directly related to engine speed. Steve